Meeting Agenda

AGA CEC Meeting

Date: Thursday, May 18, 2017

Time: 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Location: B413 | 614-701-4444 | Access Code: 426700 # | Chair PIN: 235689#

In attendance: Will Kays, Ben Thayer, Eric Gersper, Matt Little, Ayisha King, Cindy Shoe, Pat Jackson


President Updates:

1.) Thanks - Officer Induction Luncheon
2.) Officer Transition Update
3.) Baltimore SLM Recap (Matt and Will)
Membership table- points for this table
AGA video – show at luncheons
Membership for Professors – no cost
National Representatives – Bob nominated
Ethics Training
Roberts Rules of Order – in the bi-laws
Digital badge for CGFM
Advertise, CGFM is free to get and maintain
Sponsorship – AGA has 73 sponsors;
AGA National can help with contacts
4.) Budget Meeting week of 5/29-Budget meeting before May 31st
5.) Goals/Ideas for 2017-18 (will present during individual updates)
End of May; Growth and funding
6.) Director Responsibilities - Will to send out
7.) CEC Openings (Membership - 1, Programs - 1, Education - 2, CGFM - 1, Finance & Budget - 1, Communications - 1, Community Service - 1)Communications is getting big; Education is very important; each CEC member to reach out to someone to fill the positions; Pat will be co-chair for Communications
8. AGA National PDT Update – Registered ; DLA is sending Barb Bail; 2 Hotel Scholarships awarded
9. AGA Calendar Notes
- Plans due July 15
-CRP – Accomplishments can receive credits
10. Networking Presentation on 5/23 –to the year one LIMS-Matt; good for Early Career / Ben Thayer, President
Will Kays, President Elect
Committee Updates:
·  Finance & Budget– Matt Little/ Christina Hoffman
-The ODU audit team requested that LIDS explain the calculation of the funds received by AGA.
-Still trying to register with Amazon Smile – receive ½%
-Sponsorship emails have been initiated to Becker
- Kroger renewal
·  Chapter Historian – James Cox
·  Programs – Bob Palmieri
·  Membership – Matt Little/Ed Young -No update; renewal good; deadline May 31; March is membership month; table in café; Membership Appreciation – July
·  Early Career – Vacant; merge with Membership
·  Certification – Barb Bail/Bob Palmieri
-Other than the CGFM info being "published" several times in the DFAS Daily Announcement emails, I've seen at least twice. I've also sent and requested the elevator flyers be posted, but they haven't done that yet - I'll have to keep bugging them...
·  Education –Eric Gersper/Will Kays – Renewal August state; June 14th Webinar last; Eric update CPE database
·  Communications – Ed Cmar/Web Master – Pat Jackson - Website update; Agent for State of Ohio
·  Community Service –Edward Cmar/Ayisha King
-Crayon & Coloring Book Drive through June 10; elevator flyers; quarterly event
·  By Laws - Elizabeth Marsh-
-It's that time again -- the Bylaws are up for their annual review. Please review and get back to me by 5/26. Thanks!

Annual Bi-Laws renewal
·  Accountability – Cindy Shoe/ Lindsay Harris- no update
·  Scholarships - Scholarships winners notified
·  Treasury Report – Matt Little –
-Transition training
-Burn Rate: Low and slow
-overall down- 1% down last year
Budget – spent vs. budgeted; track profit
March 31, 2017 - $24,427.93 / Committee Directors /Co-Directors