Behavior Specialist

Department of Exceptional Education

Supporting all school personnel in implementing positive behavior supports on a school-wide, classroom-wide, and an individual level.

Behavior specialists serve as consultants to all school personnel in the capacity of:

Coaching teachers and other school personnel in the development, implementation, and monitoring of individualized functional behavior assessments and behavior intervention plans. These plans seek to decrease a target behavior, provide function-based interventions, and teach the student a more appropriate replacement behavior.

Coaching teachers and other school personnel in the development, implementation, and monitoring of individualized safety plans.

Providing district-wide professional development in the areas of classroom management, individualized behavior interventions, functional behavior assessments, school climate, and others.

How schools can access a behavior specialist:

Cluster Support Team Contacts


Cluster / Assistant / Phone / Behavior Specialist
Antioch / Eva (Lynn) Ratliff / 641-5410
ext.1962 / Tammy Barnett

Cane Ridge / Bezu Abedi / 687-4000
ext. 819380 / Tammy Barnett

Glencliff / Cassandra Swinney / 333-5070
ext. 250 / Jessica Pfeifer

Hillsboro / Carol Henderson / 298-8400
ext. 2013 / Joey Lee

Hillwood / Vanessa Davis / 353-2025
ext. 807361 / Casey Bateman

Hunters Lane / Dianne U. Jordan / 859-8968
ext. 300 / Ingrid Rowland

Maplewood / Erika Peters / TBA / Stephen Williams

McGavock / Shawndra Sales / 885-8850
ext 812396 / Jessica Weisenbach

& Temple Crutchfield

Overton / Rachel Sherwood / TBA / Jessica Pfeifer

Pearl-Cohn / Kimberly Eggerson / 329-8170
ext. 729341 / Jessica Jones

Stratford / Donna Boyd / 242-6730
ext. 817370 / Ingrid Rowland

Whites Creek / Chelsey Griffith / 299-5188
ext. 600 / Stephen Williams

Team Responsibilities Throughout the FBA/BIP Process

Behavior Specialist

l  Conduct interviews with teacher(s), student, and parent (if possible)

l  Observe student in classroom

l  Draft initial intervention plan

l  Provide final version of plan to teacher after getting teacher input

l  Compile and graph data

l  Place a copy of the FBA and attached data in the student’s cumulative file

l  Assist with implementation by modeling the intervention for the teacher, coaching the teacher as needed, and providing instruction in intervention procedures to the student

l  Provide follow up as needed throughout various intervention phases

Teachers and School Personnel

l  Schedule support team or IEP meeting to begin behavioral support process

l  Complete referral and obtain parent signature

l  Collaborate with behavior specialist to complete information-gathering forms, define behaviors, and design intervention plan

l  Collect data on student performance

l  Implement plan throughout school settings

l  Provide feedback on and modify plan


l  Consent to behavior specialist services and, if necessary, FBA/BIP

l  Interview with behavior specialist

l  Attend meetings as necessary (Support Team, IEP, etc.)

l  Provide ongoing support of interventions at home

l  Support staff as we work to provide adjustments to improve student’s behavior


l  Interview with behavior specialist

l  Participate in intervention implementation

Implementation Policies

l  The services offered by the behavior specialist provide a team-based approach that is dependent on collaboration between the behavior specialist, administrators, teachers, student, and parents.

l  Either the behavior specialist or the teacher may agree to discontinue services if core components of the intervention are not implemented.

Tools of the Trade

l  Behavior Specialist Referral Form

All referrals must be made through the cluster support team. Referrals must be completed, signed by a parent, and a support team or IEP meeting must be scheduled.

Tools related to the functional behavior assessment (FBA) process:

l  Interviews (parent, student, teacher)

l  Information-gathering tools

§  Behavior rating scales (MAS, FAST)

§  ABC observations

§  Data collection forms

§  Teacher self-assessment checklist

§  Classroom Observation Checklist

l  Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA)/ Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)

Assist with development of plans that are implemented by teacher and school personnel

l  Safety Plan

l  Progress Reports

To be completed on a quarterly basis to teacher and parent

Professional Development Offered

Full Day (offered via ERO):

l  Overview and Awareness of Gangs

l  School Climate & Building Relationships

l  Management Strategies for Effective Teaching

l  Writing Effective Functional Behavior Assessments and Behavior Intervention Plans Part I: The FBA/BIP Forms and Process

l  Writing Effective Functional Behavior Assessments and Behavior Intervention Plans Part II: Data Collection Methods and Intervention Strategies

Presentations for schools (1-3 hours):

l  De-Escalation Strategies

l  Promoting a Positive School Climate

l  Management Strategies for Effective Teaching

l  Functional Behavior Assessments

o  Module I: FBA/BIP Forms and Procedures

o  Module II: Data Collection in the Classroom

l  Mental Health in Schools

l  The Support Team Process