January 5, 2012
Joint Parish Council Meeting
Loyal and Owen
The meeting was called to order by Fr. Keith Kitzhaber and he led us in prayer. Present from Loyal were Noel Olson, Lawrence Esselman, Rick Szymanski, Bob Meyer, David Loos, Val King, Bernard Kaiser, Randy Meyer, Janet Boh, Carol Hubing, Cindee Loos, Margie Szymanski, Wendy Lindner, Tom Lindner, Alan Billings and eight members from Owen Parish.
Fr. Kitzhaber brought up the following items:
--Discussion on working together for the next six months that he is assigned to take care of Loyal and Owen and the Hispanic Ministry in Abbotsford. Mass times need to cut down to one per day here on the weekend, so that he may cover everyone. Loyal will keep the Saturday 4:00 pm Mass. Owen’s Mass is at 8:00 am Sunday, Loyal has 10:30 am and he will be doing a 1:00 pm in Abbotsford. Discussion among the group with consensus at the end of changing Loyal’s Mass to 10:00 am to help appease everyone. This will start on January 15, 2012. Postcards will be mailed to everyone on the parish roster.
--Weekday Masses will be as follows for Fr. Kitzhaber: Off on Mondays, Tuesday in Loyal 8:15 am; Wednesday at Clark Co. Health Care Center at 10:30 am; Thursday in Loyal 8:15 am for Children’s Mass and Friday at 3 pm at the Stanley prison.
--Pay for Fr. Kitzhaber: salary is divided for Father with the Diocese paying 40% for the Hispanic, Owen 20%, and Loyal 40% as we have the two weekday Masses (Tuesday and Thursday) and we have 2 weekend Masses and Owen has one.
--Other items discussed include: putting phone numbers and addresses on bulletin, different ideas Father Kitzhaber would like to work out, need to get a priest to help out during Holy Week for Easter as he won’t be able to be in 3 places at one time! Dates of some upcoming events were given to Father for him to get on his calendar and let him know what’s coming up.
Meeting adjourned.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Margie Szymanski, Secretary