How does caffeine affect short-termmemory?

Permission slip

This lab is used to demonstrate the scientific method. As part of the activity some students will drink Mountain Dew soda, some will not. We will see if consuming the caffeine in the soda improves short-term memory. Please sign below to indicate that you understand the purpose of the lab and that you give your permission for your child to be in the group of “soda-drinkers”.

Please understand that if you prefer that your child not be in the group “soda-drinkers” they will still have an active role in the activity as the control group of “non-soda-drinkers”.

If you have any questions please contact me at

I give my permission for my child, (students name)______to drink the Mountain Dew soda as part of this activity.

Parent Signature ______Date ______


I prefer that my child, (students name)______not be in the group of students drinking the soda for this activity

Parent Signature ______Date ______

How does caffeine affect short-term memory?

(100 pts)

You will need to create a formal lab report due:______

Pre-Lab questions:(20pts)

These questions should be answered in the Introduction of your lab report

a)What are the effects of caffeine consumption (on humans)?

b)What is the caffeine content in common foods & beverages? Be sure to include information on Mountain Dew

c)How quickly does caffeine absorb into the bloodstream?

d)What effects does caffeine have on memory? (A minimum of 2 sources required to answer this question)


After some preliminary research you need to develop a hypothesis.

  • Use an “if/then” statement
  • It needs to be testable.
  • It needs to be very specific.
  • General  If caffeine is consumed then short-term memory will improve.
  • Specific  If 55mg of caffeine is consumed then short-term memory will improve by 60%.

Materials and Methods (Procedure)(10pts)

We will develop the specific procedure as a class using Mountain Dew and an online memory test

For this lab be sure to clearly identify the following: (2pts each)

a)Control and experimental groups

b)Independent variable

c)Dependant variable

Results (Data)(20pts)

Will be generated and discussed in class


a)Was your hypothesis supported or rejected? Explain fully.

b)How can this information be applied to real-life situations?

c)Discuss possible flaws with the experimental design and how it could be improved.

References (5pts)

List, alphabetically, all of your sources in APA format.

Layout/Neatness (5 pts)

Spelling Grammar (5pts)

How does caffeine affect short-term memory?

(100 pts)

Pre-Lab questions:

These questions should be answered in the Introduction of your lab report

a)What are the effects of caffeine consumption (on humans)?

b)What is the caffeine content in common foods & beverages? Be sure to include information on Mountain Dew

c)How quickly does caffeine absorb into the bloodstream?

d)What effects does caffeine have on memory? (A minimum of 2 sources required to answer this question)


After some preliminary research you need to develop a hypothesis.

  • Use an “if/then” statement
  • It needs to be testable.
  • It needs to be very specific.
  • General  If caffeine is consumed then short-term memory will improve.
  • Specific  If 55mg of caffeine is consumed then short-term memory will improve by 60%.

Materials and Methods (Procedure) .

1. If you are a non-caffine tester Drink half a cup of water and wait 10 min.

2. If you are a caffine tester Drink half a cup of Mountain dew and wait 10 min

Complete the Simon test 3 times

Record your average score on the class data table.

For this lab be sure to clearly identify the following:

e)Independent variable

f)Dependant variable

g)Why did we have some people drink water?

Results (Data)

Copy from the board


h)Was your hypothesis supported or rejected? Explain..

i)How can this information be applied to real-life situations?

j)Discuss possible flaws with the experimental design and how it could be improved.


List, alphabetically, all of your sources