Information on 266 Grand River Avenue
Note: Grand River Avenue was called West Mill Street
256-258 Grand River Ave – Plan
Btfd Pt Lot 32 Pt Lot 33 S Grand
River Ave – GLINK date for #256
is 1880
260 Grand River Ave – Plan 46
Pt Lot 32 S Grand River Ave
– vacant lot
264 Grand River Ave – Plan 46
Pt Lot 31 S Grand River Ave
- GLINK date 1855
- is now vacant lot to left of #266
- 1897-98 City Directory listing:
Mrs. Mary E. Webster
266 Grand River Ave – Plan 46 Pt Lot 31
S Grand River Ave - GLINK date 1880
- maps don’t show this area or buildings
in this area
- from building permit records can say
it pre-dates 1895
-1897-98 City Directory listings:
Mrs. Mary Slingsby at 266 West Mill St.
and Slingsby Mfg. Co. Ltd. Woolen Mills
at the rear of 266 West Mill St.
272 Grand River Ave – Plan 46 Pt Lot 30 S
Grand River Ave - GLINK date 1855
- maps don’t show this area or buildings
in this area
- from building permit records can say
it pre-dates 1895
-1897-98 City Directory listing: Daniel
Kitchen at 272 West Mill St.
Information from City Directories
Slingsby, Wm., woolen mfg., corner Richmond & William
1888 (Note: no address given for women or men non-owners)
Slingsby, Annie, weaver, Slingsby & Sons
Slingsby, John, h (house) Holmedale
Slingsby, Joseph, h (house) Holmedale
Slingsby, Madge, spooler
Slingsby, Mary, weaver
Slingsby, Wm. H (house) 24 William
Slingsby & Sons, Wm., Joseph & John, woolen mills, Holmedale
Slingsby, Bertha, winder, Slingsby Mfg. Co., bds (boards at) Joseph Slingsby
Slingsby, Jane (wid Wm.), l (lives at) 24 Richmond
Slingsby, John, mngr, Slingsby Mfg Co., h (house on) West (could be West Mill) nr (near) St. Pauls Ave
Slingsby, Joseph, asst mgr Slingsby Mfg Co., house West Mill nr. St Paul Ave
Slingsby, Lizzie, wks Slingsby Mfg Co., bds Joseph Slingsby
Slingsby Mfg. Co. Ltd., Frank Cockshutt Pres., Jos. Rudy Secr., John Slingsby Mgr., blanket manufacturers, West Mill near St. Pauls Ave
Slingsby, Bertha,weaver, Slingsby Mfg. Co., l (lives) ss West Mill 10 W cotton mill
Slingsby, Jane (wid. Wm.), h 24 Richmond
Slingsby, John, h south side West Mill 1 e of Morrell
Slingsby, Joseph, supt. Slingsby Mfg. Co., h ss West Mill 10 w cotton mill
Slingsby, Lizzie, finisher Slingsby Mfg Co.,, l ss West Mill 10 w cotton mill
Slingsby Mfg. Co. Ltd., Frank Cockshutt pres., Joseph Puddy Sec. Tres., Joseph Slingsby Supt., blanket mnfrs West Mill
Slingsby, Nellie, weaver, Slingsby Mfg Co., l ss West Mill 10 w cotton mill
Note: in 1897-1898 are no listings for 10 w of cotton mill could be, and only Slingsby is Mrs. Mary Slingsby at #266 which is east of the mill
266, Slingsby, Mrs. Mary
266 (rear), Slingsby Mnfg. Co. Ltd., Woolen mills
266, Slingsby, Mrs. Mary J.
266 (rear), Slingsby Mnfg. Co. Ltd., Woolen mills
Some History of Slingsby Mfg. Co. Woolen Mills
From: Bill Bowman’s transcription of Warner and Beers History of Brant County 1883 on GenWeb site.
“The Holmedale Woollen Mills were started in 1875 by Wm. Slingsby.
In 1877 the firm was changed to Wm. Slingsby & Sons.
This mill is run entirely upon one variety of goods, viz., blankets, of which three hundred and sixty pairs are produced per week, to accomplish which three thousand pounds of wool are required. There are employed twenty-two men and ten women. In 1876 the mill was destroyed by fire, and was rebuilt by the present firm in 1877.”
Re. Mary Slingsby
Part 23 of Marriages 1873 & 1874
Once again, this section starts with a list of bride's names, giving the corresponding groom's name. This is followed by the details of each marriage, arranged in alphabetical order by groom's name. For these entries the following format is followed - registration #, county, groom's name, age, occupation, his birth place, his residence, his parents' names; bride's name, age, her birthplace, her residence, her parents' names; witnesses, date & place of marriage.
KEY, Mary J. - see Slingsby
6275-74 ( Oxford Co) Joseph SLINGSBY, 22, miller, Dundas, Brantford, s/o William & Elizabeth, married Mary Jane KEY, 21, Richwood, same, d/o William & Mary Jane, witn: Arthur SHARPE of Toronto & Barbara KEY of Richwood, 4 Feb 1874 at Richwood.
from- Terry Wanamaker
have some information about Wm. Slingsby and his last wife Jane Thompson (Hipkins) if anyone is interested. Jane married Wm. after her husband Edward Hipkins died in 1875.