Please hold in prayer

Nenette Ward and family, on the loss of her husband Charles Ward

Walter Timberlake and Lucille Timberlake

Evelyn Deforest

Marcie (Marianne Dorman’s sister)

Blaine Pace

Martha and George Ramsay

Max and Marilil Rychlik

Lucille Barrick

Frances Hall

Keith Carter

Kathy Gooden

With Babies come joy, laughter and love…

With babies come blessings from above.

All are invited to a Baby Shower

For Camille Macon on Saturday, June 5th

at St. Luke, 10 am-12 pm in the Fellowship Hall.

Please R.S.V.P. with Barbara Worden

at 512-288-1131 (after 6 pm)

Camille is registered at Babies-R-Us and Target.

Everyone is Welcome!

Dancing the Days...

Hello, Friends.

This coming Sunday is the Feast of Pentecost, when we celebrate the Holy Spirit’s presence among the people who came to be known as the Church, the Body of Christ.

In our tradition we’re more prone to thinking reasonable thoughts and doing thoughtful deeds than we are to even imagining being “swept away” or “captivated” or “filled” with anything other than what we understand as our own human power.

Yet we keep coming around, don’t’ we, and we keep reading the words, and singing the songs, and praying the prayers, and dreaming the dreams of people who believe, or want to believe, that “God is with us—we are not alone—thanks be to God!”

Here, once again, is Ted Loder’s marvelous Pentecost prayer/poem, that speaks of our primal, elemental, I would say God-given yearning for the power, the energy, the wisdom of God in our lives.

On Sunday we’ll pray this together, using first-person plural pronouns.

For now, I invite you to pray this for your own nurture and inspiration, as I am doing today.

I look forward to our being captivated, filled, encouraged, and inspired together this Sunday, and all our days to come in these weeks we have remaining together, and beyond, through the Spirit that truly makes us one, and keeps us bound together in love and learning.



Remember to wear your flame-colored clothes when you come to worship this Sunday!

Touch Me with Truth that Burns like Fire


send the gift of your Spirit

to fill this place

and myself

and the world.

Touch me

with truth

that burns like fire,

with beauty

that moves me like the wind;

and set me free, Lord,

free to try new ways of living;

free to forgive myself and others;

free to love and laugh and sing;

free to lay aside my burden of security;

free to join the battle of justice and peace;

free to see and listen and wonder again

at the gracious mystery of things and persons;

free to be,

to give,

to rejoice as a child of your Spirit.

And Lord, teach me how to dance,

to turn around

and come down where I want to be,

in the arms and heart of your people

and in you,

that I may praise and enjoy you forever.

Ted Loder, Guerillas of Grace: Prayers for the Battle

We extend a warm-hearted welcome to St. Luke’s newest member, Mrs. Sara Reynolds. Sara joined St. Luke on Sunday, May 2, in anticipation of her husband John’s coming ot St. Luke as pastor, beginning June 13. Please join us that day as we receive them both as part of our church family!

With the summer travel season fast approaching, the Finance Committee is looking for some Excel-savvy church members

who could help with the weekly accounting after Sunday services.

If you’re interested and capable, please join us in the office after church to see what we do. And thanks in advance!

Please note: The church office will be closed

May 31-June 4, for Memorial Day and annual conference, which Sarah and Dianna will attend.

John C. will be at home and on call, in case of need—657-6766, .

You are cordially invited to attend…




Sarah Currie


John Campbell

Sunday, May 30, 2010

St. Luke UMC Fellowship Hall

Following Sunday Morning Worship Service

Potluck Dinner

Please bring a side dish or dessert of your choice to share.

(Meat, bread and drinks will be provided.)

Sarah’s last Sunday at St. Luke is actually June 6th

but we are celebrating her and her ministry with us on May 30th.

Please join us as we say good-bye to Sarah and John

and send them off with our love and best wishes

for the next phase of their lives

at Wimberley United Methodist Church.