Table of ContentsPage

Purpose...... 3

The Vision Statement...... 4

The Mission Statement...... 5

Sacred Values...... 6

Organizational Values...... 7

Philosophy Statement...... 8

Strategic Action Plan...... 11

Strategic Conference Projects...... 16

Town Hall Meetings and Future Discussion Points...... 17

The purpose of the Strategic plan for the Southwest Region Conference of Seventh-day Adventist is to realize the four imperatives of great leadership:

  • Inspire Trust
  • Clarify Purpose
  • Align Systems
  • Unleash Talent


Rhema People; Relevant Ministries; Ready for the Second Coming!

Strategic Planning Document for the Southwest Region ConferencePage 1


To extend the transforming Ministry of Jesus Christ, by equipping and empowering its community for fellowship, evangelism, discipleship, and healthy growth, through comprehensive civic involvement, demonstrative love for members of its territory, and manifested mercy for all.

Strategic Planning Document for the Southwest Region ConferencePage 1


Value / Definition
Spirit-filled / Characterized by a lively, emphatic eager quality, guided by the Holy Spirit
Accessibility / Easily approachable
Competence / Capable of performing effective actions within the workplace environment (personally committed to develop / acquire the skills, abilities and knowledge to do the job)
Resilient / Capable of withstanding any obstacle or situation
Efficient & Effective / Results-oriented
Diversity / Respect the differences of others
Vigilant / Attentive to the impact of world events; responsive to changing needs and conditions
Accountability / Hold others and ourselves to a moral and spiritual high ground
Love / Display regard and consideration for those we serve
Unity / Representative of a oneness in purpose, message and culture
Excellence / Do the best for God’s glory; exhibit a passion for continuous quality improvement; we measure what counts and then take action
Stewardship / Ensure responsible stewardship for all resources (human resources and assets)


“We Direct”

Value / Definition
Witness / We purpose to know God through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and then to make Him known to others
Equality / We treat everyone with justice, impartiality and fairness
Discipline / We expect organizational competence, innovativeness and improvement
Integrity / We are honest in all interactions. We earn our reputation by adhering to the highest ethical standards and conduct.
Respect / We commit to show respect to God, all legitimate authority and others
Evangelism / We have a burning desire to share the good news; to reach, teach, baptize and nurture
Collaboration / We commit to execute comprehensive support and communication between internal and external partners
Trust & Transparency / We promote faith and complete confidence in the organization; we commit to perform our duties with absolute clarity


The Southwest Region Conference (SWRC) is a Conference made up of people of the ‘Book’; people of God’s Word; a Rhema people:

  • Relevant ministries
  • Healthy lifestyles
  • Educational competence
  • Multicultural harmony
  • Active innovative youth programming

The Conference is the home of three (3) of the top ten (10) largest cities in the United States (Houston, San Antonio, Dallas), and six of the top twenty (adding Austin, Fort Worth, El Paso). It represents units of vibrant Christian communities in these states:

  • Arkansas
  • Louisiana
  • New Mexico
  • Oklahoma
  • Texas

The SWRC is one of five local conferences that make up the Southwestern Union. The forecast for metro areas in this Conference anticipates explosive growth and opportunities over the next 5 years. With approximately 4 million constituents, and recognizing that we are living in the last days, we are strategically situating our Conference and its constituents to prepare for Christ’s soon return.

Today, the Conference, and the churches and schools within its jurisdictions, face many challenges, with that of a post-modernistic society, alternatives to corporate worship, the recession that threatens the livelihood of many of our members, and natural calamities that plague us locally and nationally.

With a survey polling of our constituents, we require focus in these areas:

  • Competent effective leadership
  • Functional organizational structure
  • Relevant and timely communication
  • Policy and procedure development and administration
  • Financial solvency
  • Teamwork/collaboration (increased proficiency; mutual support systems)
  • Resource evaluation process

This philosophy statement considers the elements of our motivation and the Conference’s recognition that what we do within this Conference is both a profession and a calling.


To maintain the God-given Commission:


Matthew 28: 18-20, Jesus’ farewell message to His disciples.

To promote God’s final message to this earth:

FEAR GOD AND GIVE GLORY TO HIM . . . Revelation 14: 6-12


Rhema People, Relevant Ministries, Ready for the Second Coming!


The Southwest Region Conference exists to extend the transforming Ministry of Jesus Christ, by equipping and empowering our community for fellowship, evangelism, discipleship and healthy growth, through comprehensive civic involvement, demonstrative love for members of our territory, and manifested mercy for all.


The Conference recognizes that we are a business entity that is expected to function and represent Christ in a professional manner. We accept responsibility for effectively managing all resources of this Conference based on the established organizational and operational principles and church structure already in place.

Organizational and Operational Principles of Seventh-dayAdventistChurch Structure

The church defines its internal governance as representative in form with executive responsibility and authority assigned to a variety of entities and through constitutions or articles of incorporation, bylaws, and operating policies and guidelines. Each level of denominational organization has a defined membership, also known as a ‘Constituency’. Decisions are based upon group processes that allow for member participation. We, as a Conference, commit to honor this structure and to make sure that the policies and guidelines are known and upheld.

The North American Division Working Policy is the policy to which we will strictly adhere, in an effort to instigate and maintain a spirit of cooperation and unity in the work of the Church in all parts of the division.

Elements of a High-Performance Organization

We commit to incorporate elements of a high-performance organization, as indicated in our Conference values, goals and objectives. With the adoption of a strategic plan for our Conference, we will become mission- and vision-focused, instigating a culture of involvement and collaboration. This type of culture requires ongoing development of people’s skills in making fact-based decisions, and using quality-based tools to build consensus.

The leadership of this Conference will model the values and behaviors that communicate our mission and vision. We will make sure that everyone understands the values and goals and the direction of this Conference, and that this understanding is used to impact his / her individual work goals and decision-making strategies. We will ensure that the Conference’s systems and processes align with its mission and vision, making certain that resources – people, funds, facilities, equipment, supplies, time, energy and other assets – are allocated and used in support of the overall mission and vision.

We will develop everyone’s potential talents, centering our attention on learning. Conscious of cost and waste – whether human or fiscal – leadership champions careful design and evaluation to prevent problems before they occur. We will invest in all our people as leaders and learners through ongoing education, training and opportunities for continuing development. We will encourage the crafting of professional and personal growth plans.

We will be flexible enough to respond to pressures for change, and measuring our performance in response to those demands. We will think into the future, tracking trends to better predict conditions that will change, and anticipate how that change may affect our operations and performance.

We recognize our public responsibility and will demonstrate responsible institutional citizenship. We will treat individuals with equity, dignity and respect, and model our values in word and deed.

As part of the community, we accept our duty to be available and to care for all our members, and especially those considered ‘outcast’ by society. Our Lord called these individuals ‘the least of these’.

We commit to engage, in a direct way, the issues impacting the larger community; we will seek to become involved in meaningful partnerships with like-minded organizations, to help ‘build up’ the community.

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Leadership/Human Capital:
Promoting a functional organizational structure and feelings of trust and well-being. / Empower the governing board to lead with excellence. /
  • Executive Committee Handbook available for next quadrennium.
  • Conduct Executive Committee Retreat every two years (orientation, leadership, etc.).
  • Identify annual reading list.
Terms of Reference and Roles/Functions documents available by December 2012. Proper functioning of the governance arm of the Conference.
Executive Committee Handbook.
  • Re-establish Constituent trust in Conference.Engage listening tools to stay abreast of issues facing our pastors and churches using available Advisory teams (Lay Advisory, Pastoral Advisory, Hispanic Advisory, etc.).
  • Develop an Agenda process to ensure immediate issues are on the table for discussion and resolution in a timely manner (including leadership training activities).
/ Executive Committee
Update administrative policies, procedures, and processes. /
  • Ability to annually review Conference operations against established criteria. Conduct an annual review of Conference operations by S meeting annual before September each calendar year.
  • Ordination Process for pastors developed by June 2012.
  • Investigate alternatives for Departmental Leaders who serve in dual roles (pastors of church(es)) by June 2012.
  • 360 evaluation system in place by December 2012 and conduct annually thereafter.
  • Conduct ongoing treasury workshops to encourage development of church budgets and combined budgets.
  • Develop and roll out complaint and appeal process by June 2012.
  • Review and upgrade hiring process for compliance on a quarterly basis.
/ Human ResourcesExecutive Committee
Human Resources
Leadership/Human Capital:
Promoting a functional organizational structure and feelings of trust and well-being. (continued) / Develop, monitor, and maintain multicultural strategic communication plan that embraces collaboration and transparency. /
  • Establish a Hispanic Advisory Committee and Pan African Advisory Committee by April 2012.
  • Complete the Strategic Communication Plan by September 2012.

Increased transparency and internal synergy.
  • Increased effective communication within the ConferenceIncrease visitation and interaction of Conference Officers and Departmental Directors within the churches..
/ Executive Committee
Strategic Committee
Align comprehensive budget with the strategic plan. /
  • Annual review and alignment of budget with the strategic planAvailability of mission driven budget for our Conference..
Simplified financials.
  • Control documents that allow evaluation of financial health of Conference developed by June 2012, for the Executive Committee..
/ Executive Committee
Finance Committee
Provide evidential training for all workers to cultivate and develop leaders and learners; to position the Conference to attract and maintain a strong leadership culture. / High-performance organization.
Seamless leadership transition.
Effective mentoring and coaching programs. / Executive Officers
Executive Committee
Provide evidential training for all workers to cultivate and develop leaders and learners; to position the Conference to attract and maintain a strong leadership culture. /
  • Effective personal development and mentoring programs identified and developed by December 2012.
  • Annual recruitment program identified and functional.
  • Position Conference for seamless leadership transition (succession planning).

Develop and maintain best practices evaluation instruments for workers and systems. / 360 review evaluation system in place by December 2012 and conducted annually.
  • IAbility to identify other annual evaluation tools that allow opportunities for improvement/change implementation within the Organization.
/ Executive Committee
Develop coaching, mentoring, and incentive programs for Conference workers. /
  • Identify tools to assess and properly utilize the skills of Conference workers (such as MBTI, etc.), by December 2012.
Develop incentive programs by December 2012.High-performance organization.
  • Increased productivity and skills utilization.
/ Executive Committee
Design a stewardship strategy that promotes good financial stewards. /
  • Promote an annual 20%__% increase in tithes and offerings starting 2013..
  • Assess the state of the Conference; Ddevelop a plan to decreased church liabilities by December 2013..
  • Conduct annual seminar to Iincreased awareness of time, talent, temple and treasury.
  • Facilitates mission-driven n budgets for all cost centers.
/ Stewardship Dept
Executive Committee
Leadership/Human Capital:
Promoting a functional organizational structure and feelings of trust and well-being. (continued) / Develop certified Area Coordinators for Children’s Ministries Departments within the Conference. /
  • Perform quarterly assessments annual to ensure certified Children’s Ministries leader exist within each church.
  • Encourage high moral and ethical quality of leadership that surrounds children programming.
  • Ensure proper risk management and safety controls exist in every church.
  • Identify a Church Safety Officer for every church within the Conference by December 2012.

Leadership/Human Capital: (cont’t)
Promoting a functional organizational structure and feelings of trust and well-being. / Develop certified Area Coordinators for Children’s Ministries Departments within the Conference. / Children’s Ministries
Sabbath School
Partner with the SWRC Education, Children’s, and Youth Departments to deliver a Leadership & Creative Arts Summit annually. / Children’s Ministries
Youth Ministries
Partner with the SWRC Education, Children’s, and Youth Departments to deliver a Leadership & Creative Arts Summit annually. /
  • Conduct annual Leadership & Creative Arts Summit annually.
  • Increase ability of Organization to identify and address the challenges within a multigenerational and multicultural environment.
  • Increase cultural understanding.

Adventist Education:
Promoting holistic education (mMental, physical, social, spiritual health, intellectual growth, service) / Develop a multicultural relationship and communication plan with the Conference, targeting Children’s Ministries and Youth/Young Adult Ministries Leaders within the churches. /
  • Evaluate the effectiveness and state of each school within the Conference by September 2012.
  • Increase enrollment of Constituent children within our Adventist schools 25% by December 2013.
  • Increase Constituent support of local Adventist schools by 25% by December 2013.
  • Establish K-12 Academy within the Conference by December 2013.
/ Children’s Ministries
Youth Ministries
Pastoral Advisory
K-12 Board
Provide evidential training for all teaching staff. /
  • Conduct annual leadership training.
  • Increase ability of Organization to identify and address the challenges within a multigenerational and multicultural environment.
  • Encourage high quality leadership within our educational facilities.
  • Encourage competitive test scores.
/ Education
Executive Officers
Plan and execute Annual Training and Development Workshops throughout the Conference field. /
  • Conduct annual leadership training.
  • Encourage competitive test scores.
/ Education
K-12 Board
Executive Officers
Increase Constituent support of local Adventist Church schools. /
  • Create an Education Task Force and receive findings by July 1, 2012.
  • Increase Constituent support of local Adventist schools by 25% by December 2013.
/ Education
Pastoral Advisory
Executive Committee
Adventist Education:
Promoting holistic education (mental, physical, social, spiritual health, intellectual growth, service) (continued) / Increase Adventist School enrollment by 10% each year. /
  • Create an Education Task Force and receive findings by July 1, 2012.
  • Increase Adventist School enrollment by 10% each year.

Develop a minimum of four (4) comprehensive plans for Blue Ribbon awardsrewards identification for Conference schools. /
  • Create an Education Task Force and receive findings by July 1, 2012.
  • Identify eligibility for Blue Ribbon Awards Program by December 2012.
  • Encourage, identify and reward high student achievement.
  • Encourage, identify and reward best school leadership and teaching practices.
/ Education
K-12 Board
Increase positive Vacation Bible School and end-of-year reporting outcomes. / Education
Pastoral Advisory
Increase positive Vacation Bible School and end-of-year reporting outcomes.
Evangelism/Youth & Young Adults Initiative:
Promoting Revival and Reformation / Develop and execute an aggressive evangelistic campaign; mobilize the members to ‘serve’ and exhibit ministry fruitfulness. /
  • Annual review and update of Conference Evangelism Plan (includes allocation and use of funds, evaluation of districts for harvest, hiring of additional Bible Workers, new church planting opportunities, regional mission opportunities, etc.).
Increased focus and synergy on evangelism ministries.
__% in baptisms.
  • Organized prayer groups for harvest of souls.Increase annual baptisms by 10% each year starting 2012.
/ Evangelism Resource
Executive Committee
Develop a ‘campus ministries’ initiative focusing on college students, to build a collegiate base. /
  • Establish relationship with appropriate colleges to conduct annual recruitment efforts.
Investigate opportunities to Partnership and possiblereturn talent back to Conference such as sponsoring individuals sponsorship tto the Seminary or Other, on an annual basis.her; instigates return of talent back to the Conference.
  • Annual college recruiting.
/ Ministerial
Executive Officers
Partner with youth organizations outside the United States to foster a healthy concept of the global perspective of our church; include the youth in mission trips and lay evangelism activities. /
  • Identify and develop coalitions with mission resources within the Adventist structure.
Sponsor at least one mission trip every two years that includes youth and young adults.Youth leadership building.