The annual meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Village Hall, Sutton Courtenay on Tuesday 7th May, 2013 at 7.30 p.m.

Present: Councillors: M. Jenkins (Chairman), Mrs. R. Atkinson, Mr. D. Butler,

C. Campbell, Ms. T. Field, W. Hanks, D. Hignell, Mrs. H. Knight, R. Mead,

C. Woodward

Cllr. G. Duffield (District Councillor) Cllr. S. Lilly (Oxfordshire County Council)

Clerk: Mrs. L. Martin

2 members of the public

2013/96 Election of Chairman

The Chairman of the Council, Councillor Jenkins called for nominations for the election of a Chairman of the council to hold office until the next annual meeting of the Council.

It was moved by Cllr. Butler, seconded by Cllr. Woodward and

RESOLVED: nem con

that Councillor Jenkins be elected Chairman of the Council to hold office until the next annual meeting of the Council.

2013/97 Declaration of Acceptance of Office as Chairman

Councillor Jenkins signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office as Chairman.

2013/98 Declarations of Interest

Cllr. Hignell declared an interest in the planning application for 93 Bradstocks Way in that he had acted as agent for the applicant. He wished to make a statement during public participation, but stated he would leave the room during Council’s debate.

2013/99 Election of Vice-Chairman

The Chairman of the Council, Councillor Jenkins called for nominations for the election of a Vice-Chairman of the Council to hold office until the next annual meeting of the Council.

It was moved by Cllr. Woodward, seconded by Cllr. Mrs. Knight, and

RESOLVED: nem con

that Councillor Hanks be elected Vice-Chairman of the Council to hold office until the next annual meeting of the Council.

2013/100 Appointment of members to committees, working parties, groups and outside bodies

It was suggested that membership of committees, working parties,


groups and outside bodies remain as at present.

The following resolutions were made to take effect until the next annual meeting of the Council:

2013/101 Planning Working Group


that the Clerk in consultation with Cllrs. Campbell, Hanks, Hignell, Jenkins and Mrs. Knight be granted delegated powers to act on planning application requiring Council’s comments before the next ordinary meeting of the Council

2013/102 Oxfordshire Association of Local Councils


that Cllr. Butler represent the Council

2013/103 Village Hall Management Committee


that Cllr. Warwick represent the Council

2013/104 Transport Representative


that Cllr. Woodward represent the Council

2013/105 RWEnPower Liaison Committee


that Cllrs. Hanks and Woodward represent the Council

2013/106 FCC Liaison Committee


that Cllrs. Hanks and Mead represent the Council

RESOLVED: that Mr. Woodward, resident of the parish be appointed to the committee in accordance with the constitution of FCC Liaison Committee

2013/107 Millennium Common Committee


that Cllr Hignell represent the Council


2013/108 Harwell Stakeholder Group


that Cllr. Hanks represent the Council

2013/109 Culham Liaison Committee


that Cllr. Woodward represent the Council

2013/110 Milton Park Liaison Committee


that Cllr. Hanks represent the Council

2013/111 Western Villages Alliance Group


that Cllr. Hignell represent the Council

2013/112 Police Neighbourhood Action Group


that Cllr. Mrs. Atkinson represent the Council

2013/113 Damascus Advisory Committee


that Cllr. Butler and Warwick represent the Council

2013/114 Oxfordshire County Council Minerals and Waste Stakeholder Forum Group


that Cllr. Hanks represent the Council

2013/115 Parish Plan Steering Group


that Cllrs. Butler and Hanks represent the Council

2013/116 Recreation Ground Working Party to meet with Football Club and Cricket Club


that Cllrs. Mrs. Atkinson, Hignell and Jenkins form a working party to consider issues relating to the recreation ground, to meet with Sutton


Courtenay Football Club and Sutton Courtenay Cricket Club and to report back to Council

2013/117 Landfill Site Working Party


that Cllrs. Mrs. Atkinson, Campbell, Hanks, Hignell, Jenkins form a working party to consider and evaluate information concerning operations on the site, its future, and any planning or other applications and to report back to Council

2013/118 Local Technical Group

A local group had met in the past to discuss the technical aspects of the planning and environmental permit application and other issues in regards to the landfill site. As the future activities on the landfill site were still unfolding, should there be meetings of the technical group it was


that Cllrs. Atkinson, Hanks, Jenkins and Woodward represent the Council

2013/119 Didcot Community Forum


that Cllr. Hanks represent the Council

2013/120 Cemetery Working Party


that Cllrs. Hanks, Jenkins, Campbell and Mrs. Knight form a working party to review the cemetery arrangements and recommend a fee structure

2013/121 Review of Effectiveness of Internal Audit Working Party


that Cllrs. Mrs. Atkinson, Hignell and Jenkins form a working party to review the effectiveness of the internal audit and to report back to Council

2013/122 Reservoir Affected Parishes Group


that Cllr. Campbell represent the Council


2013/123 Village Hall – Parish Council as Custodian Trustee

The village hall management committee managed the village hall site


that Cllrs. Campbell, Hanks and Jenkins represent the Council at meetings with the village hall management committee

2013/124 Appointment of Substitutes for members who cannot attend the committee/working party/group meetings

Cllrs. Butler, Hanks, Mead and Woodward offered to act as substitutes dependent on the timings of meetings. Cllr. Mrs. Atkinson offered to substitute for the Milton Park Liaison Committee


that Cllr. Mrs. Atkinson substitute for Cllr. Hanks as representative on the Milton Park Liaison Committee

that Cllrs. Butler, Hanks, Mead and Woodward act as substitutes on other committees or groups

2013/125 Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence had been received from Cllr. J. Warwick. owing to work commitments, and from Cllr. Ms. T. Field in anticipation of her late arrival.

2013/126 Minutes of the meeting held on 2nd April, 2013

These were agreed and signed as a true record of the proceedings.

Cllr. Butler stated that he had, prior to the last meeting, sent an email offering apologies.

2013/127 Matters arising from the Minutes of the meetings held on 2nd April, 2013

Footpath 27 – potholes

Council noted that Research Sites Ltd have confirmed that they do not own the section of footpath 27 from Frilsham Street, but entered into easement agreements with adjacent landowners to lay the Harwell pipe.

It appeared therefore that the ownership of the roadway rested with the property owners.

Questions were raised as to whether the Parish Council would liaise with the property owners. The Chairman replied that the parishioner raising the initial query would advise them of the findings.

Gas Works in village

The Clerk had received further comments regarding the poor restoration following the gas pipe works. A meeting to check the area had been requested with the County Council officer responsible for street works


and also a representative from Southern Gas Networks

Members queried the wording “poor restoration” and stated it appeared that no restoration had been carried out. Cars were parking on the bare patches and the area required topsoil before reseeding. The Clerk would contact the County Council again.

Sutton Courtenay Lane - repairs

The problem with potholes/depressions in the road had been reported to the County Council. They have confirmed that they were not in the programme for action as they were not considered a safety defect. A member commented that one pothole had been filled and others had spray paint around them, and it therefore appeared that the County Council was taking some action.

Litter Pick

The litter pick would take place on Saturday 29th June from 10.00 a.m. commencing in the recreation ground.

New Housing - Thames Water

2 members were attending the MP’s surgery session on Friday 7th May and the Clerk was requested to supply copies of correspondence to Thames Water regarding infrastructure and data on sewage problems.

20113/128 Public Participation

Verge Restoration

A request was made that the areas used by Southern Gas Networks should be restored as well as the trench lines. A question was asked as to how a decision was going to be made to repair the problem areas. The Chairman reported that the Parish Council had requested a meeting with the County Council. It was suggested that photographs of the problem areas should be taken.

Village Green area - potholes / Seat

It was reported that there were potholes in the tarmac area between the village green and Churchmere Road. Questions were asked regarding the bench seat on the village green which sadly had been broken. The Chairman responded that this would go on the Parish Council’s agenda for discussion.

Footpath 27 ownership

A parishioner mentioned that at the time the District Council constructed two bungalows off Footpath 27 Frilsham Street, although some years ago, no owner of the lane could be found.

Frilsham Street – footpath sign

It was reported that the footpath sign at the end of Frilsham Street was damaged and in the hedge.


Water Voice

It was suggested that if there were difficulties in obtaining a response from Thames Water regarding data on sewage problems, then Water Voice would be able to assist.

Planning Application 93 Bradstocks Road - P13/V0823/HH One and half storey side extension

Mr. D. Hignell made a statement in support of the application.

2013/129 County Councillor

Council noted that Richard Webber from Drayton had been elected as the new County Councillor for the Sutton Courtenay and Marcham division.

2013/130 District Councillor’s Report

Damascus Grant - Damascus had been awarded the maximum sum for a grant from the Vale of White Horse District Council. Cllr. Duffield reminded members of the boundary of the Abingdon area committee, and that Sutton Courtenay was in a minority as far as representation was concerned.

Cllr. Ms. T. Field joined the meeting

Closure of Didcot A power station – archives – Cllr. Duffield was of the opinion that the archives relating to the power station which provided a technical and social history of the area should be permanently stored now that the Station was closing. One suggestion had been the Abingdon Museum which was reluctant to accept them as that related to Abingdon only. An approach was being considered to the History of Science in Oxford.

Planning Application - Pye Homes, Milton Road – Cllr. Duffield confirmed he would attend the planning committee meeting when the application was considered and speak on behalf of the parish. He considered that the application had been rushed and that there were many conditions recommended by the officer. There was no provision for subsequent local consultation on planning conditions. He suggested a push for greater involvement at local level in such matters. Cllr. Hignell commented on the restrictions imposed by the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

Millennium Common Meeting 9th May, 2013 – This clashed with an exhibition about the Tesco warehouse proposal on the Esso research site. Cllr. Duffield would attend the exhibition.

2013/131 Matters raised by Councillors for information

Bridleway 3 – Rubbish

It was reported that there was rubbish dumped in bridleway 3. The pile


was about 4 feet high. There was concern regarding attracting rats. It was suggested that a letter be sent to the owner of Buckridges, High Street who may have some information.

Peewit Farm Planning Application

It was reported that the application for 9 dwellings at Peewit Farm had gone to appeal. This item appeared as an agenda item.

Keep Sutton Courtenay Rural

Concerns were raised that there were comments made on the website of Keep Sutton Courtenay Rural which may reflect poorly on the organisation. The clerk would draw this to their attention.

B4016 / Milton Road junction markings

Questions were asked as to whether the County Council was to re-paint the markings at this junction. The clerk has requested this of the County Council, but would check the position

Drayton Road – Traffic Calming

An update was requested on the position regarding the traffic calming proposals. The Clerk had not heard anything recently from the County Council and would check the position with them.

Sutton Courtenay Lane – Rubbish

It was reported that there was rubbish on the 90° bend in Sutton Courtenay Lane in the direction of Didcot. The Clerk would report this to the appropriate authority.

Appleford Road – Lorry/HGV Driver Training

It was reported that vehicle driver training took place in the village, and large lorries used Church Street and Appleford Road. Concerns were raised regarding the impact on the area and why village roads were used.

It was thought that the area was part of the test route.

Village Green

Comments were made on how the daffodil bulbs looked on the village green and adjacent to The Abbey.

2013/132 Police Matters

There were no matters raised

2013/133 Planning Applications

a) Decisions on previous applications

No decisions had been received

b) Applications dealt with prior to the meeting


None received

c) Planning Applications considered at the meeting

P13/V0694/FUL Creation of new pond, associated re-profiling of north education pond and deepening and addition of liner to newt pond. Creation of brash/wood piles.

Environmental Study Centre, Sutton Courtenay Lane


Comments: Council had no objections

Cllr. Hignell left the room

P13/P0823/HH One and half storey side extension

93 Bradstocks Way

For: Mr. I. Maconochie

Comments: Council had concerns regarding adequate on site parking and vehicles reversing at the road junction. If approved, it requested that conditions should be imposed to prevent the extension becoming a separate dwelling and to restrict further development

Cllr. Hignell rejoined the meeting

MW.0052/13 Application for lawful development certificate for proposed importation of pulverised fuel ash other than from Didcot Power Station to Hanson’s rail sidings

For: Hanson Aggregates

Comments: The Parish Council believed that the intensification of the use amounted to a change of use. If approved the Council asked for assurances on the routing agreement.

Cllr. Mead declared an interest in the following application as he lived near the site.