Interview Questions
Prepared by:______
Strictly Private & Confidential
© ALIV Business Collective 2017
Interview Questions
1. What do you know about the company?
2. What do you think this job will entail?
3. Why do you think you should get this role?
4. What do you think you can bring to this role – i.e. what do you have to offer?
5. What was the best project you worked on and why?
6. What was the best team you worked with and why?
7. What are your three main strengths?
8. What are your main weaknesses?
9. Where would like to see yourself in 5 years time?
10. Have you any preference to the type of people you like working with?
11. Do work well as part of a team or do you prefer to work alone?
12. Have you ever been in a position where you have had people reporting to you? Discuss.
13. How do you work under pressure? How you deal with it? Can you give examples of situations?
14. Is travelling and staying away from home an option for you?
15. Can you give the reasons for wanting to move jobs/companies?
16. What do you look for from a company?
17. 1Can you give example of your best attributes?
18. Are you a self-starter? Discuss.
19. What are your professional achievements?
20. Do you have any issues with working outside normal working hours?
21. Can you communicate well with others?
22. Do you manage your time effectively?
23. Have you had to attend meetings?
24. Have you encountered any big difficulties in the last year? If so how did you overcome them?
25. Have you ever had any issues with delegating or not delegating?
26. What would you describe as be the toughest decision you have ever had to make in past positions?
27. How did you deal with it?
28. Do you have your own standards, can you give examples?
29. Can you give examples of when you have had to compromise your standards?
30. Can you give me an example of where you came across a conflict in the work place and if so how did you deal with it and what did you learn from it?
This information is provided by ALIV business collective.
Copying or otherwise distributing the information contained herein is a breach of confidentiality agreement.