(Featured articles)

1. Boreіko V. I.


2. Potashniuk І. V., Demianchuk А. S.


3. Мatviichuk А.V., Оleshytskyi Yu.Yu.


4. Mykhalchuk N. A, Ivashkevich E. S.


UDC: 378.126

Boreiko V. І., Doctor of Economics, Professor (International University of Economics and Humanities named after Academician Stepan Demianchuk, Rivne)


Анотація. В статті досліджено нинішній стан вищої школи України, визначено переваги і недоліки, які наша країна отримала після приєднання до Болонського процесу, обґрунтовано пропозиції для підвищення якості підготовки студентів та наукових кадрів.

Ключові слова: вища школа, Болонський процес, якість підготовки, мобільність, наукові кадри.

Аннотация. В статье исследовано нынешнее состояние высшей школы Украины, определены преимущества и недостатки, которые наша страна получила после присоединения к Болонскому процессу, обоснованы предложения для повышения качества подготовки студентов и научных кадров.

Ключевые слова: высшая школа, Болонский процесс, качество подготовки, мобильность, научные кадры.

Annotation. In this article the current state of higher school of Ukraine is investigated, the advantages and disadvantages, that our country has received after joining the Bologna process are defined, proposal for improving the quality training of students and academic personnel are substantiated.

Keywords: higher school, Bologna process, quality of training, mobility, scientific personnel.

Swift development of technical devices and computer technology during the last decades considerably increased the requirements to the graduates’ educational qualification. The globalization of the world social and economical relations requires the perfect knowledge of English, computer technology and unification of standards of higher education by the countries.

Economically developed countries of Western Europe understood it first. These countries have been determining shortage of highly skilled workers of engineering, economical, computer and other specialities since the eightieth years of ХХ century. Therefore 29 Ministers of Education of European countries signed “Bologna Declaration” in Bologna, Italy, in June, 19, 1999. In accordance with this Declaration the countries participants undertook an obligation to unify the national standards of higher education and form universal European educational and scientific zone to 2010. The aim of this declaration is the creation of conditions for free moving of the students of higher educational establishments (HEE) among the countries, which signed the Bologna Declaration, and, the same free moving of the graduates of HEE of these countries for realization of their scientific activity and employment.

Ukraine which declared about its aspiration to standardize national higher education according to all-European requirements joined to Bologna process in May, 2005 in Bergen, Norway. However, the orientation on the external peculiarities of Bologna Declaration, but not on upgrading of educational services and improvement of the process of scientific personnel training caused much criticism among native scientists and educational specialists.

Active introduction of the Bologna process by the native higher educational establishments during the last eight year interested the best Ukrainian scientists. These questions were investigated by V. Andruschenko, Y. Y. Boliubash, М. Vynnytskiy, I. S. Voloschuk, M. B. Yevtukh, M. Z. Zgurovskiy, М. V. Kisil, A. Кolot, V. G. Kremin, V. I. Lugoviy, Y. Rashkevych, V. Semynozhenko, М. F. Stepko, V. D. Shynkaruk and others.

Both positive and negative tendencies of Ukraine’s joining to Bologna Declaration are marked in the publications of the majority of authors. M. V. Zgurovskyy notes: «But the Bologna process should not be idealized. It is irregular, contradictory and difficult. Its aims are still very hypothetic. Both joining and non-joining to this process have their advantages and disadvantages» [1, p. 2]. The scientist V. I. Lugovyy agrees with Zgurovskyy’s idea: «Practical realization of the principles of this process (Bologna process. – Marked by the author) confirmed outstanding ambitiousness and actuality of the strategic aim of «bolognasation», and at the same time it is very difficult to realize it» [2, p. 5].

Summarizing above mentioned, one should mark that actuality of our research is caused by the necessity of improving the quality of educational services and scientific personnel training in Ukraine after joining Bologna process.

The aim of this article is an estimation of the present state of higher school in Ukraine and development of suggestions for training improvement of the specialists and scientific personnel by the native higher educational establishments.

To realize the determined aim it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

– to analyse the present state of higher school in Ukraine;

– to determine advantages and disadvantages which our country have got by formal approach to introduction of the Bologna process principles;

– to substantiate suggestions for upgrading of the students and scientific personnel training in our country.

Ukraine’s joining Bologna process was grounded by the necessity of upgrading of educational services, given to the students by the native higher educational establishments, providing of their mobility in European and world economic zone and increasing of competitiveness of Ukrainian science and scientific personnel at the international labour market. However, one should take into account that such joining must take place not formally, but by the way of improvement of educational process and scientific and pedagogical workers’ training on the base of traditions and previous achievements of the native higher educational establishments.

Today many educational innovators criticize the work of the Ukrainian universities during the Soviet period because of the political orientation of their curricula. But one should not forget that these curricula provided high-quality training of versatile specialists who glorified our country with their achievements.

Quality of educational process and specialists’ training of the Soviet higher educational establishments was provided by the high requirements to educational establishments, their scientific and pedagogical staff and the competition among university entrants. However, this exactingness considerably liberalized during the last twenty years. It is occurred due to unreasonable increasing of the number of higher educational establishments and accessibility of higher education. For example, there were 149 HEE of the ІІІ-IV level of accreditation in 1990, 349 in 2010, so during twenty years the number of the HEE grew 2,34 times (table 1). It caused considerable dispersion of highly skilled scientific and pedagogical specialists and accordingly decline of quality of the students’ training.

Swift increase of amount of HEE of the ІІІ-ІV level of accreditation caused the decreasing of average quantity of students who study at the same educational establishment; from 5913 persons in 1990 to 3659 persons in 1995. During 1995-2005 due to declining of requirements to the university entrants, this index grew to 6388 persons, however during next years it began to go down again and presented 5667 persons in 2011, that is 11,3 % less than in 2005. This tendency is explained by decreasing of the number of secondary schools leavers that, however, does not stimulate our state to the corresponding diminution of number of the higher educational establishments.

But, during the investigated period total number of students who were admitted to the HEE of the ІІІ-ІV level of accreditation grew till 2005, and during next years due to worsening of demographic situation began to decrease swiftly. In 1990 the correlation of number of university entrants of the HEE of the ІІІ-ІV level of accreditation and school leavers was 43 %, in 2005 – 98 %, in 2010 – 108 %, in 2011 – 147 %. Therefore, in 2011, even taking into account that 97 thousand persons graduated from the educational establishments of the І-ІІ level of accreditation all persons wishing to enter educational establishments of the ІІІ-ІV level of accreditation had such opportunity.

Nobody will protest against the necessity of increasing of general level of education in our country. However, in the case, when every wishing entrant can enter the university it is impossible to talk about selection of the best and most talented school leavers to HEE.

Table 1*

The presence of HEE and Places Security of the University Entrants in Ukraine in 1990-2011

Indexes / Years
1990 / 1995 / 2000 / 2005 / 2010 / 2011
The number of HEE of the ІІІ-ІV level of accreditation / 149 / 255 / 315 / 345 / 349 / 345
The number of their students, thousand of persons / 881 / 933 / 1403 / 2204 / 2130 / 1955
The average number of students at one HEE of the ІІІ-ІV level of accreditation, persons / 5913 / 3659 / 4454 / 6388 / 6103 / 5667
The number of admitted students to HEE of the ІІІ-ІV level of accreditation, thousand of persons / 175 / 207 / 346 / 503 / 392 / 315
The number of school leavers, thousand of persons / 406 / 361 / 475 / 515 / 364 / 215
The correlation of number of students admitted to the HEE of the ІІІ-ІV level of accreditation to the number of school leavers / 0,43 / 0,57 / 0,73 / 0,98 / 1,08 / 1,47
The number of HEE of the І-ІI level of accreditation / 742 / 782 / 664 / 606 / 505 / 501
The number of their students, thousand / 757 / 618 / 528 / 505 / 362 / 357
The average number of students at one of HEE of the І-ІI level of accreditation, persons / 1020 / 790 / 795 / 833 / 717 / 713
The number of admitted students to HEE of the І-ІI level of accreditation, thousand of persons / 241 / 189 / 190 / 169 / 129 / 105
The correlation of number of students admitted to HEE of the І-ІI level of accreditation to the number of school leavers / 0,60 / 0,52 / 0,40 / 0,33 / 0,35 / 0,33

* It is made by data of [3].

At the same time we should not forget that except highly skilled scientists and engineers the national economy requires the workers of labour professions and managers. But, the number of the HEE of the І-ІІ level of accreditation in Ukraine (former technical schools and secondary specialized schools) decreased from 742 in 1990 and 782 in 1995 to 501 in 2011, it is 1.5 times less. The number of students decreased too: from 757 thousand in 1990, to 357 thousand in 2011, it is 2.1 times less.

In 2010-201 the number of Ukrainian school leavers declined sharply and only 33% of them wished to enter the HEE of the І-ІІ level of accreditation. As a result, the native labour market is replete with economists, managers and lawyers of such educational levels as Specialist and Master but there is a shortage of the workers of technical specialities with educational qualification of Bachelor.

As it was mentioned above the main task of Bologna process is the providing of students’, teachers’ and graduates’ mobility. Such necessity is dictated by the desire to give best students the possibility to get knowledge at the best educational establishments from the best lecturers, and to help the best graduates to get the best workplace in any country of the world. In this case really the best students will receive Master's degree and pursue science. However this aim at least in Ukraine remained at the level of declaration because the question of Ukrainian students’ free moving among educational establishments is not adjusted at the legislative level.

It is easy to realize that it is very difficult to provide the Ukrainian students’ and lecturers’ moving through the countries of the world and Europe because Ukraine is not a member of European Union. But it is very difficult to understand why the problem of the Ukrainian students’ free moving among the native HEE is not settled. Indeed, it is enough to legalize the permission for all students having successfully completed any course to come to the chosen university or institute on September, 1 for studying. The student should inform the HEE before two months. In accordance with the same order it is possible to let the students to study at the other HEE one of the subjects, to do one's practical training and to work at the degree thesis. Naturally, in this case budgetary or private money for these students’ training must “move” after these students.

In future such practice of the students’ mobility should be spread for the international exchange. That is why Ukraine should begin signing the contracts about mutual recognition of the diplomas with other countries, and first of all, with the countries-members of the Bologna process and other highly developed countries of the world. The next step of the way should be the creation of conditions for the professors’ and lecturers’ mobility. They must also get possibility to move easily through the world.

After the chargeable studying introduction in our country the following situation is observed very often. The student who entered the university at the budgetary position during the next 4 or 5 years receiving public funding of his training and the scholarship studies worse than the students who pay for the training. In addition, the Specialist degree existence in Ukraine which is absent in the countries of Western Europe which have signed the Bologna Declaration, virtually eliminates the distinction between Specialist (every willing Bachelor may become Specialist) and Master. Therefore, the majority of domestic graduates with Master degree are not able to conduct the research, which actually the high school should prepare them for.

To separate functions of graduates who study according to bachelor programmes (future workers and managers) and masters whose job is to conduct the research it is necessary to do the promised abolishing of Specialist degree and to increase the prestige of Master Education significantly. Besides in order to ensure the selection to the magistracy the best representatives from junior courses it should be provided that public funding annually is received by the best students who are defined by the results of the previous two sessions.