Cavaliers Cricket Club
Annual General Meeting 2006 /
Tuesday 23rd January 2007
Attendees: Ray Smith (RS), Jack Kneeshaw (JK), Tony Mayhew (TM), Phil Wolski (PW), Trevor Walton (TW), Simon Gilhooly (SG), Peter Johnson (PJ), Stuart Johnson (SJ), Ash Dhanatunge (AD), Ken Ashwell (KA).
Apologies: Jon Rawlings, Jon Walton, Martin Vinter, Andrew Craig, Asanka Suraweera, Tim Berry, Phil Everitt
Minutes of Previous Meeting:
The previous minutes were distributed, TM proposed that they be accepted, PW seconded and no-one objected.
The minutes are now available on the web site.
Matters Arising from Previous Meetings
Officers Reports
Chairman / Whilst we had an average season on the pitch, the response to all events organised by the club gives rise to concern (awards dinner, AGM, Chairman’s XI, etc).
Andrew Craig is stepping down as Treasurer after many years of sterling service to the club. A big thank you to Andrew on behalf of the club. However this job now needs to be filled and there are no volunteers.
Thanks to Simon for the web site.
PW noted that we have two distinct issues; player numbers and the attitude of members towards everything beyond games themselves.
There followed a discussion about recruiting new members with the following suggestions;
  • Leaflets: PW offered to have some more leaflets printed with a view to posting them around the new houses in the area.
  • JK is trying to recruit through the University.
  • SG would investigate the Highwoods community website and the parish magazine to see whether we can be listed among local organisations.
  • AD suggested that we attempt to recruit players at the GilberdSchool (does Highwoods sports centre have a notice board?)

Treasurer / The Treasurers report and annual accounts were distributed. The accounts were accepted by the meeting.
First XI Captain / SG sought clarification from the membership over selection policy. TM pointed out that this is only really an issue six times a year when both teams play on the same day. SG asked whether the second team regulars should be available for first team selection on those days. PJ felt that this would leave the second team uncompetitive leading to loss of players.
Election of Officers
All current officers, except Andrew Craig, were willing to be re-elected and they were elected en-masse.
No-one present was aware of Martin Pawsey’s willingness to continue as Second XI vice captain but the meeting was willing to defer this appointment to the management committee.
There were no volunteers for the post of Treasurer, which is a major problem for the club.
Membership & Match Fees
The Chairman & Treasurer proposed that we increase the membership fees to £10. This would raise an additional £100 towards improving facilities.
Match fees to remain at £5 as we continue to break even on match days.
In 2006 we benefited from sponsorship for nets that would not be forthcoming this year. Therefore it was agree to charge £3 for nets.
PJ has a 40ft container available to the club. Shipping, installation and modification will cost approximately £1000 but this would vastly improve the changing facilities near the pitch.
Some concern about planning permission was expressed by PW who, as a local resident, was aware of the potential for complaints from the neighbours.
Tour & Nets
PJ is working on the tour arrangements.
Nets start on Tuesday 30th February.
Any Other Business
TW felt that the club should prepare a successor as Welfare Officer as he was likely to be playing fewer matches this year. PW would be willing to fill the role.
SG proposed to investigate a few net sessions at the EssexCricketSchool and will investigate availability.
One of the sight screens has been damaged by the wind. No action was felt necessary at this time.