6th Grade AC Social Studies: Russian Revolution Web Quest IRA

Part A: Using the World Book Online link from Cobb Virtual Library, search “Russian Revolution”. Using the article, answer the questions below in complete sentences.

1. How did the government of Russia change in 1917?

2. When did the czar give up his throne?

3. What individual gained control after the czar gave up (abdicated) his throne?

4. Which individual and group ended up with final control on 1917?

5. Explain 3 reasons why Russian citizens were unhappy in the late 1800s and early 1900s, prior to Nicholas abdicating his throne.

6. Because the people were unhappy, 3 political organizations came to power in Russia. How were the 3 organizations (liberal constitutionalists, social revolutionaries, and Marxists) similar? Explain 2 ways.

7. How were the 3 organizations different?

8. How were the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks different?

9. Which of the two was most popular with the people?

10. Explain 2 events that caused the 1905 Revolution.

11.Why did Nicholas create the Duma?

12. Why was the Duma system not effective?

13. Why were the German soldiers able to dominate the Russian forces during WWI?

14. How did Rasputin play a role in Russia in the early 20th century?

15. What was the name of the treaty that Russia had to sign to get out of WWI?

16. How did the treaty negatively affect Russia?

17. What was the purpose of setting up the Red Army?

18. Who came to power after Lenin died?

19. In what year, did Russia cease to be Communist?

20. When did communism collapse in Eastern European countries?

Part B (Compare and Contrast): Choose 1 country, besides Russia, which has experienced a revolution. If you go to “wikipedia” and type in revolution, a list of revolutions throughout history will appear. Research your chosen revolution. In a Venn Diagram, explain 3 ways that the Russian Revolution and the other revolution are similar. Explain 5 ways that they are different.