Quick Questions Week 30
Monday 05/01/2017
1. How many chambers does the heart have?
The heart has ______.
2. What is the heart's function?
The heart's function is to ______.
3. Why do you think the heart has multiple chambers instead of only having one?
I think the heart has multiple chambers because ______.
Homework CHALLENGE!!!
This is the last week of the progress report grading period!
This is your CATCHUP week for homework. If you are missing any homework.your homework this week is to finish it.
If you have turned in all of your homework on time over this grading period, you are finished with your homework this week! (REWARD THE DOERS!)
It's just another Manic Monday.....
Partner read the article HEART in AL with your deskmate.
Take 3 notes on the artcle.
Then your row will have 3 minutes to decide on the most important fact from the article.
Next we will take journal notes as a class.
Lub Dub
It's a 2 for Tuesday......
First Item- Please read the heart and circulatory system hand out and find three facts for your journal (Please see Mrs. B's set up.
Next we will have table facts and class fact notes.
Second Item- Please label heart picture and glue to the opposite side of your journal
Quick Questions Week 30
Wednesday 05/3/2017
7. Do you think someone who plays sports would have a faster or slower reaction time?
I think that someone who plays sports______
8. Do you think you could improve your reaction time with practice? I could improve my reaction time by______.
9. Which stimuli do you think you will react fastest too: sight, sound or touch?
I think the stimuli I react fastest to is______.
Wednesday.....Every camel's favorite!
Partner read the article Nerve Cells and Impulses in AL with your
deskmate. Take 3 notes on the artcle.
Then your row will have 3 minutes to decide on the most important fact from the article.
Next we will take journal notes as a class.
Oh that's why you put butter on your toast!
Quick Questions Week 30
Thursday 5/04/2017
10. What are 3 types of Nuerons?
There are ______, ______, ______.
11. What nueron is the most abundant in the nrevous system?
There are mostly ______in the nervous system.
12. What is the function of sensory nuerons?
Sensory nueronsfuntion is______.
Throw it back, it's Thursday.....
Nervous System Lab
You will work with a partner to complete the lab. It is Due at the end of class Friday.
Please pay attention the Mrs. B's demonstration. Failure to complete the lab by Friday will result in having to stay after school ON A FRIDAY to complete it.
Quick Questions Week 30
Friday 05/05/2017
13. What is the function of motor nuerons?
Motor nueronsfunction is______.
14. What is the role of internuerons?
Internuerons are for______.
15. What is the best thing to eat on Cinqo De Maio?
The best thing to eat for CDM is______.
Work Turn In!
First Thing-
Quick Questions! Please double and then triple check that the following is on
your Q?'s
Your Name
Your Period
Week 30
Quick Questions
Next Up Homework! Please double and then triple check that the following is on EACH piece of your homework
Your Name
Your Period
Week 30
Journals are your ticket out the door ;-)
Finish you lab and answer all analysis questions.
Turn in finished lab.