The Advisory Board Company │Health Care Advisory Board

The New Economics of Growth:

Executing Strategies to Profitably Grow Market Share of Volume and Lives

The New Growth Imperative

Today, as the viability of traditional inpatient-centric business models comes into question, many hospitaland health system leaders feel they must choose between a laser focus on rapid cost restructuring andinvesting in their organizations’ futures. However, trading off between austerity and growth is a falsechoice—and one you cannot afford to make. Organizations that can balance disciplined management with

a commitment to investing in high-quality, low-cost pathways and outcomes will succeed in an economydetermined to spend less, not more, on health care.

Market share growth—measured by both volume of services and lives under care—is the key tofuture success. Hospitals and health systems must determine what strategic identity best positions themto capture emerging growth opportunities. Can your organization truly be the best-in-class proceduralworkshop preferred by risk-bearing physicians and employers? Does your ambulatory network meetgrowing consumer demands for access and affordability? Will you be able to address purchasers’ total costchallenges as a full-service population health manager? Are you prepared to thrive in shifting insurancemarkets as a financially integrated delivery system?

Succeeding Where Demand Is Moving

Though these potential growth strategies may seem very different, they each rely on a common foundation. The health system footprint must extend beyond the acute care core. Organizations must integrate asuite of ambulatory resources—access points, diagnostics, outpatient services, and others—to create thehigh-quality, seamless experience that patients and purchasers demand. They must also leverage thosecapabilities to serve low- and “rising”-risk patients whose continued good health is critical for financialsuccess as a population health manager.

Push Forward—Shape Your Organization’s Future Today

Hospitals and systems have little time to waste in developing and implementing such networks and caremodels. The market is prepared to reward providers who take intelligent risks and move quickly. Organizations that can offer extensive, reliable ambulatory services and population-specific care modelsstand to gain market share and proactively shape the competitive landscape.

The 2013–2014 Health Care Advisory Board national meeting series will provide an in-depth look at howleading health systems are executing on tomorrow’s growth strategies today. From best practices inambulatory network design to insights on tailoring care management models for specific segments ofa population, this year’s research is indispensable for anyone intent on controlling their own destiny ina changing marketplace.

2013–2014 National Meeting Agenda

DAY 1:Carving a New Growth Path

NoonRegistration and Light Lunch

1:00 p.m. State of the Union: Health System Strategy at the Tipping Point

Forces Shaping Provider Strategy in the New Health Care Economy

• The end of price—emerging threats to hospital pricing

• How big is big enough?—weighing the value of M&A and continuum partnerships

• Brave new marketplace—preparing for exchanges, narrower networks, and direct contracting

• Decoding the new logic of choice—meeting the shifting demands of physicians, purchasers, and patients

• New dynamics with existing competitors—traditional providers reevaluating their identities in the market

• The rise of new competitors—disruptive innovators carving out niche profit centers

3:00 p.m.The Consumer-Oriented Ambulatory Network

Winning Share in a Dramatically More Competitive Ambulatory Landscape

• From patients to consumers—redesigning clinical and service models to match the preferences of “clinicalshoppers”

• A new power formula for growth—broadening physical and virtual access points and shifting pricing strategy

• Redefining primary care—organizing physician offices, retail clinics, urgent care, ongoing care management,and virtual care into an integrated service line

• Build, buy or partner—will Walgreens, Wal-Mart, MDVIP, etc. be friends or foes?

• The outpatient hospital—repurposing existing capacity to service demand for non-hospital services

5:00 p.m.Adjournment

DAY 2:Profiting as a Population Health Manager

7:30 a.m.Continental Breakfast

8:00 a.m.The Future of Preemptive Care Management

Proactively Engaging High-Risk Patients to Avoid Clinical and Financial Flashpoints

• The analytics advantage—identifying the right risk factors to track for efficient and effectiveintervention targeting

• “Sweet spot” for team-based care—engaging the full arsenal of influencers, from health coaches tosocial networks, to achieve ROI on the patient-centered medical home

• Focusing on whole health—designing care models and funds flow that reward multidisciplinaryefforts to support patients with complex conditions

• From command and control to engagement—tactics for improving self-management skills throughgoal setting, robust action planning, and accessible support systems

10:00 a.m.The Future of Healthy Patient Activation

Attracting and Retaining Attributed Lives in the Healthy Population

• Orienting ourselves around the individual—deploying alternatives to physician-centric, visit drivencare to personalize relationships

• From EMR to CR M—collecting and mining new data on patient preferences to customize marketing,education, and outreach to patient preferences and lifestyles

• Building the right patient portal—forgoing non-value-added functions and giving patients tools andaccess they want

• Making it easy to be healthy—insights from behavioral economics that help make efficientinvestments in tools and services to help patients stay healthy
