Garner Police Athletic / Activities League
Minutes of the Board of Directors for February 6, 2014
In attendance:Nancy Anderson , Lt. Chris Clayton, Buddy Gupton, Sgt. Chris Adams, Rob Smith, Claude Jenkins, Tim Montgomery, Jack Baldwin, Chuck Killian, Mitch Brewer, David Bailey, Amaka Flynn, Jaan Layman, Neesy Green, and Chief Brandon Zuidema.
The meeting was called to order at 6:02 pm by Vice President Nancy Anderson. The Board had a quorum present.
The following items were discussed:
1)Minutes from December 2013 and January 2014 were presented and approved. Motion to approve minutes: Chris Clayton, 2nd Buddy Gupton, and approved by unanimous vote.
2)David Bailey and Rob Smith were presented to the membership for vote to become Board Members. Motion to accept them as Board Members: Buddy Gupton, 2nd Mitch Brewer, and approved by unanimous vote.
3)Treasure’s Report: No PAAL expenses in January and$600 in income. Belk days is coming in the spring and the Town of Garner budget request was kept the same this fiscal year for insurance reimbursement. There is some money left from the Back to School Bash which will be spent on supplies for children this spring. Neese reported that she is finalizing the credit card requests for all program directors. Motion to approve Treasures Report: Jaan Layman, 2nd Chris Clayton, and approved by unanimous vote.
4)Program reports byChief Zuidema:
- Avery St. (by Lt. Clayton) – Bowling trip scheduled for February. We missed a few days due to snow and track-out but the program continues to be a positive impact on youth at the after-school program.
- EGMMS –Officer Behe has moved to GMHS and Officer Anderson is the new SRO. He will be assuming leadership of this program.
- Explorer Post/Cadets – They are meeting every other week with 7-8 youth. Last month they learned about DDACTS from our crime analyst. Both Amaka and Jack complimented the Cadets on their assistance with Shop With a Cop.
- Garner Magnet High School – This program should be beginning sometime in March.
- NGMMS Girls Club –Have not met due to track out. Scheduled to resume in February. Inv. Pappas is looking for female presenters who are willing to present on topics.
- Vandora Springs Elementary –Lt. Binns continues to have a successful program with a small group of third graders. This program will be the model for programs beginning at Timber Dr. Elem. and Aversboro Elem. in the fall.
- Aversboro Elementary – Scheduled to begin in the fall of 2014.
5)The Program Committee is scheduling a meeting soon to discuss flag football or boxing. PAAL continues to save and plan for a dedicated space for programming in an area that will attract youth.
6)The Finance Committee reported that the AutoBell fundraiser is scheduled for this spring. Chris Clayton will take care of the application and tickets by the next board meeting.
7)Chief Zuidema gave a Broomball update. The event is scheduled for June 7 and will be paired with a public safety day theme. Chief Zuidema is finalizing the advertisements for the dasher banners. Tentatively we will sell ads for $750 and make a 60/40 split from the $400 left over after the cost to make the ads and install them.
8)Everyone should take time to look at the Youth Thrive curriculum and website. We may be able to use this curriculum in the future for programming needs and consistency. PAAL may invite them to a later board meeting to speak on their programming.
The next meeting of the Board of Directors for the Garner PAAL Board will be held on Thursday, March 6, 2014at 6:00 p.m. at the Garner Chamber of Commerce. Meeting adjourned at 6:50 pm.