AdvancedHigher Physics Success Guide

This guide is for learners studying Physics at Advanced Higher to assist in identifying areas of the two and a half main units to be studied for the course exam. There is no guidance given for the Investigation half unit.

The three columns are:

Key areas and associated learning

This interprets SQA mandatory statements and exemplification of key areas from the Course/Unit Support Notesin terms of knowledge and skill that learners should be able to accomplish.

Candidates should also ensure they are aware of the current SQA course specifications.

The list of suggested activities from the Course/Unit Support Notes is not referenced in this document.


Relationships to be used in numerical calculations. These are providedwhen undertakinginternal unit assessments and the external course examination.

Useful resources

These online resources are suggested as a starting point for online exemplification of course content. They are not exhaustive or definitive and many other resources and websites are available. Each underlined term is a hyperlink which will link to a webpage when this document is viewed electronically. Most resources are only referenced once although they may be of use in other parts of the course.

Resource Guide

Rotational Motion and Astrophysics
Key Areas and Associated Learning / Relationships / Useful Resources
Kinematic relationships
  • Use the relationships and
  • to derive the kinematic relationships:
  • v = u + at, s = ut + ½at2 and v2 = u2 + 2as where a is a constant acceleration
  • Use kinematics equations (SUVAT) to calculate instantaneous displacement, velocity and acceleration for motion in straight line with a constant or varying acceleration
  • Use differentiation and integration to determine the instantaneous velocity and acceleration of a body given initial conditions.
  • Interpret graphs of motions for objects and
  • Determine instantaneous velocity from gradients of s-t graphs
  • Determine instantaneous acceleration from the gradients of v-t graphs
  • Determine displacement from the area under v-t graphs
/ /

YouTube video – Deriving kinematics equations using calculus

BBC video – In Our Time: The laws of motion
Angular motion
  • Convert between degrees and radians using an appropriate relationship
  • Relate linear displacement to angular displacement.
  • State that the angular velocity of a rotating body is the rate of change of angular displacement.
  • State that angular acceleration is the rate of change of angular velocity.
  • Carry out calculations involving angular displacement, angular velocity and angular acceleration.
  • Carry out calculations involving angular and tangential motion.
  • Carry out calculations involving constant angular velocity and period.
  • Distinguish between angular acceleration, tangential acceleration and centripetal (radial or central) acceleration.
  • Explain that consideration of centripetal (radial) acceleration as the rate of change in linear (tangential) velocity leads to the concept of a centripetal (radial) force required to maintain circular motion.
  • Define centripetal (radial or central) acceleration as the rate of change in linear (tangential) velocity
  • Derive the following relationships for radial acceleration: and
  • Use appropriate relationships to carry out calculations involving centripetal acceleration and centripetal force.

/ YouTube video – Rotational motion 101 physics
Education Scotland learner resource – numerical examples.
The Young Scottish Physicist learner resource – Angular motion
Education Scotland learner resource– numerical examples.
YouTube video– Fifth Gear loop the loop
NASA video –Centripetal forces
VCE physics video – Circular motion: The Wall of Death
Illinois University animation – Banked turns

March 2015

Rotational Dynamics
  • State what is meant by the moment of a force
  • State that Toque is defined as the product of radius and force applied at that radius to an axis of rotation.
  • Explain that an unbalanced torque produces an angular acceleration.
  • State that Nm is the unit of torque.
  • Define the moment of inertia, I, of an object as a measure of its resistance to angular acceleration about a given axis.
  • State that the angular acceleration produced by an unbalanced torque depends on the moment of inertia of the object.
  • State that moment of inertia of an objectdepends on the mass of the object, and the distribution of the mass about a particular axis.
  • Calculate the moment of inertia of discrete masses, rods, discs and spheres about a given axis given appropriate relationships.
  • State that the angular momentum L of a rigid object is the product of moment of inertia and angular velocity.
  • State that in the absence of external torques, the total angular momentum of a rotating rigid before a collision equal the total angular moment after impact.
  • Solve problems involving the principle of conservation of angular momentum.
  • State that the rotational kinetic energy of a rigid object depends on its moment of inertia and angular velocity.
  • Use appropriate relationships to carry out calculations involving potential energy, rotational kinetic energy, translational kinetic energy, angular velocity, linear velocity, moment of inertia and mass.
/ ,
For discrete masses:
Moments of inertia for several familiar shapes:
rod about centre -
rod about end -
disc about centre -
sphere - centre -

(no external torque).

Ep= Ek (translational)) +Ek(rotational) / YouTube video – Walter Lewin demonstrates moment of inertia
Education Scotland learner resource – Numerical examples.
YouTube video – Physics of spins in figure skating
YouTube video – The physics of diving

YouTube video – KERS bicycle technology university project at AIT

Wikimedia animation – Lucas Barbosa: Objects down a slope with different moments of inertia
  • Define gravitational field strength in terms of force and mass.
  • Sketch field lines and gravitational field patterns around a planet and a planet–moon system.
  • Apply gravitational forcesto orbital motion.
  • Perform calculations involving period of orbit and distance from centre of Earth.
  • Analyse satellites in (circular) orbit in terms of centripetal forces and period.
  • Applications of satellites include Data-gathering satellites: weather, telecommunications, mapping, surveying, etc. Tides, tidal forces, tidal energy.
  • Describe the principles of the Cavendish/Boys and Maskelyne Schiehallion experiments.
  • Define gravitational potential in terms of potential energy and mass.
  • Define gravitational potential as the work done in moving unit mass from infinity to a point in space.
  • State that gravitational potential and gravitational potential energy have the value zero at infinity.
  • Calculate changes in both potential and kinetic energy when a satellite alters orbit.
  • Describe a Gravitational potential ‘well’.
  • Explain why smaller planets have no atmosphere and the low incidence of helium in Earth’s atmosphere etc.
  • State that escape velocity is the minimum velocity required to allow a mass to escape a gravitational field, achieving zero kinetic energy and maximum (zero) gravitational potential energy at infinity.
  • Derive escape velocity by consideration of energy.
  • Consider implications of escape velocity for space flight.
  • Calculation of escape velocity using appropriate relationship.

/ Vimeo video– BBC Beautiful Equations Newton’s equation of universal gravitation
YouTube video– Universal gravitation
Counting thoughts resource – Weigh the world
Nowykurier animation – Gravity simulation
Donald Simanek teacher resource – Tidal misconceptions
University of Massachusetts learner resource – Gravity and escape velocity tutorial animation– The gravitational field
University of Nebraska animation– Atmospheric loss
Education Scotland learner resource– Numerical examples (pages 5 & 11)
General Relativity
  • State that Special Relativity deals with motion in inertial (non-accelerating) frames of reference.
  • State that General Relativity deals with motion in non-inertial (accelerating) frames of reference.
  • State the Equivalence Principle (an observer cannot tell the difference between a uniform gravitational field and a constant acceleration)
  • Describe the consequences of the Equivalence Principle:
  • Clocks in non-inertial reference frames e.g. accelerating spacecraft
  • Clocks at altitude i.e. clocks run at different speeds in different gravitational field strengths
  • Precession of Mercury’s orbit
  • Gravitational lensing of light
/ BBC video – General relativity
BBC audio– In Our Time: relativity
YouTube video – An introduction to spacetime
The Kings Centre animation – Michelson-Morley, Muon decay and spacetime diagrams
  • State that spacetime is a representation of four dimensional space.
  • State that light or a freely moving object follows a geodesic (the shortest distance between two points) in spacetime.
  • State that mass curves spacetime, and that gravity arises from the curvature of spacetime.
  • Recognise on spacetime diagrams the world lines for objects which are stationary, moving with constant velocity and accelerating.
  • Use an appropriate relationship to solve problems relating to the Schwarzschild radius/event horizon of a black hole.
  • State that time appears to be frozen at the event horizon of a black hole.
/ / TED animation – The fundamentals of space-time
YouTube video – Gravity visualised
BBC audio – In Our Time: black holes
BBC audio – In Our Time: life of stars
Spacetelescope video – Gravitational lensing in action
BBC video – What are gravitational lenses?
Guardian learner resource – Physics of the movie Interstellar
Stellar physics
  • Describe properties of stars such as radius, surface temperature, luminosity and apparent brightness.
  • Use of appropriate relationships to solve problems relating to luminosity, apparent brightness, power per unit area, stellar radius and stellar surface temperature.
  • Knowledge of the stages in the proton-proton chain in stellar fusion reactions which convert hydrogen to helium.
  • Know the stages of stellar evolution the corresponding positions in the Hertzsprung-Russell (H-R) diagram.
  • Know the classification of stars and be able to identify their positions in the Hertzsprung-Russell (H-R) diagram.
  • Be able to predict the colour of stars from their position in the Hertzsprung-Russell (H-R) diagram.
  • Stars are born in interstellar clouds that are particularly cold and dense (relative to the rest of space).
  • Stars form when gravity overcomes thermal pressure and causes a molecular cloud to contract until the central object becomes hot enough to sustain nuclear fusion.
  • The mass of a new star determines its luminosity and surface temperature. The Hertzsprung-Russell (H-R) diagram is a representation of the classification of stars.
  • The luminosity and surface temperature determine the location of a star in the H-R diagram.
  • The lifetime of a star depends on its mass. During the hydrogen fusing stage, the star is located in the main-sequence.
  • As the fuel is used up, the balance between gravity and thermal pressure changes and the star may change its position on the H-R diagram.
  • The ultimate fate of a star is determined by its mass.
  • Supernovae, neutron stars and black holes can be the eventual fate of some stars.

/ Education Scotland resources – Stellar evolution, star brightness
Education Scotland resources – Stellar Physics
Schools observatory learner resource – Stars section
BBC audio – In Our Time: neutrinos
BBC video– Stars
National STEM centre video – The life cycle of stars
University of Utah interactive quiz–Hertzsprung-Russell (H-R) diagram
Quanta and Waves
Key areas and associated learning / Relationships / Useful resources
Introduction to quantum theory
  • Understand the challenges to classical theoryby considering experimental observations that could not be explained by classical physics:
  • Black-body radiation curves (“ultraviolet catastrophe”)
  • Planck’s suggestion that the absorption and emission of radiation could only take place in ‘jumps’,
  • photoelectric effect could not be explained using classical physics,
  • Einstein’s suggestion that the energy of electromagnetic radiation is quantisised,
  • The Bohr model of the atom, which explains the characteristics of atomic spectra in terms of electron energy states, Bohr’s quantisation of angular momentum,
  • De Broglie suggested that electrons have wave properties, the de Broglie relationship between wavelength and momentum and electron diffraction is evidence for wave/particle duality.
Photoelectric effect
  • Use an appropriate relationship to solve problems involving photon energy and frequency.
  • Describe the Bohr model of the atom.
  • Use an appropriate relationship to solve problems involving the angular momentum of an electron and its principal quantum number.
Wave particle duality
  • Describe experimental evidence for wave/particle duality including double-slit experiments with single particles (photons and electrons).
  • Examine evidence of wave/particle duality. Examples include: electron diffraction, photoelectric effect and Compton scattering.
De Broglie waves
  • Use of an appropriate relationship to solve problems involving the de Broglie wavelength of a particle and its momentum.
Uncertainty principle
  • Understand how quantum mechanics canresolve the dilemmas that could not be explained by classical physics and the dual nature of matter.
  • State thatin quantum mechanics the nature of matter is not predictable.
  • A Newtonian, mechanistic view, in principle allows all future states of a system to be known if the starting details are known.
  • Quantum mechanics indicates that we can only calculate probabilities.
  • Understand the Uncertainty principle in terms of how it is impossible to simultaneously measure both wave and particle properties.
  • Describe the principles of double slit experiments with single particles (photons or electrons) and how they produce non-intuitive results.
  • Quantum mechanics gives excellent agreement with experimental observations.
  • Describe the Uncertainty Principle in terms of location and momentum.
  • To gain precise information about the position of a particle requires the use of short wavelength radiation. This has high energy which changes the momentum of the particle.
  • Describe the Uncertainty Principle in terms of energy and time and apply to the concept of quantum tunneling.
  • Potential wells form barriers which would not normally allow particles to escape. ‘Borrowing’ energy for a short period of time allows particles to escape from the potential well.
  • Use of mathematical statements of the Uncertainty Principle to solve problems involving the uncertainties in position, momentum, energy and time.
/ E = hf


Education Scotland teacher resource – Quanta theory advice for teachers.

Education Scotland learner resource – Quanta and waves numerical examples

Softpedia learner resource – Why is Quantum Mechanics so weird?
Hyperphysics learner resource – Early photoelectric effect data
PhET animation –Black body spectrum
AboutPhysics learner resource –The ultraviolet catastrophe
SSERC activity – Determination of Planck’s constant using tungsten lamp
TED Ed animation – The uncertainty location of electrons.
Chad Orzel animation– Quantum mechanics 101
YouTube video – What is the uncertainty principle?
About Physics learner resource – Quantum physics overview
YouTube video – Double slit experiment explained by Jim Al-Khalili
The Guardian teacher resource– What is Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle?
YouTube video – What is quantum tunnelling?
Wimp video – Dr Quantum Double slit experiment
The Guardian teacher resource – Understanding quantum tunnelling
YouTube video – The secrets of quantum physics: Einstein’s nightmare (Episode 1)
BBC audio – In Our Time: Heisenberg
BBC audio – In Our Time: Quantum theory
Particles from space
Cosmic rays
  • State the origin and composition of cosmic rays, the interaction of cosmic rays with Earth’s atmosphere and the helical motion of charged particles in the Earth’s magnetic field.
  • Use an appropriate relationships to solve problems involving the force on a charged particle, its charge, its mass, its velocity, the radius of its path and the magnetic induction of a magnetic field.
  • Explain how aurorae are produced in the upper atmosphere.
  • Comparethe variety and energies of cosmic rays with particles generated by particle accelerators.
Solar wind
Describe of the interaction of the solar wind with Earth’s magnetic field and the composition of the solar wind as charged particles (eg protons and electrons) in the form of plasma. / F = Bqv / Education Scotland teacher resource – Particles from space advice for practitioners
TED video – How cosmic rays help us understand the universe
The Alpha magnetic spectrometer experiment learner resource – Particles & energy levels
School Physics learner resource – Charged particles in electric and magnetic fields.
Simple harmonic motion
  • Define SHM in terms of the restoring force and acceleration proportional and in the opposite direction to the displacement from the rest position.
  • Use appropriate relationships to solve problems involving the displacement, velocity, acceleration, angular frequency, period and energy of an object executing SHM.
  • Examples of SHM include Simple pendulum, mass on spring, loaded test tube, etc.
  • Describe of the effects of damping in SHM (to include underdamping, critical damping’ and overdamping)
  • Examples of damping include: Car shock absorbers, bridges, bungee cords, trampolines, diving boards, etc.

/ Salford University animation – Simple harmonic motion
Nuffield foundation activity – Examples of SHM
Faraday animation – Circular motion and SHM
YouTube video – When a physics teacher knows his stuff!
Teaching advanced physics teacher resource – Energy in SHM
YouTube video – iPad simple harmonic motion
SparkVue activity – SHM using a mobile device
SSERC activity – Wiimote® physics angular acceleration
Education Scotland learner resource – Course questions (page 6)
  • Use an appropriate relationship to solve problems involving the energy transferred by a wave and its amplitude.
  • Use various forms of mathematical representation of travelling waves to identify wave parameters such as frequency, wavespeed, wavelength, direction and amplitude
  • The displacement y is given by the combination of the particle’s transverse SHM and the phase angle between each particle.
  • Use of appropriate relationships to solve problems involving wave motion, phase difference and phase angle.
  • Knowledge of the superposition of waves and stationary waves.
  • Stationary waves are formed by the interference of two waves, of the same frequency and amplitude, travelling in opposite directions. A stationary wave can be described in terms of nodes, antinodes. Stationary waves can be used to measure the wavelength of sound waves and microwaves.
  • Applications of superposition of waves include:
  • Synthesisers related to addition of waves — Fourier analysis.
  • Musical instruments — wind and string.
  • Fundamental and harmonic frequencies.
  • Beats — tuning of musical instruments.
/ PhET animation – Fourier
Falstad animations – Wave phenomena
YouTube video – Amazing resonance experiment
Help my physics animation – Reflecting plate interference using microwaves
Education Scotland learner resource– Course questions (page 2)

YouTube video– Ruben's tube, known frequencies, speed of sound, beat

YouTube video– Guitar and beat frequencies
Vimeo video – CYMATICS: Science vs music
YouTube video – Wave model with bowling ball pendulums
  • Know the conditions for constructive and destructive interference in terms of coherence and phase.
  • Understand the effect of the nature of boundary on the phase of a reflected wave.
  • State the conditions for two light beams to be coherent.
Division of amplitude
  • Conditions for constructive and destructive interference in terms of optical path difference and potential boundary phase changes.
  • Explain interference by division of amplitude, including optical path length, geometrical path length, phase difference, optical path difference.
  • Examples of interference by division of amplitude include thin film interference and wedge fringes, oil films, soap bubbles.
  • Use of appropriate relationships to solve problems involving interference of waves by division of amplitude.
Division of wavelength
  • Explanation of interference by division of wavefront, including Young’s slits interference.
  • Use of appropriate relationships to solve problems involving interference of waves by division of wavefront.
/ Optical path difference = n x geometrical path difference
Optical path difference
= mor m½

Blooming of lenses.
/ School Physics learner resource – Phase shift
Molecular expressions animation– Interference phenomena in soap bubbles
PHYSCLIPS animation– Interference

YouTube video– Doc Physics: Phase shifts for reflected waves of light and air wedge example

YouTube video – Newton's rings
SSERC activity– Newton’s rings
Exploratorium learner resource – Bubble colors
Astrosurf teacher resource– Coating, anti-reflection and dispersion
YouTube video – Young’s slits with sunlight
Education Scotland learner resource– Course questions (pages 21 – 25)
  • Explain the polarisation of transverse waves, including polarisers/analysers and Brewster’s angle.
  • Use an appropriate relationship to solve problems involving Brewster’s angle and refractive index.
  • State that a plane polarised wave can be produced by using a filter to absorb the vibrations in all directions except one.
  • State Polarisation can also be produced by reflection.
  • Brewster’s angle is the angle of incidence that causes reflected light to be linearly polarised.
  • Examples of polarisation include:
  • Liquid crystal displays,
  • computer/phone displays,
  • polarising lenses,
  • optical activity,
  • photoelasticity and saccharimetry.
  • Stress analysis of Perspex models of structures.
/ n = tan ip / Upscale learner resource – Polarisation of light
SSERC activity– Other experiments polarisation
YouTube video – Polarised light

YouTube video – Stress concentration in acrylic under polarized light