Wearable Computing and Personal Area Networks

OuluUniversity of Applied Sciences, Oulu, Finland

Ruiyang Ji


In this paper some introductions on wearable computing device which can be worn on the body and it has been applied to areas such as behavioural modelling, health monitoring systems, information technologies, especially will be useful for applications that require computational support while the user’s hands, voice, eyes or attention are actively engaged with the physical environment. for monitoring multiple signals usually includes multiple wires connecting sensors and the monitoring device. In order to integrate information from intelligent sensors, all devices must be connected to a Personal Area Network. The most fundamental issue in wearable computing is no doubt of personal empowerment, through its ability to equip the individual with a personalized, customizable information space, owned, operated, and controlled by the wearer.

Keywords: wearable computing, personal area networks, PAN,


This paper here is to describe how wearable computing device communicate each other through environment such as Personal Area Networks. It also provides a summary report of emerging technology of wearable computers. And it will include discussions of the technology, characters of wearable computers, PAN advantage and limitations, applications of using it, future trends and so on.

Changes from WLAN to PAN

LAN and WLAN are mainly used for file sharing and Internet access routing. PAN has two branches perhaps that the lower data rate systems are for control and access to a larger system, typically the user’s personal computer or cell phone and the high data rate PAN will typically be used for household video and audio distribution, similar to using a LAN or WLAN for routing Internet connections. This paper concentrates on low data rate used for wearable computing.

Results and Discussion

Itis clear that PAN environment is not enough for wearable computing technology performance due to limited bandwidth, seamless communication and ubiquitous access. The technology limitations associated specifically with wearable computers are with the screen and with the means for controlling the computer. For example, the head-mounted displays are still low resolution and the user may lose vision when moving about. And also there are limitations with power supplies, heat dissipation. So new technical issues have being researched to compliment system


The industry sector of wearable computers is today in the very early stages of its evolution although research has been conducted for over two decades. Wearable computing is still largely an emerging technology with considerable interest and potential for future growth and expansion. So conclusions will have more after real further studies. Anyway wearable computer is here which will forever be important role playing in our future wireless world.