Carver Elementary School Building Committee Agenda
Monday August 3, 2015
7:00 P.M.
Approved August 17, 2015
I. Building Committee Members Present: Dan Ryan, Ruby Maestas, Liz Sorrell, Peter Gray, Dave Siedentopf, Richard Ward, John Cotter, James O’Brien, Heather Sepulveda, Sarah Stearns,
II. Building Committee Members Absent: Andrew Soliwoda, Mike Milanoski, Jon Delli Priscoli
III. PMA Present: Chad Crittenden, Chris Carroll.
IV. HMFH Present: Devin Canton, Matt LaRue, Laura Wernick.
V. Others Present: Mary Ross, Caroline Todd, Scott Knief, Brie Wall, Adam Holmes.
VI. Chair Dick Ward called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm. He then led the Committee in the Pledge of Allegiance.
VII. 07-20-15 Meeting Minutes
Discussion of meeting minutes from 7/20/15. Dan Ryan James O’Brien
Dan Ryan made a motion to amend minutes to correct the spelling of Jon Delli Priscoli’s name. James O’Brien seconded. Unanimous vote.
VIII. Overview of Meeting Agenda
Mr. Ward gave a brief overview of the agenda for this evening.
IX. HMFH Design Update
Laura Wernick discussed the revised floor plan for Option C1. She talked about the slight angle that was added for the second grade wing. She noted that there was a desire for gardens for students to plant along with quiet and active outdoor spaces. Courtyard areas became larger; building was reduced minimally in size.
Small group instruction areas are all identical. Project areas are very similar; if not identical. All same square footage. Music classrooms are back to back or can be opened up to become one. Vestibule going into preschool; there is now a vestibule to enter gym or to the nurse’s area. This would be the primary entrance to the gym after school hours. Cafeteria is now angled as well. Book collection area now pokes out on the second floor.
Square footage of the building has been reduced slightly. They’ve added outdoor storage area for maintenance items. MSBA more than likely will not reimburse for this. With this added on, it puts us over the MSBA total allowance for total square footage. Ruby asked what the current square footage of our current now; Dave will find out the exact square footage. John Cotter asked if these plans could be made bigger. James O’Brien asked if there would be a computer room or will they be on carts? Ruby added that there will be carts with technology available. James asked if there would still be a “library”; it was clarified that this would be the book collection area. Liz spoke about technology. They are looking into the continuing growth of technology and what should be used. 15,000 books are in our current collection. Ruby added that the technology will be utilized in the classrooms. Richard spoke about the room that contained books at the Christa McAuliffe School; that it was much smaller than our current library. James agrees with the mobile technology.
Chuck Koslowski spoke about the site plan (Option C1). Fields have been reversed. Soccer fields can be changed later. 4 soccer fields; with a possibility of 8. Bus drop off: area for 20 spots for buses to pull in and drop off.
Richard Ward asked if with the movement of the building, will it be closer to Chance Court? Chuck replied that it is actually further.
John Cotter asked if he could run through a scenario about how parents would drop off students. Mr. Koslowski described the path in detail. Ruby talked about the parent drop off; supervision that will be needed. Liz added that it will be similar to the way it is done now. Sarah and Heather are concerned about the safety issue with this drop off area.
John Cotter spoke about the septic field that is shown on the site plan. That is something they are working on with the engineers. Dave feels that the tanks will need to be replaced.
Mr. Ward asked Mary Ross (Recreation Committee) for her thoughts and opinions. She feels irrigation is not needed. Water access to wet down the infield should be sufficient.
He then discussed the rear side of the school which includes the two court yard areas with a number of different uses. Some of the area would be paved; there would be room for gardens. He showed the committee some suggestions for the outdoor classroom space. He then spoke about playground equipment. Liz asked if these areas would be handicapped accessible. Yes, absolutely. He spoke about the surfacing of these areas. Colors could be chosen. He discussed the outside service area; using that for four square; hopscotch, etc.
Mary Ross spoke about the winter months. Is there an area where children could go if they don’t have appropriate winter clothing? He feels that the courtyard play areas would be perfect for that.
Massing Study – Matt LaRue. Back part of building has three classroom wings. Front part of building is where gym and cafeteria are; then the preschool and administrative; receiving and kitchen areas. Variety of scales; first impression visitors and children will have. Preserve the flat open roof look. Richard asked if there would be sources of light coming in from roof windows or anything similar. Matt noted that there will be some skylights. There will be a wall of windows.
Matt LaRue showed the committee the layout plans of classrooms. Heather asked about storage for students’ personal belongings. Teachers prefer that to be outside of the classroom. There will be low lockers for grades 1-5. Open cubbies for preschool and kindergarten.
Liz added that the lower storage area, things could be grown on the shelf.
Ruby asked if the rug areas would be permanent. Matt LaRue replied that they would be area rugs.
He spoke about the grades 2-5 classrooms, the rooms that would have actual desks as opposed to desks.
Mr. Ward added that all windows can be opened.
Matt discussed the furniture layout of the small group rooms.
Matt showed the committee slides of different floor options; a decision doesn’t need to be made tonight. He handed out a comparison matrix. He passed samples around to the committee of the different flooring options (linoleum, rubber tile and vinyl tile). Vinyl tile is very inexpensive.
He then spoke about gym flooring; wood or poured flooring. Wood floors seem to last longer.
Heavy traffic areas. Quality options are terrazzo vs. stained polished concrete vs. porcelain tile. Terrazzo could last the life of the building.
Floors for the Administrative and quiet spaces- carpet tile. This has the shortest life expectancy of all flooring options.
Stairs – rubber treads and risers, durable.
Walls – hallways, public areas, ceramic tile handles well in these busy areas.
Heather asked if there were any problems with rubber floor. Matt replied that it is durable.
Matt asked if there was a preference to go forward with.
Dave Siedentopf gave his input:
Classroom and hallways – rubber tile
Administrative - carpet tiles
Entryways – polished concrete
Dave added that with rubber flooring will cost less and reduce maintenance costs.
X. PMA Schedule Update
Next Steps
8-17-15 SBC Meeting
8-24-15 Schematic Design sent to estimators
8-31-15 SBC Meeting – discuss CM @ Risk
9-8-15 SBC Meeting – estimates will be available
9-17-15 Schematic Estimates/budget due to MSBA
10-1-15 Schematic Design Submittal to MSBA
11-18-15 MSBA Board Approval of Schematic Design
Old Home Day – takeaways. Mostly positive feedback. Sarah added that overall it was very positive. Keep up the outreach.
Liz mentioned there are a lot of residents who don’t have cable. 2100 – 2400 cable subscribers out of the 4700 households.
Suggestion to add Political Action Committee to raise funds and awareness.
Mr. Ward added that this is not in our domain; this would be done in the community.
Liz spoke about the Office of Campaign and Political Finance. They will come in September before our regular meeting. At a public event, we cannot hand out brochures. There are rules that need to be followed; this group will need to register with the Town Clerk. PAC could do mailings; separate website information.
John Rogers, retired superintendent from Rockland has attended meetings before; had good advice regarding Political Action Committees. .
National Night Out – 8-4-15. Richard Ward will be there. Sarah and Heather could do a shift, as well as Ruby.
Mobile Home Park – Richard Ward will be at South Meadow Village on 8/10
8/17 Cranberry Village
Presentations will be developed.
Liz added that MSBA is available to come to Carver and do any kind of a community event.
Farmers Market – once or twice before the end of October.
XI. Public Comment Period
Richard Ward introduced Scott Knief.
Liz thanked Peter Gray for taping the meeting this evening.
Richard Ward introduced the committee members, HMFH (the architects) and PMA (the project manager).
XII. New Business
Liz Sorrell made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 pm.
Second by John Cotter.
Unanimous vote.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kelly Yenulevich
Building Committee Recording Secretary