17th November 2000

Infectious Disease Surveillance and Epidemic Preparedness (IDSEP) Unit
World Health Organization, Dili, East Timor,
in collaboration with the Division of Health Services of the Department of Social Affairs, ETTA

Bulletin Contact Details - Ph: 0417 828 934 e-Mail:

Week/Semana 44/2000 (29/10/2000-04/11/2000)

Important points: Measles outbreaks in Manufahi and Lautem Districts, associated with two deaths. Increased reporting of acute febrile illness, bloody diarrhoea and suspected malaria in Dili and Lautem Districts raises the possibility of Dengue infections.

Formal reports:

For Week 44 of 2000, the Unit received reports of 7,527 consultations from 10 health agencies, operating 43 fixed and mobile health facilities in 8 districts. Reporting for Weeks 43 and 44 have been affected by the considerable time needed by many agencies to plan and implement the first Sub-National Immunisation Day on 4 November. Revised updates for this period will be included in subsequent reports as required.

Notifications of bloody diarrhoea have increased in the Dili and Lautem Districts (16 and 11 cases, respectively), while reports from other districts were lower, including the two districts (Aileu and Bobonaro) with high notifications from the previous week.

Total reports of watery diarrhoea were higher than the previous week (320 versus 261), with most cases reported from Lautem, Dili and Manufahi Districts (88, 68 and 51 cases respectively).

The number of cases of clinically suspected malaria reported this week was slightly higher at 970. The highest number of notifications came from Lautem District (378 cases), and there was a marked rise in notifications from Dili District (296 versus 99 in Week 43). There was one reported death attributed to suspected malaria in the less than 5 years age group from Bobonaro District.

There was an increase in the reporting of acute febrile illness in Lautem, Manufahi and Dili Districts (74, 67, and 53 cases, respectively), including two deaths in children in the less than 5 years of age group from Dili.

Reports of upper and lower respiratory tract infection continue to be high but steady this week (1,290 and 305 cases respectively), with Aileu District reporting a sharp decrease in the number of cases of URTI (46 cases compared to 444 cases at the same time last week). No deaths from acute respiratory infection were reported from any district.

There has been a marked increase in reports of suspected measles (38 cases this week compared to 4 for this time last week). There appeared to be two foci of measles infection, one in the Same subdistrict of Manufahi District (16 cases), and the Iliomar subdistrict of Lautem District (18 cases). Two deaths in children under the age of five years have been attributed to measles pneumonia in the Manufahi District outbreak. Immunisation efforts to limit further spread of measles have commenced in both areas.

There were four reports of acute jaundice syndrome reported last week, three from Dili District and one from Manufahi District, which have yet to be fully investigated. There were no reports of acute flaccid paralysis or neonatal tetanus.

Informal reports:

A number of cases consistent with neurosyphilis have been reported from Dili.

Other News:

A seminar on HIV/AIDS was held at UN Agency House, Dili, on the 10th of November with representatives from a wide range of health service organizations with an interest in HIV/AIDS issues.

A joint consultative team from UNAIDS arrived in East Timor on the 13th of November. Their mission is to assess the current situation with regard to HIV/AIDS in the local community and international personnel, and outline a preventive strategy for HIV/AIDS and STI’s relevant to the risk factors and concerns of the East Timorese community.

Pontu sira ne’ebe importante: Surtu Sarampu iha Distritu Manufahi no Lautem, asosiadu ho mate nain rua. Isin Manas Akut aumenta, Tee-Been Kahur Raan no Suspeitu Malária iha Distritu Dili no Lautem- presiza hanoin katak dalaruma kazu sira ne’e balu bele reprezenta infesaun Dengue.

Reportajen formál:

Iha semana 44 tinan 2000, Unit simu reportajen númeru konsultasaun 7,527 husi ajénsia 10 ne’ebe serbisu iha fasilidade 43 saúde nian ne’ebe movél ho permanente iha distritu 8. Reportajen semana 43 no 44 hetan afetu husi loron barak ne’ebe ajénsia barak uza atu halo preparasaun no implementasaun loron Festa Imunazasaun Nasionál ba dala uluk iha loron haat fulan Novembru liubá. Revizaun atu kompleta períodu ne’e sei inklui iha reportajen tuir mai se presiza. .

Notifikasaun kona ba Tee-Been Kahur Raan aumenta iha Distritu Dili no Lautem (ida-idak ho kazu 16 no 11), bainhira reportajen husi distritu seluk tun, inklui distritu rua (Aileu no Bobonaro) ne’ebe ho númeru notifikasaun barak liu iha semana uluk.

Total reportajen kona ba Tee-Been Simples barak liu husi semana uluk (320 kompara 261), ho reportajen kazu barak liu husi Distritu Lautem, Dili no Manufahi., (ida-idak kazu 88, 68 no 51).

Reportajen kona ba kazu Suspeitu Malária klíniku sa’e uitoan semana ida ne’e to’o númeru 970. Distritu Lautem fó notifikasaun númeru boot liu (kazu 378), no reportajen husi Distritu Dili mos hatudu katak sa’e, (kazu 296 kompara 99 semana uluk). Reportajen kona ba mate ida tanba suspeitu malária husi Distritu Bobonaro, tama iha grupu ho idade tinan 5 mai kraik.

Reportajen kona ba Isin Manas Akut aumenta iha distritu Lautem, Manufahi no Dili (ida-idak ho kazu 74, 67 no 53), inklui labarik nain rua husi Distritu Dili ne’ebe mate no tama iha grupu ho idade tinan 5 mai kraik.

Reportajen kona ba Traktus Respiratórius Superior no Inferior makaas nafatin maibe sei hela ho kazu (ida-idak 1,290 no 305), ho reportajen husi distritu Aileu tun makaas ( kazu 46 kompara ho 444 semana uluk). La iha reportajen kona ba mate tanba Infesaun Traktus Respiratórius Akut.

Reportajen kona Suspeitu Sarampu aumenta (kazu 38 semana ida ne’e kompara ho kazu 4 semana uluk). Ita hare katak atu akontese infesaun sarampu iha fatin rua ne’e., ida iha Sub-Distritu Same, Distritu Manufahi (kazu 16), ho Sub-Distritu Iliomar, Distritu Lautem (kazu 18). Labarik nain rua mate ho idade tinan 5 mai kraik, hatudu katak atu akontese surtu iha Distritu Manufahi. Esforsu fó Immunizasaun atu limita moras sarampu para labele sai ba fatin seluk, hahú ona iha fatin rua nee.

Reportajen haat kona ba Síndroma Moras Kinur Akut iha semana uluk, tolu husi Distritu Dili no ida husi distritu Manufahi. Seidauk halo investigasaun ho kompletu. Laiha reportajen kona ba Flasida Paralizia Akut no Tétanu Neonatál.

Reportajen informál:

Kazu balu ho manifestasaun sipilis neurolojia Dili mak fó reportajen.

Notísia sira seluk:

Semináriu kona ba HIV/AIDS ne’ebe hala’o iha edifísiu Ajénsia Nasoens Unidas nian iha Dili, iha loron 10 fulan Novembru ho reprezentante husi organizasaun lubuk ida ne’ebe serbisu iha saúde no iha interese ho problema HIV/AIDS.

Grupu konsultativu ida husi UNAIDS to’o iha Dili iha loron 13 fulan Novembru. Sira nia misaun atu halo investigasaun situasaun atual kona ba HIV/AIDS iha komunidade lokal ho ema estranjeiru sira, sira nia planu kona ba estratejia atu halo prevensaun ba HIV/AIDS ho moras seluk ne’ebe da’et husi relasaun sexual ne’ebe iha relevansia ho faktor risku ba komunidade Timor oan sira ne’ebe laran susar tanba moras ida ne’e.



DISTRICT | Freq Percent Cum.


AILEU | 4 7.7% 7.7%

BOBONARO | 9 17.3% 25.0%

COVALIMA | 4 7.7% 32.7%

DILI | 16 30.8% 63.5%

LAUTEM | 11 21.2% 84.6%

LIQUISA | 0 0.0% 84.6%

MANUFAHI | 1 1.9% 86.5%

VIQUEQUE | 7 13.5% 100.0%


Total | 52 100.0%


DISTRICT | Freq Percent Cum.


AILEU | 44 4.5% 4.5%

BOBONARO | 36 3.7% 8.2%

COVALIMA | 83 8.6% 16.8%

DILI | 216 22.3% 39.1%

LAUTEM | 378 39.0% 78.0%

LIQUISA | 36 3.7% 81.8%

MANUFAHI | 69 7.1% 88.9%

VIQUEQUE | 108 11.1% 100.0%


Total | 970 100.0%


DISTRICT | Freq Percent Cum.


AILEU | 0 0.0% 0.0%

BOBONARO | 1 2.6% 2.6%

COVALIMA | 0 0.0% 2.6%

DILI | 1 2.6% 5.3%

LAUTEM | 18 47.4% 52.6%

LIQUISA | 0 0.0% 52.6%

MANUFAHI | 18 47.4% 100.0%

VIQUEQUE | 0 0.0% 100.0%


Total | 38 100.0%


DISTRICT | Freq Percent Cum.


AILEU | 26 8.4% 8.4%

BOBONARO | 39 12.6% 21.0%

COVALIMA | 30 9.7% 30.6%

DILI | 58 18.7% 49.4%

LAUTEM | 88 28.4% 77.7%

LIQUISA | 10 3.2% 81.0%

MANUFAHI | 51 16.5% 97.4%

VIQUEQUE | 8 2.6% 100.0%


Total | 310 100.0%


DISTRICT | Freq Percent Cum.


AILEU | 0 0.0% 0.0%

BOBONARO | 1 0.5% 0.5%

COVALIMA | 0 0.0% 0.5%

DILI | 53 27.2% 27.7%

LAUTEM | 74 37.9% 65.6%

LIQUISA | 0 0.0% 65.6%

MANUFAHI | 67 34.4% 100.0%

VIQUEQUE | 0 0.0% 100.0%


Total | 195 100.0%


AGENCY | Freq Percent Cum.


CAM | 3 7.0% 7.0%

HAI | 1 2.3% 9.3%

HEALTHNET (HNI) | 6 14.0% 23.3%

ICRC | 2 4.7% 27.9%

INTERFET | 1 2.3% 30.2%

MDM-F | 6 14.0% 44.2%

MDM-P | 12 27.9% 72.1%

OIKOS | 5 11.6% 83.7%

UNTAET | 1 2.3% 86.0%

WORLD VISION | 6 14.0% 100.0%


Total | 43 100.0%





| | Under 5 years | 5 years & over | Total |

|Diseases/Syndromes |------+------+------|

| | Cases |Deaths | Cases | Deaths | Cases |Deaths |


|Simple diarrhoea | 190 | 0 | 120 | 0 | 310 | 0 |

|Diarrhoea with blood | 24 | 0 | 28 | 0 | 52 | 0 |

|Suspected cholera | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |

|Acute febrile illness | 101 | 2 | 94 | 0 | 195 | 2 |

|Suspected malaria | 288 | 1 | 682 | 0 | 970 | 1 |

|Suspected measles | 27 | 2 | 11 | 0 | 38 | 2 |

|Suspected meningitis | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 0 |

|Upper Resp. Tract Infec. | 523 | 0 | 1020 | 0 | 1543 | 0 |

|Lower Resp. Tract Infec. | 142 | 0 | 293 | 0 | 435 | 0 |

|Acute jaundice syndrome | 2 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 4 | 0 |

|AFP/Suspected Polio | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |

|Neonatal tetanus | 0 | 0 | | | | |


|Total No. consultations | 2010 | 5 | 5517 | 1 | 7527 | 6 |



Please note: The last line of the Table above represents the total number of consultations (for any reason), not just the total number of notifications; data in that line, therefore, will generally be more than simply the sum of the column above. VigTimor is not a systematic method of death surveillance, and total reported deaths are likely to underestimate the true picture.