Zuckerman, A.
Allana J. Zuckerman
903 Peachtree Park Drive NE
Atlanta, GA 30309
Office Phone: (404) 413 – 6253
Ph.D. Student, Psychology (Community) (Expected 2017)
Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA2011 – Present
M.A., Community Psychology July 2014
Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA
B.A., Psychology (Thesis Distinction) and Africana Studies May 2010
Pomona College, Claremont, CA
My overarching research interests include understanding African American youth development and family processes, particularly with regard to racial socialization and racial identity. Current research interests include:
- African American racial socialization processes (e.g. how parents talk to their children about race and how children perceive race messages they receive)
- Strength based approaches to an understanding of African American youth development
- Racial socialization and academic achievement among African American adolescents
- Contextualization or racial socialization processes
- Culturally relevant determinants of mental health
Graduate Research AssistantJuly2013 – July 2014
Honors College, Dr. Jennier Gerz-Escandon
Georgia State University: Atlanta, GA
- Assisted the Director of National Scholarships and Fellowships prepare presentations and maintain records of national scholarship applicants
- Outreach for Fulbright Scholars Program to recruit undergraduate Fulbright applicants
- Created documents for honors college students on scholarship opportunities, and professional etiquette
Graduate Research Assistant 2011 – Present
Resilient Families and Youth Lab, Dr. Ciara Smalls
Georgia State University: Atlanta, GA
- Fostered connections with community stakeholders in metropolitan Atlanta
- Aided in the professional development of undergraduate research assistants by assisting them with data analysis and formulation of research projects
- Collect and analyze qualitative and quantitative data
- Assisted with literature reviews for publications and lab research projects
McNair Scholars Program 2009 – 2010
Ronald E. McNair Post Baccalaureate Achievement Program
Claremont Graduate University: Claremont, CA
- Attended workshops in graduate preparation
- Completed four graduate level courses in research development, methodology and writing
- Attended Cal Poly Pomona’s McNair Scholars Program Summer Symposium
- Produced a review of literature during in the form of a completed independent research project
- Presented independent research project at 17th Annual McNair Scholars Research Conference at University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Undergraduate Research Assistant 2009 – 2010
Psychology Department
Claremont Consortium: Claremont CA
- Aided in the creation and structure of interview questions
- Interviewed participants
- Attended weekly meetings regarding biracial identity formation research
Undergraduate Research Assistant Summer 2008
Institute of Personality and Social Research
University of California, Berkeley: Berkeley, CA
- Developed comprehensive coding scheme for Twenty Statements Test
- Administered and supervised coding training sessions with undergraduate research assistants
- Analyzed coded dataset using SPSS
- Produced research paper detailing personal research project pertaining to analyzed data
- Presented research findings at Summer Research Opportunity Program Symposium
- Funded through the Summer Research Opportunity Program
Smalls-Glover, C., Williams, J.,Zuckerman, A.,Thomas, D. (2013). Parental Socialization in Response to Racism: Implications for Family Health (pp. 47-70). In M.S. Harris (Ed.), African-American Perspectives: Family Dynamics, Health Care Issues and the Role of Ethnic Identity. Nova Science Publishers Incorporated: New York, New York.
Zuckerman, A., & Smalls-Glover, C. (2014). African American parents’ socialization around racism in the education setting. Manuscript in preparation
Smalls-Glover, C., Zuckerman, A., & Williams, J. (2014). Examining African American racial identity: The utility of a directed content analysis. Manuscript in preparation
Daboin, I., Zuckerman, A., Smallwood, M., & Peterson, J. L. (2014). “In their own words”: Heterosexual men’s reports of their contact with sexual minorities. Manuscript in preparation.
Zuckerman, A., & Smalls-Glover, C. (2014, June). African American parents socialization around racism in the school system: Results and implications. Paper to be presented at the 20th Annual National Black Graduate Conference in Psychology, Washington, D.C.
Zuckerman, A.,Smalls, C. (2013, June). The use of focus group methodology to engage African American parents in research on culture specific parenting practices. Paper presented at apaper symposium at the Society for Community Research and Action (SCRA) 2013 Biennial Conference, Miami, Florida.
Zuckerman, A., & Smalls, C. (2013, June). African American parents’ socialization around racism in the education system. Poster presented at the 19th Annual National Black Graduate Conference in Psychology, Chapel Hill, NC
Zuckerman, A, & Smalls, C. (2013, April). Ethnic socialization and mother-child conflict as longitudinal
predictors of risk behavior across diverse populations. Poster presented at a poster symposium at Society for Research on Child Development (SRCD), Seattle, WA.
Smallwood, M., Daboin, I., Zuckerman, A., & Peterson, J. (2013, April). “In their own words”: Heterosexual men’s reports of their contact with sexual minorities. Poster presented at the 2013 Georgia Psychological Association’s (GPA) Annual Meeting, Stone Mountain, GA
Smallwood, M., Daboin, I., Zuckerman, A., & Peterson, J. (2013, March). Quality of contact: Heterosexual men’s experiences with sexual minorities. Poster presented at the Georgia State Undergraduate Research Conference (GSURC), Atlanta, GA.
Zuckerman, A., Thomas, D., & Smalls, C. (2012, August). Racial Identity Beliefs and Racial
Socialization Practices of African American Parents: A Qualitative Approach, Poster presented at the 120th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Orlando, FL.
Thomas, D., Zuckerman, A., & Smalls, C. (2012, August). Racial Identity as Mediator of the
Relationship between Racial Socialization and Academic Engagement, Poster presented at the 120th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Orlando, FL.
Zuckerman, A., Thomas, D., & Smalls, C. (2012, April). Racial Identity Beliefs of African
American Parents: A Theoretical Approach, Poster presented at the 5th Biennial
Cultural Competency Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Thomas, D., Zuckerman, A., Williams, J., (Smalls, C.) (2011, October). Community
Psychology Speaks: African American Racial Socialization and Barriers to Success. Roundtable presented at the Southeastern Ecological Community Psychology Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Zuckerman, A. (2010). Learning Style Preferences of College Major, and Perceptions of Math
and Science Course Pedagogy in African American College Students. Paper presented at Psychology Department Thesis, Claremont, CA.
Zuckerman, A. (2009). Practical Solutions Anyone?: Effects of Media Images of Black Women
on Career Experiences. Paper presented at the 17th Annual McNair Scholars Research Conference, McNair Scholars Discovering Knowledge for Positive Change: Go tell It!, Baltimore, MA.
Zuckerman, A. (2008). Defining Self: The Relationship between Socioeconomic Status, Sense
of Control and Self-Esteem. Paper presented at the Summer Research Opportunity Program Symposium, Berkeley, CA.
Georgia State University,Lab Instructor, Fall 2012 – Spring 2014
Advanced Research Methods in Psychology
- Instructed a lab section to advanced psychology students
- Facilitated lab activities
- Lectured on using APA style, grammar and scientific writing
- Held office hours and met with students to help with final class writing assignments
Georgia State University, Teaching Assistant Fall 2011 – Spring 2012
Introduction to Psychology
Abnormal Psychology
- Assisted instructor in the creation and implementation of examinations
- Proctored exams and aided in exam grading
- Assisted instructor with course objectives
Pomona College – Teaching AssistantFall 2009 – Spring 2010
Critical Inquiry Seminar in Cultural Psychology
Psychological Approaches to Study of People
- Aided introductory psychology students in conducting and presenting independent research projects in addition to grading of course materials
- Aided freshman students in how to write psychology research papers, held open office hours, gave detailed feedback on presentations and edited various course assignments
Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA
Course: Introduction to Abnormal Psychology Spring 2012
Pomona College, Claremont, CA
“The Incorporation of Eugenics Curriculum into Pomona College Courses: 1912 – 1959”
Course: Psychology of the Black Experience Fall 2009
“Research Methods”
Course: Psychological Approaches to the Study of People Spring 2010
Teaching Preparation for Graduate Teaching Assistants, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA (May, 2014)
NVIVO Software Workshop, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA (December, 2011)
Seminar on Research Writing, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA (July, 2009)
Critical Inquiry Interns and Writing Fellows Training Session, Pomona College, Claremont, CA (September, 2009)
Community Program Brownbag Planning Committee, Psychology Department, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA
Community Program Website Committee, Psychology Department, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA
Department Liaison, Psychology Department, Pomona College, Claremont, CA
Ujima Peer Mentor, Office of Black Student Affairs, Claremont University Consortium, Claremont, CA, Aided in the academic, emotional and social development of African American college first-year students
McNair Scholar 2009
Claremont Graduate University
- Awarded to underrepresented minorities who demonstrate leadership skills and a commitment to academia
Summer Research Opportunity Program 2008
University of California, Berkeley
- Awarded to underrepresented minorities who demonstrate leadership abilities and research potential
Ida B. Taylor Scholarship 2006 – 2008
Alpha Kappa Alpha – Chapter Alpha Gamma Omega
- Awarded to young women of color with outstanding academic achievement and community leadership
Outstanding Academic Achievement Scholarship 2006 – 2007
United Sisters Inc.
- Awarded to young women of color with outstanding academic achievement and community leadership
American Psychology Association (APA) – Student Affiliate
Society for Community Research in Action (SCRA) – Student Affiliate