Armed Forces Education 5

Art, dance, drama and music 5

Boarding 6

Careers 6

Childcare, nursery and pre-school 7

Curriculum and exams 8

Departments of education 13

Educational associations 14

Educational resources 16

Educational terms 17

Further and higher education 21

Giftedness 22

Internet and computers 22

Language training 22

Media 24

Montessori 24

National and regional school associations 24

Qualifications, etc 26

Religion 28

School name 29

Science 30

Special needs and medical 30

Sports and activities 37

Staff and teachers 39

Types of schools and colleges 40

AWCEBD Association for Workers for Children with Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, later SEBDA
BAISC British Association of International Study Centres
BBCi School resources
BC British Council
BERA British Educational Research Association
BESA British Educational Suppliers Association
BYC British Youth Council
CAB Citizens Advice Bureau
CBEVE Central Bureau for Educational Visits and Exchanges
CEFM Centre for Education and Financial Management
CEIC Centre for the Study of Education in an International Context
CELSI Centre for Education Leadership and School Improvement
CEM Centre for Education Management, later CEFM
CERI Centre for Educational Research and Innovation
CES Centre for Educational Sociology
CLC Children's Legal Centre
COPE Community Opportunities for Participation in Enterprise
COSLA Convention of Scottish Local Authorities
CRB Criminal Records Bureau
CSED Commonwealth Secretariat Education Department
CSIE Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education
CYEC Commonwealth Youth Exchange Council
Dyscovery Centre Assessment service for children with Dyspraxia, Aspergers Syndrome, ADHD and Dyslexia
EAT European Association of Teachers/Association Européenne des Enseignants
EBST Educational Broadcasting Services Trust
ECA Educational Centres Association
EGAS Educational Grants Advisory Service
EIS Educational Institute of Scotland
ELA/ELAS Education Law Association
EMIE Education Management Information Exchange
EPIC Education Policy Information Service
ERA Educational Reform Act, UK
ESU English-Speaking Union of the Commonwealth
ESU English-Speaking Union Secondary School Exchange Scholarships
EWS Education Welfare Service
FIYTO Federation of International Youth Travel Organisations
French curriculum
GA Geographical Association
GBEW Girls' Brigade England and Wales
GPDST Girls' Public Day School Trust, later GDST
HEADLAMP Headteachers' Leadership and Management Programmes
HEAS Home Educator's Advisory Service
HMCI Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Schools in England
HMI Her Majesty's Inspectorate/Inspector
HMIE Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Education in Scotland
Host country curriculum/exams
Host country School is accredited by the national government
IAIE International Association for Intercultural Education
ICCE International Council for Correspondence Education, later ICDE
IEA Independent External Adjudicator
INPP Institute for Neuro Physiological Psychology
International curriculum
ISAC International Schools Activities Conference
ISEIC International School Effectiveness and Improvement Centre
ISI Independent Schools Inspectorate
Japanese curriculum
JET Japan Exchange and Teaching Programme
JET Joint Educational Trust
Jordan curriculum
KCM Kids Clubs Network, later 4Children
LEAWARDS Local Education Authority Awards System
LIDS London Independent Day Schools
MACE Metropolitan Architectural Consortium for Education
MANCAT Manchester College of Arts and Technology
MBIM Member of the British Institute of Management
MCC Mount Camphill Community
MCIM Member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing
MHCIMA Member of the Hotel Catering and Institutional Management Association, later Institute of Hospitality
MIInfSc Member of the Institute of Information Sciences
MIL Member of the Institute of Linguists
MIMgt Member of the Institute of Management
MInstD Member of the Institute of Directors
MIPD Member of the Institute of Personnel Development
MIS Management Information System
NACETT National Advisory Council for Education and Training Targets
NACYS National Advisory Council for Youth Services
NAIRC National Association of Independent Resources for Children, later ICHA
NALRET National Association for Learning Resources and Educational Technology
NAPCE National Association for Pastoral Care in Education
NCEA National Co-operative Education Association
NCMTT National Council for Mother Tongue Teaching
NCOPF National Council for One Parent Families
NCPTA National Confederation of Parent Teacher Associations,
NCSL National College for School Leadership
NCVYS National Council for Voluntary Youth Services
NETT National Education and Training Targets
New Zealand curriculum
NFER National Foundation for Educational Research
NGFL National Grid for Learning
NPA National Portage Association home visiting education service
NPP National Partnership Protocol
NPPN National Parent Partnership Network
NPTC National Proficiency Test Council
NRA National Record of Achievement
NROVA National Record of Vocational Achievement
NSSF National Small Schools Forum
NST National SchoolTransfer
NTOs National Training Organisations
NUS National Union of Students
NVYOs National Voluntary Youth Organisations
NYA National Youth Agency
OCN Open College Network
Ofsted Office for Standards in Education
OLC Open Learning Centre
ONS Office for National Statistics, UK
PACE Parental Alliance for Choice in Education
PEEP Peers in Early Education Project
PFI Private Finance Initiative
PIN Parents Information Network
PPP Public Private Partnership, later PFI
PPS Parent Partnership Service
PTC Principals' Training Center for International School Leadership
RI Registered Inspector
School’s own curriculum
SEC Society of Education Consultants
SELB Southern Education and Library Board, Northern Ireland
SLA School Library Association
SLS School Library Service
Spanish curriculum
SSAT Specialist Schools and Academies Trust
SSERC Scottish Schools Equipment Research Centre
SSLA Scottish Support for Learning Association
SSLSU Secondary School Learning Support Unit
TCD United Kingdom Council for Overseas Student Affairs
TES Trinity College, Dublin
Together Trust Formerly BGWS, Boys' and Girls' Welfare Society
VET Vocational Qualifications in Science Engineering and Technology
VQSET Voluntary Service Overseas
VRH Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
VSO Volunteer Reading Help
WCLS World Confederation of Organisations of the Teaching Profession
WCOTP World Youth and Student Travel Conference
WEA World Class Learning Schools and Systems
WISC III Workers' Educational Association
WYSTC Young Enterprise
YE Youth Offending Team
YOT Youth Service Unit

Armed Forces Education

AFF Army Families Association, UK
CEAS Children's Education Advisory Service, UK, formerly SCE and SCEA
SCE Service Children's Education, UK, later CEAS
SCEA Service Children's Education Authority, UK, later CEAS
SSAFA Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association

Art, dance, drama and music

AAGB Agents' Association Great Britain
Arts Council of England
Arts Council of Wales
Artsmark Awards to schools that are committed the full range of arts
Benslow Music Trust
CDET Council for Dance Education and Training
CertMus Certificate of Music
CSA Choir Schools Association
ENO Baylis At English National Opera
GGSM Graduate of the Guildhall School of Music
GLCM Graduate of the London College of Music
GRSM Graduate of the Royal Schools of Music
GSMD Guildhall School of Music and Drama
IKS International Kodaly Society
INSEA International Society for Education through Art
ISM Incorporated Society of Musicians
ISME International Society for Music Education
ISTD Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing
LAMDA London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art
LGSM Licentiate of the Guildhall School of Music
LLCM Licentiate of the London College of Music
LRAM Licentiate of the Royal Academy of Music
LTCL Licentiate of Trinity College of Music, London
MMA Music Masters' and Mistresses' Association
MMus Master of Music
NADFAS National Association of Decorative and Fine Arts Societies
NADT National Association of Drama Teachers
NAMDS National Association of Music and Dance Schools
NAME National Association of Music Educators
NAYO National Association of Youth Orchestras
NFAE National Foundation for Arts Education
NSBA National School Band Association
NSEAD National Society for Education in Art and Design
NYO National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain
NYT National Youth Theatre of Great Britain
RAD Royal Academy of Dance
RADA Royal Academy of Dramatic Art
RAM Royal Academy of Music
Schools' Music Association of Great Britain


BABSSCo British Association of Boarding School Short Courses
BSA Boarding Schools Allowance in HM Forces
BSA Boarding Schools' Association
isbi independent special boarding and international schools
SBSA State Boarding Schools' Association, formerly STABIS
STABIS State Boarding Information Service, later SBSA
TABS The Association of Boarding Schools


AASA Architectural Association, School of Architecture
BCS British Cartographic Society
BUFVC British Universities Film and Video Council
CEng Chartered Engineer
CILIP Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
CIM Chartered Institute of Marketing
College of Optometrists
CPhys Chartered Physicist
CPsychol Chartered Psychologist
CRAC Careers Research and Advisory Centre
IoL Chartered Institute of Linguists
NICEC National Institute for Careers Education and Counselling
RCVS Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons
SAMB Scottish Association of Master Bakers
Society of Indexers

Childcare, nursery and pre-school

ANTC Association of Nursery Training Colleges
ASPE Association for the Study of Primary Education
BAECE British Association for Early Childhood Education
Daycare Trust The National Childcare Campaign
Early Education
EEC Early Excellence Centre
ELGs Early Learning Goals
EY Early Years
EYCG Early Years Curriculum Group
EYDCP Early Years Development and Childcare Partnerships
EYDP Early Years Development Plan
EYE Early Years Educator
EYSPI Early Years Starting Points Indicators
EYU Early Years Unit
NAMCW National Association for Maternal and Child Welfare
NCMA National Childminding Association
NCNE National Campaign for Nursery Education
NCT National Childbirth Trust
NCVCCO National Council of Voluntary Childcare Organisations
NDNA National Day Nurseries Association
NEIS Nursery Education Inspection Service
NNEB National Nursery Examinations Board
NPDNA National Private Day Nurseries Association
OSCI Out of School Childcare Initiative
PPA Pre-School Playgroups Association
PSLA Pre-School Learning Alliance
WPPA Wales Pre-School Playgroups Association

Curriculum and exams

A Level General Certificate of Education Advanced Level
ABE ABE Business Management Certificate
ABRSM Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music
ACCAC Awdurdod Cwricwlwm ac Asesu Cymru, Curriculum and Assessment Authority for Wales, later DELLS
ACertTESOL Advanced Certificate in TESOL
ACT American College Testing
ACTP American College Testing Program
ADLTM Advanced Diploma in English Language Teaching Management, from UCLES
AEB Associated Examining Board, later part of AQA
AHSD Adult High School Diploma
AICE Advanced International Certificate of Education
ALIS A-Level Information System
ALIS+ A-Level Information System plus GNVQs
ALL Accreditation for Life and Living
AM/MA Master of Arts. University degree
AP Advanced Placement examinations, USA
AP Advanced Placement examinations, USA
AQA Assessment and Qualifications Alliance
AS Level Advanced Supplementary Level examinations
ASDAN Award Scheme Development and Accreditation Network
ASDAN Award Scheme Development and Accreditation Network, programmes recognised by the DCFS in the UK
BA Bachelor of Arts
BComm/BCom Bachelor of Commerce
BD Bachelor of Divinity
BEC Business Education Council, later part of Edexcel
BEC Business English Certificate, from Cambridge ESOL
BEcon Bachelor of Economics
BEd/B Ed Bachelor of Education
BEng Bachelor of Engineering
BLit Bachelor of Literature
BLTS Business Language Testing Service, from Cambridge ESOL
BMus Bachelor of Music
BSc Bachelor of Science
BTEC Business and Technology Education Council, later part of Edexcel
C&G City & Guilds
C&G City and Guilds
CACHE Council for Awards in Children's Care and Education, formerly NNEB
CAE Certificate in Advanced English, from Cambridge ESOL
Cambridge ESOL
Canadian curriculum
CBSE Central Board of Secondary Education, India
CBSE Central Board of Secondary Education, India
CCEA Northern Ireland Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment
CCSE Certificates in Communicative Skills in English, from Cambridge ESOL
CCTA City College for the Technology of the Arts
CEE Certificate of Extended Education
CEE Common Entrance Examination
CEELT I/II Certificate in English for English Language Teachers, Levels I and II
CEIBT Certificate in English for International Business and Trade
CELTA Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults, from Cambridge ESOL
CELTYL Certificate in English Language Teaching to Young Learners, from Cambridge ESOL
CEREQ Centre d'Etudes et de Recherche sur les Qualifications
Cert Ed/CertEd Certificate of Education
CertEdPsy Certificate of Educational Psychology
CertTEB Certificate in Teaching English for Business
CertTEfIC Specialist Certificate in Teaching English for Industry and Commerce
CGLI/C&G City and Guilds of London Institute
CIE Cambridge International Examinations
CIT Cambridge Certificate in Information Technology
CLANSA Certificate for Literacy and Numeracy Support Assistants
CNAA Council for National Academic Awards
CNED Centre national d'enseignement à distance
COEA Certificate of Educational Achievement
Colombian Bachillerato
COTE Certificate for Overseas Teachers of English, from Cambridge ESOL
CPE Certificate in Physical Education
CPE Certificate of Proficiency in English
CPE Certificate of Proficiency in English, from Cambridge ESOL
CPVE Certificate of Pre-Vocational Education
CSYS/SYS Certificate of Sixth-Year Studies
CTEFLA Certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Adults, later CELTA
DSD Deutsches Sprachdiplom der KMK
Dutch curriculum
Early Childhood Studies diploma
EB European Baccalaureate
EB European Baccalaureate
ECDL European Computer Driving Licence
EdB Bachelor of Education
Edexcel Foundation Combining London Examinations, ULEAC and BTEC
Edexcel International
EdM/MEd Master of Education
EFB English for Business, from LCCIEB
EFC English for Commerce, from LCCIEB
EFTI English for the Tourism Industry, from LCCIEB
ELSA English Language Skills Assessment, from LCCIEB
EMREB East Midland Regional Examinations Board, later part of OCR
ERB Educational Records Bureau
ERB Educational Records Bureau
FB French Baccalaureat
FCE Cambridge First Certificate in English
FCE First Certificate in English, from UCLES
FIRST Association of British Language Schools
French Baccalaureate
FTBE Foundation Certificate for Teachers of Business English
GCE General Certificate of Education, UK
GCSE General Certificate of Secondary Education
German curriculum
GNVQ General National Vocational Qualification, UK
GSVQ General Scottish Vocational Qualifications
HDipEd/HDE Higher Diploma in Education
H-Grade/SH Scottish Highers
HIGCSE Higher International General Certificate of Secondary Education
HLTA Higher Level Teaching Assistant
HNC Higher National Certificate, from BTEC
HND Higher National Diploma, from BTEC
Hons Honours Degree
HSC Higher School Certificate
HSC Higher School Certificate, Australia
HSD Higher School Diploma
IB DP International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme
IB International Baccalaureate
IB International Baccalaureate
IB MYP International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme
IB PYP International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme
IBO International Baccalaureate Organisation, formerly International Baccalaureate Office
IBO World School International Baccalaureate Accredition System
IBSCA International Baccalaureate Schools and Colleges Association of the UK and Ireland
ICCE International Certificate of Christian Education
ICDE International Council for Distance Education, formerly ICCE
ICE International Certificate of Education
ICM Institute of Commercial Management
ICSC International Christian Schools Certificate, formerly NCSC
ICSE Indian Certificate of Secondary Education
ICSE Indian School Certificate Examinations
IDLTM International Diploma in English Language Teaching Management
IELTS International English Language Testing System
IFS Institute of Financial Services
IGCSE International General Certificate of Secondary Education
IJC Irish Junior Certificate
ILC Irish Leaving Certificate
IPC International Primary Curriculum
ISA International Schools Association
ISEB Independent Schools Examinations Board
ITBS Iowa Test of Basic Skills
ITP Iowa Testing Program
JCGQ Joint Council for General Qualifications, later JCQ
JCQ Joint Council for Qualifications, formerly JCGQ
JEB Joint Examining Board
JET Junior English Tests, from AQA
JMB Joint Managerial Body
KET Key English Test, from UCLES
KS UK National Curriculum Key Stage 1, 2 etc
L ès lettres/LèsL Licencié ès Lettres, French Bachelor of Arts
L ès sciences/LèsS Licencié ès Sciences, French Bachelor of Science
LCCI/LCCIEB London Chamber of Commerce and Industry Examinations Board
LEAG London East Anglia Group, later part of Edexcel
LLB Bachelor of Laws
LRPS Licentiate of Royal Photographic Society
LSDA Learning and Skills Development Agency, formerly FEDA
LTh Licentiate in Theology
M ès Lettres/MèsL Maitre ès Lettres
MBA Master of Business Administration
MEB Midlands Examinations Board, later part of OCR
MEd Psych Master of Education, Psychology
MEG Midland Examining Group, later part of OCR
MLing Master of Linguistics
MLitt Magister Litterarum/Master of Letters
MPhil Master of Philosophy
MSc Master of Science
NC National Curriculum for England and Wales
NCER National Consortium for Examination Results
NCFE National Council for Further Education
NCT National Curriculum Test
NCVQ National Council for Vocational Qualifications, later part of QCA
ND National Diploma, from BTEC
NEA Northern Examining Association, later part of AQA
NEAB Northern Examinations and Assessment Board, later part of AQA
NICCEA Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment, Northern Ireland
NQF National Qualifications Framework
NVQ National Vocational Qualification
OCEAC Oxford and Cambridge Examinations and Assessment Council, later part of OCR
OCR Oxford, Cambridge and RSA Examinations
OCSEB Oxford and Cambridge Schools Examination Board, later part of OCR
OIB Option Internationale du Baccalauréat Français
OIBEC Oxford International Business English Certificate
ONC Ordinary National Certificate
OND Ordinary National Diploma
Ontario Curriculum Grade 12 curriculum
OUVS Open University Validation Services, includes the former CNAA
PBE Practical Business English, from LCCIEB
PEI Pitman Examinations Institute
PET Preliminary English Test, from Cambridge ESOL
PG Cert Postgraduate Certificate
PG Dip Postgraduate Diploma
PGCE Postgraduate Certificate of Education
PGDE Postgraduate Diploma of Education
Pitman Qualifications
PSAT Preliminary Scholastic Assessment Test
QCA Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, formerly NCVQ and SCAA
RSA Royal Society of Arts Examinations Board, later part of OCR
SATs Originally Scholastic Achievement Test, then Scholastic Aptitude Tests, then Scholastic Assessment Test, later simply SATs, USA
SATs, UK Standard Assessment Tasks/Standardised Attainment Tests, UK
SATs, USA Stanford Achievement Tests, USA
SC School Certificate, Australia
SCAA School Curriculum and Assessment Authority, later part of QCA
SCCC Scottish Consultative Council on the Curriculum
SCE Scottish Certificate of Education
ScotVEC/Scotvec Scottish Vocational Education Council
SEB Scottish Examination Board, later SVQ
SEC Secondary Examinations Council, later National Curriculum Council
SEFIC Spoken English for Industry and Commerce, from LCCIEB
SEG Southern Examining Group, part of AQA
SEGB Southern Examining Group Board, later part of AQA
SEREB South East Regional Examinations Board, later part of AQA
SET Senior English Tests, from AQA
SNVQ Scottish National Vocational Qualification
SQA Scottish Qualifications Authority, formerly SVEC and SEB
SREB Southern Regional Examinations Board, later part of AQA
SUJB Southern Universities Joint Board, later part of AQA
SVEC Scottish Vocational Education Council, later SQA
SVQ Scottish Vocational Qualification
SWEB South Western Examinations Board, later part of AQA
TEC Technical Education Council, later part of Edexcel
TOEFL Test of English as a Foreign Language
Trident Trident Trust
Turkish curriculum
UCLES University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate, later part of OCR
ULEAC University of London Examinations and Assessment Council, later part of Edexcel
UODLE University of Oxford Delegacy of Local Examinations, later part of OCR
VCE Victorian Certificate of Education
VET Vocational Education and Training, Victoria, Australia
WJEC Welsh Joint Education Committee/Cyd-Bwyllgor Addysg Cymru
WME West Midlands Examinations, later part of OCR

Departments of education