Curriculum Little Ladybirds (2-3 years)
- Personal, social and emotional development
Children will:
- Begin to demonstrate increasing independence
- play alone, but near other children
- begin to cooperate, share or take turns
- imitate behavior of others, especially adults and older children
- begin to respect others’ feelings and concerns
- begin to identify their emotions and feelings
- learn to express emotions and feelings
- be increasingly aware of oneself as separate from
- contribute to a small group effort when being prompted
- Communication, language and literacy
Children will be able to:
- follow simple instructions in English
- use simple words, phrases and greetings in English
- begin to form two to four word sentences in English
- point to objects when named in English
- identify body parts and label objects in their familiar environment
- answer simple questions in English
- understand concept of color and correctly name some colors
- Understand the concept of counting and may know a few numbers
- Listen attentively to short and simple stories
- Knowledge and Understanding of Environment/ World
Children will:
- Learn about the world through observation, reading stories and pictures
- Explore how things work
- Arts, Creativity and Music
Children will be able to:
- explore colors, textures, shapes, form and space and 2 and 3 dimensions
- experiment with sound and how it can be changed
- sing favorite songs from memory
- get familiar with some music instruments and follow simple beats and sound patterns
- match movement to music
- begin to develop imaginative skills in art, music, dance, drama, role play and stories
- respond in a variety of ways to what they see, hear, smell, touch, taste and feel
- use a wide variety of tools, modeling clay and various boxes, tubes and other containing to create 3D models
- begin creating with a specific intention
- Math Learning Objectives
This area of development includes counting, sorting, matching, number recognition and recording and the creation of mathematical patterns. It also involves an understanding of number, shape, space and measures.
Children will be able to:
- count objects from 1 to 10
- recite numbers in order
- join in counting and number rhymes and games
- begin to comprehend of the natural or logical arrangement of a sequence
- Physical Development
The program gives children the best opportunities to develop effectively their physical skills, builds children’s confidence to take manageable risks in their play, motivates children to develop their physical skills through praise, encouragement, games and guidance, supports children’s understanding of how exercise, eating, sleeping and hygiene promote good health.
Children will be able to:
Gross Motor Skills:
- stand on tiptoe
- walk up and down stairs holding onto support
- kick a ball forward
- jump, balance on one leg, crawl, roll and climb
- slide by themselves, ride a tricycle, dig in the sand
- develop hand-eye coordination
- develop awareness of space
- alternate feet when climbing stairs
- begin to dress and undress
Fine Motor Skills:
- undo buttons
- use fork and spoon
- manipulate clay, play-dough;
- finger paint
- scribble spontaneously
- build tower of four blocks and more
- begin to use scissors
- learn to use the potty or toilet
- learn hygienic habits like washing hands before meals and after going to the toilet
The Little Lady Birds daily routines and activities include:
Circle time when we read stories, learn about ourselves and the world around us, look at pictures, discuss different subjects, do finger plays, sing songs, read simple stories, etc.
Music time when we sing songs and listen to music
Craft time when we make different art and craft projects using a variety of materials and techniques
Physical Educationwhen we do yoga, gymnastics and play games to develop our large motor skills and coordination.
Free playing time (indoor and outdoor)
36, Vaklinets Street, Sofia 1415 / Tel. +359 2 9673112 / Mob. +359879 403677 / /