Room 112-Lathrop Intermediate
Phone: (714) 567-3300
Ms. Mulholland’sScience Class
Dear Student,
Welcome to seventh grade science! I look forward to our year of scientific collaboration and learning. Developing scientific skills will give you college and career choices. I hope many of you will choose to pursue a college-based career in science. We need bright, inquisitive people working in science fields to improve the world and solve future challenges.
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Thank you for the opportunity to work with your cherished children. Through open communication and working together we will help your student have a successful year! Please let me know if there is any information you feel I should know that will help your child have a successful year in science.
Units of Study:
- Solar Eclipse/Engineering
- Living and Nonliving Matter
- Matter Cycles and Energy Flows
- Earth’s Resources and Ecosystems
- Biodiversity
Supplies: In addition to a 2” Binder with a section divider for science, students need their Chromebook, pencil pouch, binder paper, pencil/pen, and if possible: colored pencils, colored pens, and a BOUND OR SPIRAL NOTEBOOK.
Science Class includes Labs. There will be NO FOOD allowed in the classroom at any time. Students must use lab and safety equipment properly as directed by the teacher or they will lose lab privileges.
Evaluation Criteria / Method of Evaluation / GradingAssessments / Unit tests, quizzes, common assessments.written/oral presentations, projects, and laboratory reports. / 50%
Student work / Classwork, class activities and homework / 40%
Participation/Responsibility / Class participation/discussions / 10%
Classroom Management Policy:
Student in seat and working on daily warm up activity by the time the bell rings /
- Verbal Warning
Respect is shown for teacher, self, and classmates /
- Parent Contact
Materials are brought to class daily /
- Referral to counselor and/or assistant principal
Student behaves in a way that helps self and others learn /
- Suspension from class and/or school
10-10 Rule is followed-No student is allowed outside of class for the first or last 10 minutes of class
This is the first homework assignment in science this year.
Review this form with your parents or guardians and have them sign the form. Fill it out, sign and returnwithin a week to receive full credit.
------Tear here and return------
I understand the classroom policy & procedures in my7th grade science class. If I had any questions, I have asked them. I understand the expectations of the teacher and I understand how to succeed in this class. I will do my best to develop my knowledge of science.
Signed, ______(student signs)
I have read and I understand the expectations of my student’s science teacher and give my student permission to conduct labs in science class. If I have questions I will contact the teacher.
I will support my child’s learning so that they will succeed.
Signed, ______(Parent/Guardian signs)
*Please make sure the school has up to date contact information for you! If your phone number or email has changed, please write the new information here: