Homework questionnaire for parents

Please complete this form and return it in the envelope provided to your child’s register teacher by Friday 30th January. If you have more than one child, please complete one questionnaire for each child.

About your child :



The Scottish Executive states that homework helps your child to :

  • learn how to organise and manage his/her time
  • take more responsibility for his/her own learning
  • practise and build on what has been learned at school
  • learn and work independently in the future
  • develop confidence to deal with frustrations, overcome difficulties and solve problems

Government guidelines suggest that a reasonable amount of time spent on homework would be within the following range :

S1 and S245 – 90 minutes per day

S3 and S41 – 2 hours per day

S5 and S61.5 – 2.5 hours per day

1. As a general rule each day this amountless than thismore than this

my child does :

alwaysusually sometimes neverdon’t know

2. I am happy with the amount of

homework my child is set

3. My child learns a lot from doing

his/her homework

4. Doing homework helps my child to

be independent

5. My child uses his/her homework planner

to help organise homework

6. I check my child’s planner to see what

homework has been set

7. I want to be able to know what homework

my child has been set

8. I feel I have enough knowledge

to help my child with his/her homework

9. I would like to support my child

more with homework

10. How can the school help you?

Please add comments if appropriate in

answer to questions 1-10.

alwaysusually sometimesneverdon’t know

11. The school explains the relevance

and usefulness of homework

12. My child enjoys doing his/her


13. I think it’s important to talk with my

child about the homework s/he is doing

14. I worry that I might be doing things

which are unhelpful to my child’s


15. Homework can be a source of tension

at home

16. My child knows what s/he has to do

for homework and how to complete it

17. My child’s homework involves

finishing work not done in class

18. I am informed when my child

has not completed homework

19. If homework is not done, how

would you like this managed? Please

add comments relevant to this or

other questions above.

Which of these sources of advice onInformation leaflets

homework (if any) would you welcome

and use if available? (Please indicate asParents’ workshops in the evening

many as apply.)

Information pages on the school’s website

Out of class homework clinic

Something else (please say what)

Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.

NBHS has a homework policy, which is available from the school office or on the school website. Your answers to this questionnaire will be used by the school to develop its homework policies and practices.

Results of this survey will appear on the school website.