Niagara District Airport Commission Minutes

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Present:Ruedi Suter, Chairman

Henry Zwolak, Vice-chairman

Bob White, Treasurer

Gary Murphy, Secretary

Janice Wing

Ernie Amadio

Rich Lancaster

Terry Flynn

Regrets:Peter Secord

Staff:Len O’Connor, Airport Manager

Patti Gamble, Airport Administrator

  1. Call to Order

The chairman called the meeting to order at 07:02

  1. Confirmation of a quorum

Quorum confirmed.

  1. Adoption of Agenda

Moved by Terry Flynn, seconded by Bob White, that the agenda with the following amendments be adopted.

1.Move Terminal Bldg. Air Pressure (Economizers) – Gord Low to Special Presentations.

2.Add NOTL Official Plan to Airport Development Committee

Motion carried

4.Conflicts of Interest


5.Special Presentations

Gord Low, Niagara Region, explained to the Commission that the economizers on the three rooftop units are designed to bring in fresh air in the shoulder seasons. The economizers increase positive pressure and have been disabled because the Terminal Building is under too much positive pressure and the exterior doors are being blown open. A relief damper was installed in the spring of 2012 but it hasn’t alleviated the problem. Quartek has proposed another relief damper and Gord Low will bemeeting with them and will get back to the Commission with an answer in the next two weeks. Mr. Low stated that Quartek still has the responsibility to resolve the problem at no additional cost to the airport.

6.Chair’s Remarks and Correspondence

The Chairman announced that he has submitted his resignation from the Commission to the Mayor and Council of the City of Niagara Falls, effective after the Annual General Meeting to be held on March 27, 2013.

He reminded the Commission of the 2008 resolution passed by the City of Niagara Falls Council which stated that the airport should be regional and that the City of St. Catharines Council endorsed that resolution. In June, 2012 the Regional Council passed a motion to ask staff for a report on the options for governance at the airport.

The Chairman asked each member of the commission to consider what is important and to formulate objectives for the year 2013. He said he would be contacting each member of the Commission regarding succession planning and election of officers.

7.Minutes of Previous Meeting

7.1Moved by Janice Wing, seconded by Ernie Amadio that the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday, December 20, 2012 be adopted.


7.2Business Arising

7.2.1 Deficiency List

The manager reported that 1740 feet of the fence will have to be taken down for the LPV approach and that three quotes have been received ranging from $2000 to $3,500. When the fence is installed in the correct location, extra fencing will be required. The question arose as to who would pay for this since the fence was erected in the wrong location during the Infrastructure Stimulus Project. More property will be required as well and the Seaway is willing to work with the Commission. A letter was sent to Canada Lands approximately 3 years ago expressing an interest in purchasing or leasing Seaway property adjacent to the airport should it become available.

Action Item: Ruedi Suter will contact Ken Brothers re fence

Action Item: Patti Gamble will circulate the correspondence between the NDAC and the St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation and add as an agenda item for the meeting in February.

8.Manager’s Report

The manager reported that a letter was sent to the airport neighbor whose property holds the trees that impede the approach for Runway 19 providing 45 days notice to remove the trees. The due date is January 21, 2013. The manager will follow up next week.

The manager reported that the quarterly Budget vs. Actual report would not be presented because the Commission will be receiving audited Financial Statements next month.

A cash flow projection to the end of March, 2013 was presented by the manager and reviewed.

There is still no specific date for the LPV approach. We are waiting to be notified of when the flight checks will take place.

The manager reported that the proposals for an Air Feasibility Study to evaluate the feasibility and impact of passenger service to the Niagara District Airport that were requested by Tourism Partnership of Niagara and Regional Municipality of Niagara Economic Development were reviewed on January 15, 2013. It is expected that an Executive Summary will be presented at the Annual General Meeting. If that is not possible, the manager will ask for a preliminary report.

Moved by Terry Flynn, seconded by Henry Zwolak to accept the Manager’s Report.

Motion carried.

9.Airport Development Committee

Nothing to report

10.Unfinished Business


11.Friends of Niagara District Airport

Nothing to report

12.New Business

12.1By-Law Amendment

The position of Secretary-Treasurer was split into two positions at the November 2012 meeting but the position description was not amended to show the duties as two separate items.

Moved by Terry Flynn, seconded by Rich Lancaster to approve the amendment to the Niagara District Airport By-Law No. 1, to separate the duties of Secretary-Treasurer in paragraph 17 (c) to read 17(c) Secretary and 17(d) Treasurer.



The manager reviewed the Hazard Register and noted that the number of coyote sightings has increased. The coyotes need to be trapped and moved outside the fence.

The maintenance staff perform a fence inspection on a bi-weekly basis.

The Objectives and Goals for 2013 were reviewed.

Moved by Ernie Amadio, seconded by Bob White to approve the Objectives and Goals for 2013.


12.3Taxes and Municipal Drain Invoice

Moved by Terry Flynn, seconded by Henry Zwolak that Councillor Flynn and the Airport Manager will meet with Mike Galloway at the Airport to discuss the drainage invoice and the 2012 hangar taxes.


13.Closed Session

Moved by Janice Wing, seconded by Ernie Amadio at 9:16 p.m., that:

Whereas all meetings of the NDAC are open to the public; and

Whereas the only time a meeting or part of a meeting may be closed to the public if the subject matter falls under one of the exceptions under s. 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001.

Therefore be it resolved that, on January 17, 2013 the Niagara District Airport Commission will go into a closed meeting to consider:

13.1Legal Fees for Air Mobile Aircraft Storageunder s.239(2)(f) of the Municipal Act, 2001, advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose


Moved by Henry Zwolak, seconded by Gary Murphy to return to open session at 9:30 p.m.

Moved by Ernie Amadio, seconded by Bob White to approve the minutes of the In-Camera meetings held on November 15, 2012 and December 20, 2012.

Carried unanimously

Moved by Ernie Amadio, seconded by Bob White to approve the minutes of the In-Camera meeting held on December 4, 2012.

Terry Flynn and Rich Lancaster declared a Conflict of Interest due to absence from December 4, 2012 meeting.


Moved by Terry Flynn, seconded by Gary Murphy to follow the legal advice to terminate the legal proceedings with Elliott.


14.Moved by Rich Lancaster, seconded by Janice Wing to adjourn at 9:37 p.m.


Prepared by: Patti Gamble

G130117 Approved February 21, 20131