Time Scale / Key Concept/Enquiry Question / Resources / Teaching and Learning ideas / Suggested Homework
One Lesson
One Lesson
Two Lessons
Two Lessons
Three Lessons
Three/Four Lessons
Two/Three Lessons
One/Two Lessons
Three/four lessons
Two/Three Lessons
Ten/Thirteen Lessons
Two Lessons
One Lesson
One Lesson / What is the information revolution
How are changes in technology affecting our lives
What do new technologies offer to geographical study
What is GIS? What equipment/skills are needed?
How is GIS used in everyday life? With what benefits and impacts? What are the societal and ethical issues that arise?
What GIS approaches and techniques are useful to geographers?
Handling and anlaysing data/presenting and communicating information.
What GIS approaches and techniques are useful to geographers?
Handling and anlaysing data/presenting and communicating information. Modelling and simulating situations.
What GIS approaches and techniques are useful to geographers?
Handling and anlaysing data/presenting and communicating information. Modelling and simulating situations.
What GIS approaches and techniques are useful to geographers?
Handling and anlaysing data/presenting and communicating information. Modelling and simulating situations.
What GIS approaches and techniques are useful to geographers?
Handling and anlaysing data/presenting and communicating information. Modelling and simulating situations.
What kinds of geographical problems and decisions can be solved using GIS? How Can I use GIS in a piece of fieldwork or research?
What are my views about the future uses of GIS on our lives?
What jobs and careers provide opportunities for using GIS
What education/training routes are open to me / Projector
RGS website
Video Honolulu
Google earth
Aegis 3
Aegis 3

Durham interactive map
Aegis 3
Aegis 3
Harrow GIS
Census data
Google maps
RGS website
??? / Movie: Welcome to the information revolution
Define the information revolution, discuss where it is going. Write a day in the life of a school child in the year 2057. Refer to: computers, communication, TV, transport, news and media, school and jobs.
Plenary: Is this good or bad? Paired debating
Globalisation: How is the world getting smaller. Images of tech products i.e. mobile phone, msn, satellites. How do each item affect them, how do they use that item, positive and negative consequences of each item
PPT-introduce GIS? GIS equipment?
John Snow. Plot deaths onto map of broad street area at given points. Pupils to identify geographical patterns and identify possible causes. Then add layers to show pumps. What do they notice now? Which pump was responsible? How is this info useful?
Pupils to research uses/ equipment etc to produce PPT files.
Starter: Google Earth. Show demo. Brainstorm possible uses of Google earth. Show Honolulu video Presentation: How is GIS used in everyday life. In groups, each group has a different sector/or marketplace activity.
Why are some people fearful of this change?
DME tasks on OS map GIS zone, pupils to work through examples, pupils to take screen shots as evidence
Use of shapefiles to present data. Aegis 3 examples on shared area. World devt data
DME task looking at population in London. They must interrogate database to find best locations for OAP home, primary school, secondary school and a new office block. Include mean age, age structures. Use the maps to justify their choices, write a report recommending locations for each.
Use of an existing database to choose possible business sites. Pupils find venues for business and print maps/images as evidence. Complete worksheet i.e. sq ft, modern, open space, windows, roads, towns etc
Estate agents. Three customers looking for new place to live i.e. dinky, young family, themselves. Role cards, use maps of different scale, use layers to find locations, zoom in to find suburbs/streets.
How to import maps, link to data tables insert photos etc. Pupils to practice skills needed for GIS assignment.
Preparations for fieldwork, collecting data. Using aegis 3 to present results and analyse data. Write up coursework in lessons
Thinking back to start, pupils to analyse future impacts of GIS. Newspaper report, peer assessment
Web enquiry???
Personal action plan for using GIS in the future / .

Created by N FORD u=uneven development, i= interdependence f=futures s=sustainability g=globalisation
