Proposal – Error! Reference source not found.

Proposal for

Dental Therapy in Minnesota


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Proposal – Dental Therapy in Minnesota project

I’d like to thank-you for giving me the opportunity to submit this proposal. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to give me a call at (651) 361-0457 or via e-mail at

Project Overview

We will be creating a new website that will provide information about Dental Therapy. The primary audience for this information is dental practices in Minnesota. This document will describewhat Pixel Pro can do and how much it will cost.

Site Goals

Educate dentists about Dental Therapists and their degree, services, and how they can fit into an existing dental practice.

User Experience

Graphic Design

Graphic design is imperative to the development of a cohesive experience. The goal of good graphic design is to communicate the message and meet the needs of the target audience by providing rich, useful content that is easy to navigate and engaging to the user. The user should feel comfortable exploring the site and quickly and easily find what they are looking for.


Branding is the cornerstone to the success of any graphic design. Leveraging corporate identity through the use of logos, colors, tag lines, images, etc., helps to set the tone for the user and promotes the branding values throughout the site.

Website title: Dental Therapy in Minnesota

Logo: no existing logo. One can be created for an additional fee.

Tag Line: none.

Address: not applicable

Phone:not applicable

Fax:not applicable

email: not applicable

Hours: not applicable

Domain name: not applicable (Pixel Pro will be delivering the source files—it is up to your organization to move them to the web server. Pixel Pro can assist for an additional fee.)

Look and Feel

The look and feel provides an inviting setting for the end user. By incorporating yourbrand standards, implementing intuitive navigation, and providing a visually organized approach to content, it will enhance the user’s experience.

Target Audience

The typical website visitor will be dentists practicing in Minnesota.

Technical Considerations

The site should work on all browsers roughly from 3 years ago and earlier. Specifically, IE8+, Safari 5+, Chrome 18+, Firefox 12+, iOS4.3+, Android 3+, and Opera 11.6+. Your site will likely work on other browsers including handheld devices, although I can not guarantee it due to the wide variety of internet devices. If you have a specific platform I should target, let me know.

The site will be designed to work on screens with 1024 x 768 pixels or more. Pixel Pro will attempt to get the site to work on cell phone-sized screens, but if it proves to be problematic, then that feature will be removed.

The site will employ Responsive Web Design principles; the content will be visible for everyone, but those with more advanced browsers or larger screens will have a more beautiful user experience.

Competitive Analysis

We will use this website as a model for the graphic design.



Once the bid is accepted, Pixel Pro will provide a mocked-up design (simply a picture)of the home page. We will work together to develop the final design, at which point, the site can then be built.

Branding Material

I will create a color scheme and standard typography. You will receive the original high-resolution images and vector art, plus fonts to install on your computers (if applicable).

Pages and Assets

Technical Structure

The site will be a standards-compliant HTML5 and CSS3 site.

Site Content


What follows is the complete list of pages (in no particular order) that will appear on the website.

  • Home page
  • Scope of practice for dental therapists
  • Education of dental therapists
  • Reimbursement for dental therapy services
  • Professional liability for dental therapy
  • Collaborative management agreements
  • Checklist for considering dental therapy in a practice
  • What dentists are saying about dental therapy
  • What therapists are saying about dental therapy practice
  • Spotlight on practicing dental therapists
  • Dental therapy background
  • Contact: display contact information???

Graphics and Photographs

As part of this project, your site will get custom graphics, colors, and appropriate typography. If applicable, you will own the rights to any custom photography or video.

Favicon.ico File

Most browsers will look for a small graphic icon file called “favicon.ico” on your website. If that file is found, it will display in the address bar. Your icon will be consistent with the branding of your organization and gives that extra hint of professionalism for you.

Search Engine Optimization

In an effort to rank your site as high as possible, the following activities will happen:

  • Create “meta robots” on applicable pages.
  • Create a sitemap.xml file.
  • Fix canonicalization problems (if the server allows) via 301-redirects.
  • Spell-check the site.
  • Check for broken and orphaned files.
  • Ensure page text is visible to search engines.
  • Ensure site has a relatively flat page hierarchy.
  • Every page has a good title, meta description, and alt text on images.
  • Convert <frames> to AJAX if applicable.
  • linkrel=“canonical”> is used for pages with parameters.

Change Control

It is the nature of business that requirements change. After you look at your completed website you may think of new features that you’d like added, or change the behavior of certain pages. I can certainly accommodate your needs. These types of changes will be documented and billed at the usual hourly rate. If you find any “bugs” or errors in your website within 90 days they will be corrected free-of-charge.

Cost and Timeline

Pricing Structure and Billing

This project will be completed on a “Fixed-bid” basis. Total cost is $1,200. If there are any enhancements outside of the scope (as expressed in this document), my hourly bill rate is $70/hour.You will receive an invoice when the project is done. You will receive the source code after Pixel Pro is paid in full.

Project Plan

The high-level tasks of this project are:

  • Develop the site structure and navigation techniques.
  • Make screen mock-ups
  • Create the individual graphic elements of the site such as the headers, footers, and other graphic interest
  • Create the clickable buttons and the rollover-state buttons
  • Program the navigation menus
  • Create page templates
  • Build out all of the pages in the site using the templates
  • Publish the site for internal review
  • Make changes as necessary

These tasks are completed in the order shown here. While there can be some overlap on certain tasks, generally one task needs to be completed before the next one can begin.

Once the proposal is accepted, the site will take about three weeks to complete.


1. You will write the page copy.

2. Youwill provide all the photographs/video.

If custom photography/video is needed, Pixel Pro can do that or I can refer photographers and videographers.

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