CRY, FREEDOM : Movie Viewing Guide


1.  Describe the police raid on the township settlement.

2. Why doesn't newspaper man, Donald Woods, like Stephen Biko at the beginning of the movie?

3. Why is Stephen Biko banned by the South African government?

4. What does Stephen Biko mean when he says that "we know how you live. How would you like to see how we live?"

5. Describe Donald Woods' experience when Stephen Biko takes him to visit a black township. What new things does he learn about the lives of blacks in South Africa?

6. At dinner that night, the people tell Donald Woods that African culture is what they want back. Stephen Biko says, "We don't want to be forced into your society." What good things do they point out about African culture?

7. How does Donald Woods change after meeting Biko and visiting the black township–how does he become an activist in the fight against apartheid?

8. During the court proceedings, what charges does Stephen Biko make against the white government of South Africa?

9. According to Stephen Biko, what is “black consciousness” all about?

10. Was Donald Woods’ visit with Kruger, the Minister of Police in Petoria, successful? Did Kruger honor the promise he made?

11. When the police search Stephen Biko's house, where are the papers hidden?

13. Why is Mapetia arrested, and what happens to him?

14. What happens to Stephen Biko when he is arrested and put in jail?

15. According to Krueger, Minister of Police, how/why did Stephen Biko die?

16. Explain how the symbols on Biko’s casket reflect his life as an activist and the significance

of his funeral. How are Biko’s ideas and life remembered?

17. What disguise does Donald Woods take to escape South Africa?

18. Why does Stephen Biko say he takes risks?

19. What is surprising about the court finding on Stephen Biko's death?

20. Why does Stephen Biko use the phrase "Black is beautiful?

21. At first the younger Woods children believe that they are going to the beach, but what is the real plan?

22. What does Donald Woods ask for from the British government?

23. The South African government threaten to shoot down the Woods' plane. How does

Lesotho’s location make the South African’s threat a real possibility?

24. Following Stephen Biko's example, what do school children in Soweto do to show black consciousness?

25. How can people today honor the legacy of Stephen Biko?