Letting us know what you think

Housing Tasmania Fact Sheet

At Housing Tasmania, we work hard to provide housing support to people in need. We want to offer you good services. And we want to know what you think. You might want to tell us if you are happy with our work, or if you have a problem.

How to tell us what you think

The best way to give us your feedback is to write to us. You may like to send us an email. Or you may like to write a letter. If we have your feedback in writing, we can get back to you. Our contact details are on page 5. You can also find the contact details for your local area office on our website. Our website includes information about all of our policies and rules.

What if you’re unhappy with a decision we have made?

If you are currently living in a Housing Tasmania home and you are unhappy with a decision we have made, the best thing to do is contact your local Area Office. If your problem is not fixed, we suggest that you write to the Area Office Manager.

When you write, please include:

·  your name

·  your address

·  your phone number

·  a clear description of the problem

·  what you would like to happen.

If you still find that your problem is not fixed, please contact the customer service hotline. You’ll find the number on page 5.

Housing Tasmania has a Housing Review Committee. This is a group of people who look at the decisions that have been made. If you are unhappy with a decision, you can ask for the Housing Review Committee to look at it. They will decide if the decision was fair and if it was in line with our policies and rules.

Sometimes, if people are still unhappy about a decision – even if it’s been reviewed by the Housing Review Committee – they can take their problem to the Ombudsman. This is an independent person who looks at problems relating to government departments. The Ombudsman’s number is 1800 001 170.

A summary of the process if you’re unhappy with a decision

What if you’re unhappy about one of our staff?

If you are not happy with the service you have received from one of our staff, please tell them directly. If that does not help, please speak to their Team Leader.

If you are not happy with the results, you can write to the Area Manager of the office where the staff member works. Please include:

·  your name

·  your address

·  your phone number

·  a clear description of the problem

·  what you would like to happen.

What if your home is managed by a social housing provider?

These days, there are a number of different organisations that manage housing.

They are called 'social housing providers'. The role of a social housing provider is similar to that of a real estate agent or landlord in the private rental market. Housing Tasmania is one of these providers. Some examples of social housing providers currently working in Tasmania include:

·  Housing Tasmania

·  Centacare Evolve Housing

·  Community Housing Limited

·  Housing Choices Tasmania

·  Mission Australia.

The social housing providers work in different areas of the state. You can find out more about these providers at www.dhhs.tas.gov.au/housing/tenants. There is a lot of information under ‘Better Housing Futures’. If you have a problem with one of these providers, you need to contact them directly.

Adam’s story

Adam moved into his home six years ago. He accepted a home in a suburb not listed on his application. But he needed a house closer to his doctor.

His application for a transfer was rejected several times. He was really unhappy about this. He wrote to the Area Manager but the response didn’t fix his problem.

He then wrote to the Housing Review Committee. They looked at the decisions that had been made before. They agreed that Adam needed to be close to his doctor. But they also agreed that he had to wait until a house nearby became available. Adam is now following up his application for a transfer with Housing Connect.

More information

Other fact sheets that might be useful:

·  Applying for a home

·  Who can use social housing?

Our contact details

/ Housing Tasmania - 1300 665 663
/ TTY users phone 133 677, then ask for 1300 13 55 13.
Speak and Listen users phone 1300 555 727 then ask for
1300 13 55 13. Internet relay users connect to the NRS
then ask for 1300 13 55 13.
/ Department of Health and Human Services
GPO Box 125
/ www.dhhs.tas.gov.au/housing

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