Team Leader Development Programme

Module 1

The Role of the Team Leader

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this module, delegates will have:

·  Defined the leadership qualities and skills of an effective team leader

·  Distinguished the various types of leadership and recognised their preferred leadership style

·  Identified their strengths and weaknesses within the ‘Action Centred Leadership’ Model, and drawn up a Personal Action Plan to develop personal effectiveness

·  Recognised the various roles performed by people in teams

·  Worked as an effective team member

·  Discussed the skills and techniques to create an environment in which people want to perform

·  Identified their key motivator

Module Content


·  Course objectives

·  Delegate introductions

·  Personal objectives


·  What people expect from their leaders

·  The attributes of a successful team leader

·  Leadership style questionnaire

The Role of the Team Leader

·  From team member to team leader

·  Functions of a team leader

·  Action centred leadership

·  Questionnaire

·  Action plan

Building a Team

·  The effective team

·  The ideal team player

·  Teamwork-practical exercise


·  Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs

·  Herzberg

·  Questionnaire

·  What motivates staff

Post-Module Activity

1.  a) Carry out a survey on your team members, to assess your team’s perception of effective teamwork

b) Analyse each team member’s motivators to enable the team leader to create a positive environment

2.  Contact a Team Leader from another area and arrange to visit their workplace to discuss and write a brief report on the following:

·  Their job description and day to day duties

·  How their working environment differs from yours

·  Who are their ‘customers’

·  What support they receive from their manager

·  How many staff report to them

·  What involvement they have in carrying out team talks/reviews

3.  Agree, with your line manager, before the next module, a simple project or event that needs to be planned over the next 2 months and bring your ideas to discuss on Module 2

Team Leader Development Programme

Module 2

Managing Work and Time

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this module, delegates will be able to:

·  Analyse how they and those responsible to them spend their working time

·  Identify goals and priority tasks

·  Demonstrate the benefits of using some fundamental planning principles

·  Draw up a simple action plan in preparation for a ‘mini-project’

·  Identify the steps and skills involved in delegating in order to carry out the process effectively

·  Describe the coaching process and the skills involved in effective coaching

Module Content

Post Course Activity Feedback: Module 1

·  Discuss results of team survey on effective teams

·  Discuss results of team survey on motivating factors

·  Discuss key learning points

Course Objectives

·  Course objectives for Module 2

Time Management

·  Five classic time management problems

·  Organising yourself and planning your time

·  Setting priorities

·  Case study


·  Why have a plan?

·  Four steps of planning

·  Smart objectives

·  Contingency planning

·  Agree objectives for post course activity


·  What is delegation?

·  The need for delegation

·  How to delegate

·  Delegation planning sheet – practical exercise


·  Define the structure of a coaching session

·  Plan and carry out a coaching session

·  Critique a video scenario demonstrating a coaching approach

Post-Module Activity

1.  Complete a time log to analyse how you spend your time and identify your 4 main time management ‘problems’.

2.  Write a simple action plan to improve your time management in the 4 areas described above.

3.  Complete the questions on the document entitled ‘The Working Day’

4.  Produce an action plan for your ‘mini-project’ and be prepared to discuss the results on the next module

5.  Carry out a ‘coaching’ session in order to delegate a task (this could be one of the tasks you identify as part of your ‘mini-project’ plan)

This session should be assessed by your manager.

Team Leader Development Programme

Module 3

Managing People (1)

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this module, delegates will be able to:

·  Understand the basic rights in interpersonal relationships

·  Explain basic Transactional Analysis (TA) Techniques

·  Distinguish assertive behaviour from aggressive behaviour

·  Develop methods to handle conflict

·  Practice dealing with poor behaviour and how to change behaviour/improve standards of performance

·  Demonstrate the skills of giving feedback

Module Content

Post Course Activity Feedback: Module 2

·  Review the content of individual action plans

·  Discuss time log results

·  Discuss key learning points and ‘time saver’ decisions


·  Course objectives for Module 3

The Power of Behaviour

·  Why do people behave the way they do?

·  What influences behaviour?

Analysing and Choosing Behaviour

·  Understanding interpersonal transactions

·  What is your favoured style of communication?

·  Choosing to change

Communicating Assertively

·  Assessment of the three behavioural options

·  Choosing an assertive style

·  Techniques for specific situations

·  Exercise

Handling Conflict

·  Dealing with different people

·  Giving and receiving feedback

·  Creating ‘I’ statements

·  Exercise

Post-Module Activity

Discuss the theory of this module with your manager and write a brief report to describe the following:

1.  A successful management intervention and the reasons why this was successful

2.  An unsuccessful management intervention and the reasons why this was unsuccessful

3.  In hindsight, write a brief report on how the unsuccessful intervention could have been managed more successfully.

Team Leader Development Programme

Module 4

Team Communication

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this module, delegates will be able to:

·  Identify effective forms of communication and why effective communication is important

·  Understand the key principles of Team Briefing

·  Recognise the importance of body language in communication

·  Develop appropriate communication skills including questioning, listening and rapport building

·  Demonstrate their ability to plan, prepare and carry out a team briefing session

·  Prepare an agenda for a team meeting

·  Practice the skills of drawing out, paraphrasing and summarising

·  Carry out a team meeting

·  Record action points of the meeting

Module Content

Post Course Activity Feedback: Module 3

·  Review the successful and unsuccessful management interventions

·  Discuss key learning points


·  Course objectives for Module 4

Team Meetings

·  Effective forms of communication

·  The benefits of vertical and horizontal communication

·  Why is team briefing important?

Key Skills of Communication

·  Body language

·  Questioning skills

·  Effective listening

·  Building rapport

Preparation for a Team Brief

·  What do we need to communicate?

·  Gathering information

·  Setting up a briefing folder

·  Preparing to brief

·  Practical exercise


·  Preparing an agenda

·  Skills for leading a discussion

·  Dealing with difficult people

·  The use of visual aids

·  Preparing minutes of the meeting

·  Practical exercise

Post-Module Activity

1.  Set up a ‘Team Briefing’ folder and write a simple agenda for a team brief.

2.  Deliver a team briefing session. The session must be assessed by your manager/mentor

Team Leader Development Programme

Module 5

Managing People (2)

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this module, delegates will be able to:

·  Demonstrate their understanding of the University of Warwick Disciplinary Procedure

·  Be aware of the consequences of ignoring this procedure

·  Recognise what action to take and issues to consider before entering the disciplinary procedure

·  Conduct a preliminary disciplinary interview

·  Recognise the key skills involved in discussing under-performance

·  Complete written records of disciplinary interviews

·  Understand the importance of following up disciplinary action

Module Content

Post Course Activity Feedback: Module 4

·  Individual 5 minute presentation on the results of the briefing meeting

·  Discuss key learning points


·  Course objectives for Module 5

The Purpose of Disciplinary Action

·  The purpose of disciplining staff

·  The benefits to the organisation and staff members

Discipline and the Law

·  The rights of the employer and the employee

·  University of Warwick Disciplinary Procedure

·  Potential repercussions

Managing Performance

·  Setting standards and creating boundaries

·  Motivating and rewarding

·  Monitoring, feedback and review

Preparing for the Interview

·  Understanding the situation (gathering data/establishing the facts)

·  Planning and structuring the interview

·  Verbal and non-verbal communication

·  Sensitive questioning

·  Active and reflective listening

·  Practical exercise – conduct a preliminary disciplinary interview

Following up Disciplinary Action

·  Reviewing progress

·  Managing future performance

Post-Module Activity

1.  Discuss the disciplinary scenario you have been given, with your manager.

2.  Write notes to specify how you would manage the situation

3.  Familiarise yourself with the appraisal form and guidance notes used in your department and discuss with your manager/mentor how it works.

Team Leader Development Programme

Module 6

Developing Individual Performance

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this module, delegates will be able to:

·  State the value and importance of the appraisal system

·  Identify the barriers to and the problems with appraisal systems

·  Outline the steps required to prepare for an appraisal discussion

·  Control the appraisal discussion with regards to content, timing and level of participation by both parties

·  Set SMART objectives to improve performance

·  Identify training and development needs to help the individual achieve improved performance and increase skills

Module Content

Post Course Activity Feedback: Module 5

·  Discuss disciplinary scenarios and how delegates would manage the situations

·  Discuss key learning points


·  Course objectives for Module 6

Experience of Appraisal

·  As the appraiser

·  As the appraisee

·  Expectations of the process and appraisal discussion

The Value of Appraisal

·  Key principles of appraisal

·  Benefits and difficulties

·  The link between appraisals and performance management

Preparing for an Appraisal

·  Appraiser preparation

·  Appraisee preparation

Essential Skills of Appraisal

·  Open questions that really work

·  Active listening

·  Summarising to gain agreement

Managing the Appraisal Process

·  Planning the interview objectives

·  Preparing the questions

·  Structuring the interview

·  Setting and agreeing SMART Objectives

Dealing with Performance Shortfalls

·  Defining and recording training and development needs

·  Linking objectives to shortfalls in performance

·  Agreeing behavioural shortfalls

·  Practical exercise – carry out a 10-minute performance review

Managing Performance between Reviews

·  The importance of reviews

·  On-going review

·  The appraisal form as a working document

Post-Module Activity

1.  Plan and carry out/participate in an appraisal or mid-year review. This will be assessed by your manager/mentor

Team Leader Development Programme

Module 7

Selecting the Right People

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this module, delegates will be able to:

·  Identify the stages of the recruitment and selection process

·  Make a positive contribution at each stage of the recruitment and selection process

·  Draft a person specification

·  Prepare and Conduct an effective interview

·  Make a decision based on the pre-determined selection criteria

·  Understand the principles of Equal Opportunities and the legal implications of selection

Module Content

Post Course Activity Feedback: Module 6

·  Discuss feedback from participation in appraisal/appraisal review

·  Discuss key learning points


·  Course objectives for Module 7

Introduction to Recruitment

·  What is the recruitment process?

·  Advertising and sources of recruitment

·  The limitations of the interview as a recruitment tool

·  Styles and types of interviews

·  The impact of poor selection decisions

Selection and the Law

·  Equal opportunities

·  Discrimination Acts

·  Criminal convictions/Rehabilitation of Offenders Act

·  Asylum and Immigration Act

·  References

·  Data Protection Act

·  Practical Exercise

The Tools of Recruitment

·  The job description

·  The person specification (selection criteria)

·  The application form

·  Short listing

·  Practical Exercise

Planning the Interview

·  Creating the interview timetable and programme

·  Deciding on the method of selection

·  Devising appropriate questions based on the selection criteria

·  Structuring the interview

The Skills of Interviewing

·  Building rapport

·  Verbal and non-verbal behaviour

·  Listening and questioning

·  Taking notes

Making the Decision

·  Assessing the information

·  Using essential and desirable criteria

·  Recording the decision

Post-Module Activity

1.  Demonstrate the skills of interview and selection by participation in a selection event. This must be assessed by your manager.

2.  Prepare a 15 minute presentation to deliver to delegates and managers at the Presentation and Evaluation Session, on the following topic:

Outline the seven key learning points (one from each of the seven modules) that you have successfully put into practice in the workplace.

3.  Complete an assignment related to the surveys completed after Module 1

On Team Effectiveness and Team Motivators. Outline your findings from these two surveys and what action you have taken to ensure that individual needs and team needs are met, exceeded or improved upon.

A separate briefing sheet will give further details on the Presentation and Assignment.