S.2 READING PASSAGES(Book 1) (1-12) Answer key

No. / Topics and Answers
1 / Money cannot buy happiness and love
Ex.1: 1.subsistence 2.immunity 3.essential 4.cultivating
Ex.2 1.worshipped 2.nurture 3.loving 4.commitment 5.lead to 6.catch phrase
2 / Tackling problems prepares youth for the future
3 / Knowing yourself better helps you cope with difficulties
Ex. 1: 1.tense moments 2.resilience 3.obese 4.comes around 5.tough 6.ultra-thin
7.go on a diet 8.guidance 9.right values 10.heard of
4 / Lend a hand
Ex. 1: 1.h2.f3.b4.g5.e6.c7.a8.d
Ex. 2: 1.no matter what 2.confidence 3.differentiate...from 4.competitive 5.a handful of 6.in touch with 7.a feast 8.all sorts of
5 / Should students be allowed to bring mobile phones to school?
Ex.1: 1.allowed 2.send 3.with 4.steal 5.Time 6.search 7.show off
Ex. 2: 1.c 2.e 3.d 4.g 5.a 6.b
6 / Music heals the soul
Ex.1: 1.pursue 2.commitments 3.soothing 4.rationally 5.inspiration 6.hectic 7.vent one’s frustration 8.sanity 9.latest 10.stressed
7 / A dream date
Ex.1: 1.a 2.d 3.a 4.a 5.c 6.a
Ex.2: 1.dessert 2.tempting 3.a night shift 4.I’ve really enjoyed your company
8 / Learning a foreign language
Ex. 1: 1.pronounce 2.subsequent 3.queries 4.enrolled 5.tough 6.converse
7.enthused 8.foreign 9.hesitant 10.advanced 11.initially 12.diligently
9 / A caring genius
Ex.1: 1.c 2.g 3.e 4.f 5.d 6.b 7.a
Ex. 2: 1.rose to global fame, debut 2.in recognition of 3.reach out
4.appointed, dedication 5.pledged
10 / Learn to communicate
Ex.1: 1.stand back 2.narrow-minded 3.broaden one’s horizon 4.biased 5.introverted
11 / Bring your own bag more often
Ex.1: 1.c 2.d 3.h 4.a 5.b 6.e 7.f 8.g
Ex. 2: 1. shifted 2.make use of 3.raise..awareness 4.looking forward to 5.aware of 6.persuade 7.campaign 8.willing to
12 / Facing up to adversity
1.loads of 2.a nightmare 3.adversity 4.in all aspects 5.perceive 6 .grumbled 7.makes a difference 8.optimistic 9.exhausted 10.facing up to 11.light-hearted 12.obstructions

S.2 READING PASSAGES(Book 2) (Ex. 13 - 26) Answer key

No. / Topics and Answers
13 / Happy people don’t get jealous
Ex. 1: 1.rage 2.jealousy 3.trait 4.shortcoming 5.assault
6.insecurity 7.tease 8.pick on 9.lash out
14 / Failure is the Mother of All Success
Ex.1: 1.defeated 2.ingrained 3.root for 4.proverb 5.diminish 6.soar 7.preserve 8.gear up 9.countless 10.determined 11.enthusiasm
15 / Care about Others
Ex.1: 1.i 2.c 3.h 4.d 5.e 6.f 7.b 8.g 9.a
Ex.2: 1.sensitive, contribute to
2.cherish, take...for granted, indifferent to, mentality 3.remind, community
16 / Our emotional well-being affects our health
Ex.1: 1 Hang out 2 Bounce back 3 Suffer from 4 Negative impact 5 Positive attitude 6 Emotional well-being 7 Fatal diseases 8 Take a break 9 Optimistic 10. Depressed
17 / Don’t isolate yourself
Ex.1: 1 thanks to 2 immersed 3 obsessed with 4 worthwhile 5 beloved
6 for a while 7 virtual words 8 isolated 9 quality time
18 / It’s important to preserve our cultural heritage
1 launching 2 campaign 3 retain 4 preserve 5 voice 6 heritage 7 colonial 8 took advantage of 9 pulled down 10 skyline
19 / Skating on thin ice
1 an icebreaker 2 is skating on thin ice 3 to break the ice 4 cut no ice 5 put on ice
20 / We must act now for a Blue Sky
1 initiatives 2 pollutants 3 attempt 4 pulmonary
5 revealed 6 concern 7 authorities 8 emissions 9 ratings
21 / Fung Shui doesn’t guarantee success
1 guarantee 2 really 3 superstitious 4 precious 5 rely on 6 definitely 7 improve
22 / More to Life
1 aware 2 counterparts 3 await 4 impact 5 strive 6 abroad 7 struggle 8 scope
9 overwhelming 10 take things for granted 11. proactive
23 / Personal Passions
1 passion 2 explore 3 schedule 4 a touch of 5 grumble 6 with a limited budget
7 options 8 local dishes 9 shaped 10 hawkers 11 affordable 12 make the most of 13 enliven
24 / Fighting Spirit
1 Slack 2 Shattered 3 Grief 4 Substandard 5 Scrapethrough 6 intensively
7emerged 8 Setbacks 9 Devastated 10 turning point 11 Ruined
25 / Make small changes to beat global warming
Follow-up Ex.1
1 switch to 2 awareness 3 eye-opening 4 scary 5 global warming
6 crisis 7 documentary 8 respect 9 recommended
Follow-up Ex.2
1 Don’t turn on the air-conditioner if the weather isn’t very hot.
2 Use a fan and open the window.
3 Use fewer plastic bags.
4 Recycle our rubbish.
5 Turn off the tap when brushing our teeth.
6 Switch to energy-efficient light bulbs. (any 5 steps)
26 / Students’ letters
1 interpersonal relationship 2 desire 3 image 4 a well-behaved person
5 joint school activities 6 facial expression 7 sentiments 8 majority
9 accommodating 10 influential