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/ The Governor’s Conference and Awards 2017 - On Saturday 4th March at the Jubilee Conference Centre, governors from Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, Derby and Derbyshire attended the Governors Conference and Awards 2017. Alistair Conquer, Head of Partnerships, Curriculum and Enrichment welcomed in excess of 100 delegates to this year’s conference “The Governing Body Role; Children as Future Citizens”. For the fullarticle please visit
/ STOP PRESS - Support our City U13s Football team against Newcastle in the semi-final of the English Schools FA Playstation Trophy Saturday 18th March K.O. 1.00 pm at Highfields University Sports Ground - take the Toton Lane tram to University Boulevard.

Urgent and important stories...!

British Values and SMSCtraining opportunity - Join Global Education Derby for a FREE interactive workshop “Global Learning & British Values” held at The Galleries of Justice Museum, Nottingham on Wednesday 22nd March 2017 4pm-5.15pm suitable for both primary and secondary schools To book your place email
Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage: Published 3 March 2017 Effective 3 April 2017 - Setting the standards for learning, development and care for children from birth to five. For more information please visit
Careers Local Enterprise Grants: for Secondary age pupils- CAREERS Local Enterprise Grants (CLEG) are available to eligible schools, specialist schools, academies, pupil referral units, alternative learning centres, further education colleges and home educated (through registration with the Local Authority), these will be known as Educational Institutions (EI’s) in this document. The grant of up to £10,000 can only be used to support new activities and not replace any statutory requirements of Educational Institutions. For more information about the Careers Local Enterprise Grants please visit eligibility guidance please click on the following link complete a Careers Local Grant application form please visit contact information please visit

Important but not urgent stories...!

Working in Partnership: School Health Developments in Nottingham - The next event will have a focus on preventing obesity in children and young people. It will be an opportunity to consider ‘Childhood Obesity: A plan for action’ and hear examples of good practice from within Nottingham. The event will be held on Monday 27th March from 9.00am until 12.30pm at Nottingham Forest Football Ground. If you would like to reserve a place please contact
DfE Monthly Commentary: HMCI's monthly commentary March 2017 - Ofsted's Chief Inspector, Amanda Spielman, comments on a newly published study into the reliability of Ofsted's short school inspections. For more information please visit
DfE Research and Analysis: Do two inspectors inspecting the same school make consistent decisions? - This study looks in detail at the reliability of Ofsted's new short inspections of schools. For more information please visit
Financingof Costs of Redundancy for Maintained Schools-The policy "Financing Of Costs Of Redundancy For Maintained Schools", which was presented to Schools Forum in December 2016 and came into effect in January this year, can be found in the ‘restructuring and transfers’ section of the schools people management handbook. This policy clarifies the expectations of the Education Act 2002 in relation to the funding of dismissals due to redundancy and makes clear the authority’s approach going forward. The key message for schools to note is that the payment of costs associated with early/premature retirement will by default be payable from schools’ delegated budgets in such situations. For more information please click on the following link
Grant Opportunity: Funding for Projects that Raise the Attainment of Disadvantaged School Students - The Shine Trust which funds projects that help disadvantaged young people to realise their academic potential, has re-opened the Let Teachers SHINE competition. The competition aims to find the country's best teachers and some new and practical ways to raise attainment among disadvantaged students in literacy, numeracy and/or science. Funding of up to £15,000 is available for 10 winning ideas. The competition is open to any teacher working with students aged up to 18. Successful ideas might involve superb after-school programmes or innovative use of technology, etc. For more information please visit

Stories you might find interesting...!

My Beautiful Nottingham Art and Photography competitions - Nottingham in Bloom is running new photography and art competitions to celebrate the beautiful green landscapes and corners of Nottingham. Keen young artists, along with photographers of all ages, are invited to take inspiration from the city’s abundance of parks, gardens, local landmarks, flowers, trees and nature through the seasons. The ‘My Beautiful Nottingham’ art and photography competitions are being run by Nottingham in Bloom and sponsored by Capital One. Entries are welcome from young people who live, go to school or are members of community groups in Nottingham.The closing date for entries is: 5th May 2017, 5pm. For more information and entry forms please visit
IDEAL Annual Conference Tuesday 28th March 2017 Asylum Seekers and Refugees: Nottingham’s Response -We are delighted that our nationally renowned keynote speaker is still able to open the day and we look forward to a stimulating day focusing on the important theme of asylum seekers and refugees in education.For more information please contact Azmah Aziz or 0115 8764690 or visit a New Reduced Price of £65 per delegate or £100 for two delegates from the same school.
Dance Performance: Where the River Runs - Made with young audiences in mind, high quality dance performance 'Where The River Runs' tells the simple story of a stranger trying to cross a river, and what happens when the water comes to life and starts a wild and wonderful journey. For further detailsplease visit
Crest Awards: Seeking teacher feedback: help shape the future of Crest - To help us engage more young people and schools in the CREST Awards, we are asking for the opinions of UK Primary and Secondary school staff (both those who have run CREST before, and those that have not). As a thank you for completing the survey, you will be entered into a prize draw to receive one of four £50 Amazon gift cards if you complete the survey before 31 March. Or, if you prefer, your response can be anonymous. This short survey will take around 5 minutes to complete, and asks questions about the current obstacles to running the award scheme in schools, what kind of support helps teachers most and pricing levels. To complete the online survey please click on the following link
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