
Regular Meeting of

Monday June 1, 2015

Mayor Chris Jackson called the regular meeting of the Walhalla City Council to order, 7:00 P.M., Monday June 1, 2015 at City Hall.

Alderman Present: Steve Gapp, LaRae Horgan, Myrna Styles, Erin Brusseau, and Mike Belanus.


Also Present: Brian Mathison, and Larry Dubois.

Moved by Horgan to approve minutes of Monday May 4, 2015, second by Styles. Ayes: All, Nays: None. Motion carried.

Moved by Belanus to approve the Financial Report as presented, second by Horgan. Ayes: All, Nays: None. Motion carried.

Brian informed the Council that Kringstad Septic Tank Service was in Walhalla and has done 26 blocks this year. Brian also asked the Council to consider buying a fogger.

Moved by Gapp to approve Brian hiring summer help for the street, with the hourly wage of $12.00 an hour, second by Brusseau. Ayes: Gapp, Horgan, Styles, Brusseau and Belanus. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Council discussed the police coverage for Walhalla.

Moved by Belanus to approve the building permit for Myrna Stremick, Randy Wieler, Mitch Lee, Steve & Bianna Hornung, Christopher Belanus, Kemberly Nielsen and Brett Schurman, second by Gapp. Ayes: All, Nays: None. Motion carried.

Alderman Horgan spoke to the Council regarding the library roof leaking.

Alderman Horgan also brought up the Fees for the Pool this year. Moved by Horgan to set the pool rates as: 0-6 free, 7 & up $50.00 per season, and day pass as $5.00, with no family pass, second by Belanus. Ayes: All, Nays: None. Motion carried.

Moved by Gapp to pay all bills presented except the Bio-Sunn vouchers, second by Brusseau. Ayes: Gapp, Horgan, Styles, Brusseau, and Belanus. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Moved by Belanus to reject the bid for the Water Plant from Walhalla Enterprises LLC of $1,131.00, second by Gapp. Ayes: All, Nays: None. Motion carried.

Mr. Dubois brought up the payment due CSB for the Walhalla Economic Development Corporation, Mr. Dubois discussed this with the Council and will go back to CSB to negotiate payments. Mr. Dubois discussed the Clinic Project with the Council, also informed the Council on a slip and fall incident at the Walhalla Clinic.

Mr. Dubois spoke to the Council regarding vacating Sixth Street between Mr. Berg and Mr. Dearingers’ property. Mr. Dubois will continue with the process.

Council approved of the Pool Managers lifeguard roster for 2015.

Moved by Brusseau to approve blocking off streets for the 4th of July events, second by Styles. Ayes: All, Nays: None. Motion carried.

Moved by Belanus to adjourn the meeting, second by Horgan. Ayes: All, Nays: None. Motion carried.


Mayor Auditor



Bills paid for June 2015 Meeting

Advanced Business $ 336.50

Aflac $ 344.04

AmerPride $ 76.85

AT&T $ 104.97

BNSF Railway Company Lease $ 84.42

Cardmember Service $ 96.14

Cavalier Chronicle $ 49.00

Choice Financial Group $ 942.68

Fleming & Dubois $ 987.50

Hawkins, Inc $ 1925.00

Matthew Bender & Co $ 71.87

Northdale Oil $ 276.41

Northeast Regional Water $ 14737.98

Postmaster $ 114.00

Recreation Supply $ 207.92

Shirley Robillard $ 125.00

Soeby Motor Co $ 44.26

The Walsh County Rep $ 48.00

United Telephone $ 769.22

United Telephone/library $ 108.03

Verizon Wireless $ 179.89

Walhalla Building Center $ 219.75

Walhalla Mountaineer $ 590.17

Forestwood Inn $ 590.80

Mar-Kit Landfill $ 2449.35

Walhalla Farmers Grain $ 48.30

Total $ 25528.05