Workshops, Presentations, Round Table Talks and Storytelling

at the 4th International meeting 12th-14th January 2018 in Zagreb/Croatia

Ivanir Hasson Olsen:

Storytelling and personal objects


Saturday 10.15 am – 1.15 pm + 3.00-6.00 pm

“In this 6 hours workshop we will explore storytelling from the relation on personal objects. We often think of personal objects as something we need, some aesthetic, necessities or something we have just for fun. But the personal objects are companions in our emotion, they serve to express dynamic processes within us, among us, and between us and our surroundings. The objects are part of our biography. Personal objects may be lost, but even lost objects have strength and power, and as they are remembered, they carry stories with them, these stories can still be told and listened to. Personal objects, whether they are lost or still belonging to the owner, contain memories and legacy. They are connected to deep feelings. These stories can go all the way into the core of man. This work has used as part of language training in work with refugees.”

Gauri Raje:

Stories of the Stranger and Self – The Place of witnessing in Storytelling


Saturday 10.15 am – 1.15 pm + 3.00-6.00 pm

„In this 6 hours workshop, we will look at the place and meaning of witnessing in storytelling. What is the relationship between the self and story? In a world where there is so much conflict and dislocation, where does witnessing in a story happen? How can the storyteller be a witness and teller at the same time?

This is a workshop for exploration and reflection. Everyone is welcome, with or without the experience of storytelling.“

Micaela Sauber and Brita Wilmsmeier

Storytelling in emergency pedagogy and storytelling for children and youth with focus on dealing with trauma


Saturday 10.15 am-1.15 pm + 3.00-6.00 pm

„In recent years the matter of trauma caused by war and migration has engaged many people, and moved them to take action for people who need help to turn post traumatic stress into post traumatic growth. Storytelling encompasses a variety of possibilities and also enables to intensively work and share experiences with people in need.

Through an aesthetic-artistic approach storytelling holds an integrative potential and, thanks to the healing and intercultural nature of stories, it can open hearts and facilitate an genuine dialogue. In this 6 hours workshop we will share experiences from our work as well aspractical tools, stories and background about the impact of trauma to body, soul and spirit.“

Maria Serrano:

Mare Nostrum - Seeing the other, seeing oneself

English and (on demand) Spanish

Sunday 10.15 am - 1.15 pm

„This is a workshop that explores cultures and languages meeting in stories. How can we use stories to create spaces where different cultures can meet?How can we sail along with a variety of languages in stories?How can we make our words come through?How can we tell stories that integrate the listeners?How can we open up to what we normally turn our back to?

We will work with stories from the Mediterranean. We will explore, improvise and share experiences. Do join us on this adventure!“

Jasna Held:

Traditional tales from Adriatic sea to Danube

Sunday 10.15-2.25 pm

Stories where the East meet the West

We shall discover differences and similarities with mid European stories and secrets within simplicity and richness behind the words of those tales.

Marianne Vier presents her work:

Oasis in the Sea of Forgetting

Storytelling for those who are suffering from dementia

Saturday 8 pm

Only when I am in my own presence, in my own silence and center and if I feel the story in my heart I can reach my listeners who are emotionally totally competently. We sing and laugh, we despair together, we are touched until we cry and we are learning together.

My life is rich through my storytelling for people with dementia.

Alexandra Eyrich presents her work:

"…and was deeply asleep"

The possibilities of a fairy tale pedagogy in the care of dying and mourning people

Saturday 8.20 pm

Traditional tales, so called fairy tales, are tales of transformation and change. Such processes belong to life and death and cannot be separated from them. The jump into the well, the darkness in the wolfs belly, a hedge of thornes are images of dying, death and mourning. Alexandra offers new aspects through the symbolism of traditional fairy tales and a first approach to the themes around death and mourning.

Round table talk – Moderation Maria Serrano

Saturday 8.40 pm – 9.15 pm


Saturday 9.15 pm – 10 pm

is a drut’syla (storyteller) from Yiddish oral tradition.

​She apprenticed herself in childhood to her grandmother and learned the family tradition of 3000+ interlinked stories. She will present us a choice of her wisdom and wonder.

Alexander Mackenzie will present his picture book

„Humbert Bear likes to doze“.

Sunday 6.00-7.30 pm

He wrote a story and disigned pictures for children in hospices. „The book is dedicated to all the children’s hospices that provide a loving and safe landing for children coming to the close of their short lives. It is in recognition of the endless love of parents and family, the great care of the staff and all the professionals that bring support, kindness and grace to all within these hospices. It is especially for the children of the hospices themselves, who bring so much colour, serenity and bright connection to all they meet on their journey.“