(First drafted: April 2008; Updated: April 2011)

C4D Rapid Assessment Tool During Emergencies[1]

A UNICEF Checklist before Preparing a C4D Strategy for Emergencies

Toward Communicating with Affected Communities

I. Profile of the Affected Communities

1. Demographic Profile:

Block / village name

Total affected population…………. Male___ Female______Children Scheduled tribes, pls specify the tribes ______

Income p.m.: ______

Education: Illiterate____ Primary School______Senior School_____


Occupations: ______

Social Status: Religion/s______Caste______Tribes ______

Vulnerable groups: Disabled______Elderly ______Others

2. Behavioural Assessment:

1.  What are the critical physical, social, cultural community issues? In other words, what are the conditions in which people are living and how will it impact their behaviors? (e.g., the people are living in shelters (describe) so there is a lack of space and privacy for personal hygiene, especially for women; the people have been through a very traumatizing experience – many people lost their lives/their loved ones; people have been stranded for more than 2-3 days and are now just trying hard to find food/water; there has been a case of measles/cholera and one child has died etc…


2.  What are the current behaviours and social norms of the people most affected?

Keep the framework of the CCC as a reference – we are interested in behaviours – current knowledge of causes, beliefs and practices related to 1) health (spread of communicable diseases), 2) nutrition (what is available, what are children feeding on, are very young children being breastfed); 3) use of safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene practices, 4) what are families doing to protect their children from getting lost/trafficked etc, 5) recreation and education of children; 6) HIV/AIDS. (Fill in the KAP for each of the areas; use a table for different sectoral issues) ______

  1. Knowledge: ______


  1. Attitude and Beliefs: ______


  1. Practices: ______


3.  What are the barriers (socio-cultural, economic, political, environmental) in practicing key behaviours? (Prepare a table to illustrate key behaviours in Item 3 and desired response in Item 4)


  1. Socio-cultural:______
  2. Economic: ______
  3. Political: ______
  4. Environmental:______

4.  What are the desired/ recommended actions and practices expected from the people most affected based on Item 3 above?


II. Community Mobilization: Mapping and Capacity Assessment

5.  List the groups and media available at the community/district/state level for mobilization activities in affected areas (NGOs, Faith Based Organizations, Government Frontline Workers & Government department networks like teachers and others):

  1. Stakeholders:______
  2. Networks:______
  3. Partners:______
  4. Media: ______

6.  Identify potential animators and volunteers from the groups listed in Item 5 (Prepare Table for Items 5 and 6).

  1. Stakeholders:______
  2. Networks:______
  3. Partners:______
  4. Media: ______

7.  Training Needs Assessment of the Animators and Volunteers


IPC Skills training: Yes______Year _____ No______:

Emergency response: Yes______Year No______

Others (When, where last trained):______

Volunteers (Prepare Matrix):

IPC Skills training: Yes______Year __ No______

Emergency Response: Yes______Year No______

Others: ______

8.  Availability of training resources and materials



Available for training: Yes_____ Duration (No. of Days) No______

Trained in IPC Skills: Yes______No______


Available for training: Yes______No______

Trained in IPC Skills: Yes______No______

Resource Persons:


Available for training: Yes______No______

Trained in IPC Skills: Yes______No______


Available for training: Yes______No______

Trained in IPC Skills: Yes______No______

Training Material (Print-Flip books, charts; A/V materials, Modules):

Type: ______

Available for training: Yes______No______

Type: ______

Available for training: Yes______No______

Type: ______

Available for training: Yes______No______

III. Channels of Communication and Resource Analysis

Mass Media

9.  Television :

  1. List functionality of channels:

·  Public TV: Functional:______Not Functional:______

  1. Which channels:______

·  Cable & Satellite: Functional:______Not Functional:_____

  1. Which channels:

·  Local cable networks: Functional:_____ Not Functional:_____

  1. Most preferred by the communities:

·  Channels______

·  Programmes______

·  Time slots______

10.  Radio :

  1. List functional channels:

·  AIR: Functional:_____ Not Functional:_____

·  Vivdh Bharti/Primary Channels: Functional:_ Not Functional:_

·  Private FM: Functional:_____ Not Functional:_____

·  Community Radio: Functional:_____ Not Functional:_____

  1. Most preferred by the communities:

·  Channels______

·  Programmes______

·  Time slots______

11.  Print :

  1. List of Newspapers available in the affected areas :

·  Name: Language:

·  Name: Language:

·  Name: Language:

·  Name: Language:

  1. Most preferred Newspapers/Magazines by the communities:

·  Newspapers______

·  Magazines ______

·  Others______

12.  Information and Communications Technolog:

  1. Mobile phones:

·  Functional______Not Functional ______

·  Widely available ______Not widely available ______

13.  Outdoor options near/around affected site:

  1. Hoardings:

·  Functional:______Not Functional:______

·  Available:______Not Available______

  1. Walls for painting/writings:

·  Functional:______Not Functional:______

·  Available:______Not Available______

  1. Others (Banners/Kiosks):

·  Available:______Not Available______

14.  Outreach options for the affected site:

  1. Video Vans:

Directorate of Field Publicity:

·  Functional:______Not Functional:______

·  Available:______Not Available______

·  Number of functional & available Vans: ______

Others: (District Collectors Office, District Field Publicity Office, Private, NGO (Specify the source)

·  Functional:______Not Functional:______

·  Available:______Not Available______

·  Number of functional & available Vans: ______

  1. Miking:

Directorate of Field Publicity:

·  Functional:______Not Functional:______

·  Available:______Not Available______

·  Number of functional & available Rickshaws: ______

Others: (District Collectors Office, District Field Publicity Office, Private, NGOs (Specify the source)

·  Functional:______Not Functional:______

·  Available:______Not Available______

·  Number of functional & available Rickshaws: ______

  1. Street Theatre/Folk Media:

Directorate of Field Publicity, Song and Drama Division:

·  Functional:______Not Functional:______

·  Available:______Not Available______

·  Number of functional & available teams: ______

Others: (District Collectors Office, District Field Publicity Office, Private NGO (Specify the source)

·  Functional:______Not Functional:______

·  Available:______Not Available______

·  Number of functional & available teams: ______

NGOs can have a presence and can do this very effectively. Space needs to be provided to capture that… also the private sector.

15.  Availability of communication materials:

  1. TV PSAs:

·  Available:______Not Available______

·  Numbers______

·  Language______

·  Issue/behaviors covered Contextual or not

  1. Radio PSAs:

·  Available:______Not Available______

·  Numbers______

·  Language______

·  Issue/behaviour covered Contextual or not

  1. Film/Audio software:

·  Available:______Not Available______

·  Numbers______

·  Language______

·  Issue/behaviours covered Contextual or not

  1. Print Ads/Newspaper Advertorials:

·  Available:______Not Available______

·  Numbers______

·  Language______

·  Behaviours covered Contextual or not

  1. Hoarding/Wall Painting Designs:

·  Available:______Not Available______

·  Numbers______

·  Language______

·  Behaviours covered Contextual or not

  1. Wall writing messages:

·  Available:______Not Available______

·  Numbers______

·  Language______

·  Behaviours covered Contextual or not

  1. Street Play script/Folk Media scripts:

·  Available:______Not Available______

·  Numbers______

·  Language______

·  Behaviours covered

  1. Poster/s:

·  Available:______Not Available______

·  Type:______

·  Printed copies______

·  Language______

·  Behaviours covered Contextual or not

  1. Flyer/Leaflets/Pamphlets:

·  Available:______Not Available______

·  Type:______

·  Printed copies______

·  Language______

·  Behaviours covered Contextual or not

  1. Booklet/HandBook, e.g., Fact for Life in local language:

·  Available:______Not Available______

·  Type:______

·  Printed copies______

·  Language______

·  Behaviours covered Contextual or not

16.  System for distribution of Messages and Communication Materials (including warehouse assessment):

  1. From State level:
  2. From District level:
  3. From Block Level

Does the system appear adequate and reliable?

17.  Possibility to engage with the with telecommunications companies; local journalists; print and broadcast media for community awareness and engagement:


18.  Availability of funds for implementation of C4D activities including community mobilization and distribution of communication materials (if appropriate):



Communication for Development in Emergencies - Checklist for the Integrated Rapid Assessment (IRA)/070608-TS

[1] Prepared by UNICEF India C4D Team as part of outputs from a C4D in Emergencies Workshop, New Delhi, April 2008.