Year of Faith Recommendation for Parishes, Faith formation programs and catechists- Department of Catechetical Services

Suggestions for Parishes
Year of Faith beginsOct. 11, 2012 -- the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council -- and conclude Nov. 24, 2013 -- the feast of Christ the King.
Pope Benedict XVI announced a special "Year of Faith" to help Catholics appreciate the gift of faith, deepen their relationship with God and strengthen their commitment to sharing faith with others (CNS).

Adult Religious Formation

Adults in faith sharing groupsas well as parishes gathering in a whole parish catechesis are able to bridge their faith and lived experiences. Many parishes already have some groups in place for purposes of evangelization, carrying out the mission of the church and promoting prayer to develop a deeper level of the person’s spirituality.


In this year of faith, parishes may provide for all parishioners access to the Vatican Council Documents, The Catechism of the Catholic Church and opportunities to view sacred art so that the parishioner:

  • Will foster a “ joyous rediscovery of the faith”-(Year of Faith)

Action Steps:

  1. Provide Catechism of the Catholic Church (United States Catholic Catechism for Adults- also available in Spanish)at special occasions e.g. weddings, home blessings, as stated in the “Year of Faith” recommendations. For parish classes, study workbooks are available to accompany the US Catholic Catechism for Adults in English or Spanish. You may order these from OSV.
  1. Provide additional links to Church documents on the parish website
  2. Vatican II Documentsavailable in multi languages


  1. Links to the Catechism of the Catholic Church: available in various languages
  1. Links promoting Marian devotions :
  1. Praying the audio rosary:
  2. May devotions
  3. Marian celebrations: O.L.Guadalupe or Mary patroness of parishes
  4. Praying Magnificat
  5. Parish missions on apparitions
  6. Pray the Angelus
  7. Pray the rosary
  1. Provide instruction of such practices as :History of adoration though means of technology or text:
  1. Opening the doors to God’s presence by exploring different spiritualities: simple explanations available:
  2. Encourage parishioners to find their spirituality type and then provide links or resources that will nurture that type of spirituality
  1. Use resources specifically aimed at teaching the 4 Pillars of the Faith
  1. Study resources such as : Catholicism by Fr. Robert Barron
  2. The VATICAN II CENTER for Parish Renewal
  3. Renew International :Why Catholic? ¿Porqué Ser Catolico?
  4. Catholic dictionary:

Hardon, Fr. John,S.J. Modern Catholic Dictionary. Inter Mirifica (Eternal Life).1999. Web. 25 March 2012.

  1. The United States Catholic Catechism for Adults with workbook available in English and Spanish
  1. Organize activities for special interest groups, e.g. moms or elderly group, circles to link for special parish functions such as Lenten celebration or celebration of the Liturgy of the Hours on 4 Sunday evenings throughout the year
  1. Invite parishioners to take a basic Catholic Beliefs course offered online through the University of Dayton
  1. Advertise Diocesan catechist certification courses (the Year of Faith Special). Parish offers one class, then the diocese will give away one of the courses covering the 4 pillars of the church for free
  1. Provide on the parish website the tour of the Church with explanations of each element of art, e.g. the stained glass windows, other symbols
  1. Use art to communicate the faith by providing links to virtual online visit of the Vatican Art Museum:

Or others like

  1. Promote evangelization through such programs
  1. Renew International : Arise orLevántate
  2. Little Rock Scripture
  3. Participation in the University of Dallas Biblical School
  4. Use Evangelization Programs recommended by USCCB
  1. Alpha for Catholics
  2. CaFE
  3. Disciples in Mission
  4. Envision: Planning Our Parish Future
  5. Follow Me
  6. Parish Mission, A Spirituality for an Evangelizing Parish
  7. The Parish Renewal Project
  8. Paulist Parish Based Evangelization
  9. World Prayernet + Discover Life in Christ Campaign
  1. Organize penitential celebrations, particularly during Lent Local parishes; have video to help parishioners how to go to confession as well as providing examination guides for parishioners
  1. Promoting unity among Christians
  2. Schedule a prayer service with neighboring church of another faith tradition. For more information on what to include in a prayer service contact Fr. Robert William or Lynn Rossol.
  1. Renew creative dialogue between faith and reason in the academic communities, through symposia, meetings and days of study
  1. Host several speakers especially atUD maybe the Landregan on specific topics related to Vatican council

14. Parishes can include in any sacramental preparation meetings for parents and sponsors time devoted to specifically emphasize their role to be “meaningful witnesses to the faith” and remind them of their mission of evangelization as they journey with the Elect in preparation to receive the sacraments. Parishes can also extend an invitation to parents and sponsors to attend or participate in any Year of the Faith activities of the parish.

Formation of catechists and leaders by the Department of catechetical Services

Action steps

  1. Use Commissioning Day in August as and In-service day for catechetical and youth leaders to introduce the Year of Faith and ensure that parishes have planned some initiatives in their parishes
  1. Reintroduce PCLs to some major Church documents at each general meeting
  1. Vatican II documents in various languages
  1. Include in the UD Ministry Conference a topic on the Year of Faith to introduce catechists and school teachers to the Year of Faith providing suggestions as to how to celebrate it
  1. Offer parishes a but 1 get 2 free theology class in one of the four pillars of the church so that catechists and parishioners may take advantage of this offer
  2. Provide each catechist a Catechism of the Catholic Church; invite them to bring CCC to catechist formation classes so they can begin to familiarize themselves with mechanics of using the book. The US Catholic Catechism for Adults has work books available both in English and Spanish. These may be purchased through OSV.
  1. Encourage PCLs to provide 4 gatherings for catechists throughout the year that promote
  2. August: a means of catechesis through use of art by famous artists focused on Mary
  3. November or December: and Advent Retreat on different spiritualities presented; Diocesan CAT SERV Department will provide CD to aid parishes
  4. February: Invite catechists to participate in a Catechism Bowl in the parish to stimulate pre study of the Catechism before the event
  5. May: Invite catechists to celebrate the Liturgy of the hours on a Sunday evening or to pray the rosary
  1. PCLs along with their pastors will provide catechists with 1 hour sessions on the catechism.
  2. The diocesan office will develop 3 prayers that the catechist (or any one in evangelization) can pray before, during and at the end of any formation session.

Religious Education for Children 1-6

Action steps

  1. The Inauguration of the Year of Faith
  1. On the Sunday closer to October 11, 2012 (The Inauguration of the Synod) children will renew their baptismal promises. Have children bring their baptismal candle, a picture of their baptism, etc. and have a celebration in each classroom
  2. Give each child a Year of Faith card with copy of the apostles Creed to be recited at the need of each faith formation class(available through Department of Catechetical Services website)
  1. Catechism Questions
  1. Have children learn questions/answers related to the teachings of the catechism they are studying in that specific grade. The textbooks offer a series of questions and terminology that can be used as a mini-catechism. Have catechists pay special attention to those questions and words during the year of faith.
  2. Summer 2012, (at registration) give parents sample of questions in catechism. Let them study with children while on summer break. Have parishes conduct a Catholic Bowl in which children may compete using questions form catechism as well as information about the sacred art, liturgical space, etc.
  3. Invite parishes to look at Sadlier’sNuestra Fe Católicaor Loyola Press’ Conociendo Nuestra Fe Católica as catechisms (bilingual)
  1. Virtual Tours
  1. Using technology is an excellent tool in ministry. Use the internet to take the children in a “virtual tour”:

* St. Peter’s Basilica:

* A virtual Tour of the Vatican:

  1. Have each parish and Cathedral produce a tour of the Church and create either a You tube or PowerPoint Presentation to be presented to all children in religious education programs on the weekend of Nov. 10 or eleven to coincide with the feast of the dedication of the Lateran Basilica.
  1. Catechisms for Children
  1. Provide families with a copy of one of these pocket catechisms for children, and have them study the questions with their families.

A Pocket Catechism for Kids by Fr. Kris Stubna & Mike Aquilina.

Children’s Catholic Catechism by Brown Roa.

  1. Celebration of All Saints
  1. For the November 1st Feast Day, have the children study and research the life of a saint, and then present it to the rest of the class, dressing up as that saint should be encouraged and a celebration of all Saints can be done at the parish.
  1. Faith and Art
  1. Show different pieces of Sacred Art to the Children: paintings, sculptures, glass windows, architecture, etc. and have the children work on reproducing one piece of sacred art each month, at the end of the year, have a display of all the artwork the children developed during the year of faith. Have the children read and memorize one verse related to the artwork they are creating.


  1. La Pietaby Michelangelo
  2. The last Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci
  3. The Return of the Prodigal Son by Rembrandt
  4. The Baptism
  5. Christ Washing the Feet of Saint Peter by Ford Madox Brown
  6. The Incredulity of Saint Thomas by Caravabbio:
  1. Music( Scripture based)
  1. Each PCL will develop a list (repertoire) of Hymns that the children will learn in their classrooms; these hymns are related to the faith and evangelization, examples:
  1. Here I am Lord
  2. I am the Bread of Life
  3. Pescador de Hombres
  4. Psalms 23, 34, 48, 40, 51, 66,100,118
  5. Our commissioned hymn for the Year of Faith: “Master of the Galaxies”

Contact Dr. Hughes in our Worship Office.

  1. Know what’s in your Church
  2. Have a photographer or your Confirmation students take a picture of sacred objects in your Church, baptismal font. Stain glass, windows, bench, crucifix,tabernacle etc.Include some text to identify object and maybe description what it symbolizes. Develop a Power point and then put it in your Parish website. Be sure to let parishioners know when it will be available.
  3. Bulletin announcements: Include a brief statement about an article of faith in you Catechism Corner through this year!

Ascension Press

  • Scripture resources :Spanish resources
  • The Bible Timeline Seminar

Ave Maria Press



Liguori Vaticano II (Español)

Loyola Press

OSV( Our Sunday Visitor)

RCL Benziger

RENEW International

Twenty Third Publications


Vatican II documents

Year of Faith Study Bible for Catholics


Logo and website for Year of Faith

Offical hymn for the Year of faith

Music specially composed hyms

Diocese of Dallas Department of Catechetical Services; March 26, 2012Page 1