Attachment - II


S.No. / Location / Manpower Requirement / Total
Stenographer / Office Asstt. (Clerical) / General Asstt.(Peon)
01. / RKPL PROJECT OFFICEScope Minar, Laxmi Nagar DELHI-110092 / 04 / 07 / 03 / 14
02 / RKPL PROJECT OFFICEKanpur / 1 / 02 / 02 / 05
03. / RKPL PROJECT OFFICERewari / - / 01 / - / 01
04 / RKPL PROJECT OFFICE Mathura / -- / 01 / - / 01
05 / RKPL PROJECT OFFICEBharatpur / -- / 01 / - / 01
06 / RKPL PROJECT OFFICEPalanpur / -- / 01 / - / 01
07 / RKPL PROJECT OFFICEMundra / -- / 01 / - / 01
08 / RKPL PROJECT OFFICEAjmer / -- / 01 / - / 01
T O T A L / 05 / 15 / 05 / 25


S. No. / Category / Qualification & Experience
01 / Stenographer
(Steno) / Graduation in any discipline, withStenography, Computer knowledgepreferable
02 / Office Assistant/Supervisor
(Clerical) / Graduate, Computer knowledge Preferable B.Com. graduates andExperienced candidates
03 / General Asst.
(Peon) / 10th Class Pass;Should be able to read and writeHindi And English
  1. The workmen engaged by the Contractor for the aforesaid purpose shall be working under the direct supervision and control of the Contractor. The Contractor shall depute one Supervisor to supervise day to day activities of all the contract employees under this contract. The Supervisor will be responsible for forwarding attendance records, approval & records of leave, calculation of bonus etc. of contract employees among other responsibilities in discharging his duties. The Supervisory Charges will be paid extra by HPCL equivalent to the cost of a skilled employee under clerical and non technical supervisory staff category as per Delhi Government Notification No. F.12 (1)142/11/MW/Lab/2023 dated 26.7.2011 subject to revision from time to time.

2.The Contractor has to supply the requirement of the manpower as mentioned above. During the tenure of contract the requirement of manpower may increase/decrease, change the timings as per the needs of the corporation from time to time.

3.The contract will be valid for a period of one year and it can be extended by one more year at the discretion of the Corporation on same rate, terms and conditions.

4.Monthly wages will be payable category-wise. The Contractor has to quote the rate against each category for supply of required manpower, location wise as per attachment (Schedule of Rates),for all the locations.P.O. will be placed on over all lowest basis on single vendor.

5.The Contractor has to enter into anAgreement with HPCL for execution of the contract. (Draft agreement enclosed).

6.The employees engaged, shall be treated solely as employees of the Contractor and HPCL shall not have any liability whatsoever on account of these contract workmen.

7.The Contractor shall be responsible for the orderly and discipline behavior of his workmen towards all stakeholders including company employees. The contractor shall be bound to withdraw immediately any workman responsible for misconduct and if found not performing up to the expectations of the company officers.

8.The Contractorshall ensure that any dispute between him and his workmen is settled outside the company premises, and they shall in no way utilize the premises property etc., for this purpose.

9.The Contractor shall not substitute any of their workmen engaged by him with another/any of their workman, without prior approval of HPCL.

10.The Contractorshould have independent EPF & ESI, Service TaxTax codes. The Contractor has to produce the ESI/EPF/Tax/Challans/Receipts of remittances & detailed monthly wage sheetto HPCL– Project along with monthly bills. The contractor shall have to issue Identity Cards and monthly salary slips to his contract workmen. The amount of bonus and leave salary as shown in break-up attachedshall be paid by the contractor to his contract employees on six monthly basis and HPCL will reimburse the same on actual basis alongwith service charge quoted by the contractor.

11.The Contractor shall be fully responsible for timely compliance of all statutory requirements in respect of his employees. The Company shall not be responsible for the

payment of any amount to his employees/statutory authorities on account of non-compliance of statutory provisions applicable to them.

12.The Contractor shall ensure maintenance of the following records:

(i) Payment of wage register.

(ii) Attendance register

And other records/registers as required under various applicable labour and other laws from time to time.

13.The normal working hours of the Delhi Project Office will be from 0930 hrs. to 1730 hrs. from Monday through Friday. However, employee has to work on Saturday, if required and no extra wages will be paid as the monthly wages are inclusive of Saturdays. The other locations will be working Monday through Saturday from 0900 hrs to 1730 hrs.

14.For working on holidays and beyond normal hours of work, wages will be paid extra by the contractor as per statutory rules.

15.No food will be provided and only tea/coffee shall be provided two times a day by HPCL.

16.The Contractor shall ensure that his employee working with HPCLthrough outsourcing shall maintain confidentiality of data/information during and after expiry of contract period.


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