Stoke Minster CE (A) Primary SchoolReception Brochure | / 1
/ Stoke Minster CE (A) Primary School
Reception Brochure
Issue Date
A guide to our school
Stoke Minster CE (A) Primary SchoolReception Brochure | / 1


To offer a secure, stimulating and happy learning environment.

To help pupils develop lively and inquiring minds, the ability to question and argue rationally and to apply themselves to tasks and physical skills.

To help pupils acquire knowledge and skills relevant to adult life and employment in a fast changing world.

To encourage the growth of the child as an independent individual, by fostering their own academic, physical and aesthetic abilities, and their moral and spiritual development.

To help pupils appreciate and contribute to the community and environment in which they live and to respect other races, religions and ways of life.

To provide a broad, balanced curriculum that offers continuity and progression throughout the school.

To match the work and the available resources to the ability of the child, and to value each child for his/her own individuality.

Head teacher: Mrs L. Willis

Chair of Governors: Mr. G. Hutton

Age Range: 5 - 11 years

Total Pupils on Roll: 433

Status: Church of England (Aided) Primary School

Stoke Minster C.E. (A) Primary School

Boothen Old Road



The telephone number is: - (01782) 234800

Email address is

Web site address:

Stoke Minster C.E.(A) Primary School was opened in the year 2008 having formerly been Bishop Stamer C.E.(A) Primary School, following the amalgamation of St. Peter’s C.E.(A) Primary School and Mount Pleasant C.E. (A) Primary School in 2000. The school then took its name from a famous Rector of St. Peter’s Church who was a great benefactor founding schools and hospitals in the town. Three years later this new school amalgamated with Boothen C.E. (C) Primary School to offer a Christian education to an even wider area of Stoke.

Since the school became Stoke Minster C.E. (A) Primary School it emphasises its links with Stoke Minster Church, where the children go to worship and study throughout the year. We are one of only two schools serving Stoke town with most of its pupils living in the terraced housing in and around this urban setting. However, in keeping with our Church of England foundation we offer education to all children in the local area including those of other faiths and we celebrate our diversity.

We are a true community where everyone has a part to play and a contribution to make. Everyone is valued and our school is a place where we encourage respect for others and also self-respect. We are a learning community and we encourage and facilitate the learning of children, staff and parents who are part of our school.

All children are welcome here but we have high expectations of them and expect commitment from families bringing their children to us. By working together, we can make every child’s time at Stoke Minster a positive and powerful experience as they grow and learn in God’s world.

Stoke Minster C.E.(A) Primary School is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

Stoke Minster CE (A) Primary SchoolReception Brochure | / 1


Our Admissions Policy

Stoke Minster Church of England Aided Primary School welcomes children from all backgrounds, faiths and no faith. The Governors of the School are committed to developing an inclusive school that reflects the diversity of the local community. Admission to the school is not dependent on being a member of a particular faith community.

As well as being an inclusive neighbourhood school, as a Church school Stoke Minster has a distinctive ethos and character that reflects the teachings of Jesus Christ and Christian values. We ask all parents applying for a place here to respect this ethos and its importance to the school community. We hope that all children who come to the school will be able to participate (as appropriate) in the religious life of the school (including collective worship and religious education). This does not affect the right of parents who are not Christians to apply for a place. Indeed, through our commitment to inclusivity, we actively welcome families from other faiths and no faith.

The Governing Body is responsible for the admission of pupils to the School and admits 60 pupils to the reception each September. This admission limit has been agreed between the Governing Body and the Local Authority and applies to the year 2018.

The Governing Body is required to abide by the maximum limits for infant classes (5, 6 and 7 year olds), i.e., 30 pupils per class.

When there are more applications than there are places available, the governors will admit pupils according to the following criteria, applied in the following order of priority:

1.children who are in the care of a local authority, (looked after children) or provided with accommodation by them (Section 22 of the Children Act 1989) and children who were previously looked after but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship.

2.children who will have a sibling attending the school at the time of application and at the time of admission.

3.children who are themselves, or whose families are, faithful and regular worshippers at a Church of England parish church. Written evidence of the applicants' commitment to their place of worship (in the form of a clergy reference) will be required, using the Supplementary Information Form.

4.children who are themselves, or whose families are, faithful and regular worshippers of another Christian denomination (as recognised by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland and/or the Evangelical Alliance). Written evidence of the applicants' commitment to their place of worship (in the form of a minister’s reference) will be required, using the Supplementary Information Form.

5.children with known special medical or social needs. Written supporting evidence should be supplied, at the time of application, from a relevant professional, such as a doctor, social worker or educational psychologist.

6.children who are themselves, or whose families are, committed members of another religious faith. Written evidence will be required from the faith leader, using the Supplementary Information Form.

7.any remaining places will be given in order of the nearness of the home to the school, using a straight line distance measurement. (See below NOTES section (iii))


In the event that two or more applicants have equal right to a place under any of the above criteria, the Governing Body will apply the subsequent criteria, in order of priority, to these applicants.


(i)Applications on faith grounds

“Faithful and regular worshipper” is defined as worshipping at least twice a month for two years prior to application.

Parents applying for a place on faith grounds must complete the Supplementary Information Form (which can be obtained from the School). Please return this form direct to the School, signed by an appropriate faith leader.


“Sibling” refers to brother or sister, half brother or sister, adopted brother or sister, step brother or sister, or the child of the parent/carer’s partner where the child for whom the school place is sought is living in the same family unit at the same address as that sibling.


Distance will be measured by nearness of the home to the school as determined by a straight line measurement from the child’s home address point to the main single gate entrance of the school, using the Local Authority’s computerised measuring system with those living closer to the school receiving the higher priority.

(iv)Waiting Lists

Waiting lists will be held where in any year the school receives more applications for places than there are places available. The waiting list will operate throughout the academic year. It will be open to any parent to ask for his or her child’s name to be placed on the waiting list, following an unsuccessful application.

Children’s position on the waiting list will be determined solely in accordance with the oversubscription criteria set out above. Where places become vacant they will be allocated to children on the waiting list in accordance with the oversubscription criteria.


Parents who are not offered a place for their child have the right to appeal to an independent appeal panel. Parents wishing to appeal should obtain an appeal form from the School and return this. The form/letter should be sent to reach the Clerk to the Appeal panel, care of the School, within 14 days of the date of the letter confirming the governors’ decision not to offer a place. Should some appeals be unsuccessful, the governing body will not consider further applications from those parents within the same academic year unless there have been significant and material changes in their circumstances.

(vi)Multiple-birth applications

Where parent(s)/guardian(s) are seeking to place twins, triplets etc, they must submit separate applications for each child. When considering twins, triplets or larger number of siblings, which are the product of a multiple birth, the Local Authority will usually ask that we admit above the published admission number (PAN) where there are insufficient spaces for all siblings. If this is not possible the remaining place(s) will be offered to the sibling(s) in order of time of birth and the parent(s)/guardian(s) may decide either (a) they will accept the place(s) or (b) they will decline the place(s) which will be offered to the next person(s) in the allocation after the twins/triplets/multiple births. If the parent(s) or guardian(s) accept the place(s) for one or more twin/triplet/multiple birth then the unsuccessful sibling(s) will be considered as first priority on the waiting list, if a space becomes available and the parent(s) or guardian(s) confirm in writing that this is their wish when accepting the original place(s).


Reading Challenge

In school we have a weekly challenge for all children to read five times in a week. Whichever class gets the highest percentage gets the reading trophy.

Sports Trophy

We also have a sports trophy presented each week during our celebration assembly. The class which performs best during their Time 4 Sport session will receive the trophy for the week.


Our SPARKLE curriculum is at the heart of our

teachings within the school. We strongly encourage

our children to think about SPARKLE in all we do.


Perseverance and Resilience




Let’s communicate


Our school uses the sQuid payments system. This is a cashless system which allows parents to pay online for meals, snacks and school trips. For more information, please contact the office.

Daily Routine

  1. School Times
  2. Breakfast Club
  3. Snacks
  4. Water Bottles
  5. End of School Day
  6. Lateness

School Clothing

  1. Uniform
  2. PE Kit
  3. Swimming Kit

Children’s Health

  1. Administering Medicines
  2. Inhalers
  3. Illness in School
  4. Allergies
  5. Head Lice
  6. Common Diseases


  1. School Meals
  2. Packed Lunches
  3. Behaviour

Curriculum and Pupil Progress

  1. Statement of Philosophy
  2. The Curriculum
  3. Health and Sex Education
  4. Gifted and Talented
  5. Special Needs and Disabilities
  6. Behaviour and Discipline
  7. Bullying
  8. Collective Worship and Religious Education
  9. Extra-Curricular Activities
  10. Homework
  11. Pupil Safety

Parents and the School

  1. Appointments
  2. Documents
  3. Parent Helpers
  4. Parents and School Work
  5. Parental Responsibility


Staff List

Term Dates

Stoke Minster CE (A) Primary SchoolReception Brochure | / 1

Morning Session 9.05am – 12 noon

Afternoon Session 1.10pm – 3.05pm

Break Times

Children in Reception have outside activities throughout the day.

School Times
Year Group Start Time Finish Time
Nursery 9.10am 3.00pm
Reception 9.05am 3.05pm
Years 1 & 2(KS1) 9.00am 3.10pm
Years 3-6 (KS2) 9.00am 3.15pm

Start of School Day

Children should arrive at school 10 minutes before their start time but no earlier since there is no supervision on the yard beforehand. Doors will be open at 8.50 a.m. and children are welcomed in ready for a prompt start at 9.05a.m.

Breakfast Club

We offer a daily breakfast club from 8.15 to 8.50 a.m. for £1.00 per session, for pupils from Reception upwards. Arrival must be no later than 8.30 a.m.

We provide healthy breakfast options with toast, cereals, fruit, juice and milk.

Snacks at break times

In Reception, milk and fruit are provided, free of charge and cereal can be purchased for 75p per week. Please do not allow your child to bring sweets with them

Water Bottles

All children are advised to bring in a water bottle to keep hydrated however they should take them home regularly and thoroughly wash them.

End of School Day

All children must be collected from the Reception staff at the end of the day. If you are not able to collect your child, then the Reception staff will not let your child pass into anyone else’s hands but yours or a designated person. Please note an ADULT must collect children from Reception we will not hand over the care of your child to a sibling.

If, as a result of an emergency or there is a significant change, the School Office (Tel. 234800) should be informed before the finish of school. Parents who are likely to be delayed should also inform the school immediately. Teachers have many other commitments after school and pupils cannot be looked after regularly at the end of the school day. It cannot be assumed that staff are available to look after your children at the end of the school day.

Lateness for school

Pupils who arrive after the bell are deemed to be late. Should they arrive in class after the register has been taken, they will be marked late in the register.

The Education Welfare Officer, employed by the Local Authority, makes regular checks on our registers and may investigate regular lateness or unauthorised absences.

If your child is going to be late please contact the school office on 01782 234800. Regardless of the reason please call so we can inform the class teacher.

Meeting the Staff

In the Autumn term we hold a parents’ consultation evening when you are invited into school to see how your child has settled into the routine of his/her new class.

During the Spring term you will have the opportunity to come along to a Parents’ Evening to see how your child is progressing and address any concerns you may have.

In the Summer term you will receive an annual report of your child’s progress and there will be an opportunity to discuss any points raised. If you are concerned about your child at any other point please don’t hesitate to speak to Mrs Willis or the class teacher but please bear in mind that the teachers are teaching your children between 9.05am and 3.05pm so we would be grateful if you could make an appointment to see a member of staff outside these hours at a mutually convenient time. We believe that the interests of the child are best met if both parents and the school are working together in partnership.


Children love to celebrate birthdays with their friends at school however for safety reasons please do not send lollipops. A chocolate treat or cake is acceptable.

The Governor’s request that parents support the clothing policy of the school. Although it is not the policy of the Education Committee to make compulsory the wearing of uniform.

The school has adopted a simple school uniform which can be purchased from a local supplier.

Our local supplier for uniform is Smart Uniform, off Barracks Road, Newcastle, Staffs.

Free phone number 0800 068 1782 and their email address is .

It is essential that all clothes are clearly labelled with your child’s name.

School shoes are to be smart black shoes. Trainers are not to be worn by children during a school day.

Girls should not wear sling-back or high heeled shoes at any time nor should they wear open-toed sandals.

The wearing of jewellery is discouraged for safety reasons. No rings, necklaces or bracelets should be worn and only sleepers or studs may be worn in the ears. Ear-rings must be removed for all P.E., swimming and games lessons.

The school does not accept responsibility for any watches brought to school and advises pupils to leave all precious possessions at home.

We also stipulate that hair styles are kept simple, neat and in keeping with appropriate presentation at school. Dyed hair, extreme haircuts and styles are inappropriate for school and a ‘learning environment’. We recommend that these are reserved for the long summer holiday.

Outdoor Play

All children need to have a pair of Wellingtons (and if possible a plastic raincoat) for wet outdoor activities left at school.

All children must have a cap or sunhat available for sunny weather.

Children must not bring their own toys from home. The distress caused by any loss or damage can be very upsetting for children


Girls Dress

Navy blue, black or grey skirt or trousers (not jeans or leggings)

Navy blue cardigan or school sweatshirt

White blouse

In summer:

White short-sleeved polo shirt/navy, black or grey shorts