26 May 2017

Dear Parents

As we break up today I hope you all have your sun cream ready for half term. I hope you all have a lovely half term break and look forward to seeing you all on Monday 5th June. After half term please can you make sure your child has sun cream, a sun cap/hat and water bottle in school every day. Thank you.

Day for Change

As we are a Rights Respecting School,Day for Change was aday forFront Street to celebrate our Rights Respecting journey and raise awareness of this by goingblue to represent UNICEF.

A huge thank you to everyone who got involved and supported this event. We all had a wonderful day learning about Article 24 in particular as this year’s day for change theme was 'Malnutritionand Nutrition'.

The children all looked great (and staff) wearing blue outfits. It was a sea of blue and felt like I was working in a different school. Well done to everyone.

Please see our school website for year group specific activities and coverage on this day.

We raised an amazing £374!!!! which will be double by the 'Power of Nutrition' a charitable fund. Thank you!

Rights Respecting school (RRS) campaign
Our Rights Respecting steering group have raised concerns about local traffic and parking around our school.
They have spoken to their class and fed back in group meetings that our children are worried about the parking and their safety when crossing the road to attend/leave school.
In response to this our steering group have joined together in writing a letter to all parents, carers, and our local councillor.
Daisy our Rights Respecting Mascot

Well done Bethany (Reception) and William (Year 2) who were rights respecting role models by teaching their family about their rights at home this week.

Liv (Reception)was nominated this week to take home Daisy to teach her about 'keeping safe' Articles 19 and 27 as she has shown care and concern for her peers, the baby chicks and her environment during this half term. Liv has also taken a keen interest in our road safety campaign and took part in a road safety discussion.

as well as sharing her knowledge of the UNCRC with her family outside of school. Have fun!

Gates at end of day

Mr Caddle will not open the school gates whilst children are still having PE or outdoor learning. Sometimes this means gates will open later than normal. There is no order to the gates being opened either. I am sure you do not want to compromise our site or the safety of the children. Thank you for your understanding.

Wednesday Football Club

Wednesday football training after school has now finished. Many thanks to Reece Hepple and Adam Rose from Whickham Academy who have supported the running of this throughout the year.


QuadkidsWednesday7thJune PM- We have only had 1 parent volunteer to walk up with us to Whickhamcomprehensive. The event will notgo ahead if we cannot ensure the safety of children while walking there and back. Please can you help?

Year 6

The Leavers’ Hoodies have now been distributed. The children can wear them straight away. The colours look great. A huge thank you to Mrs Bonner for organising!

Puberty talk after half term. If you do not want your child to take part please let the office know.


Congratulations to Class 3ON who had 98.4% attendance this week.

Class 1B / 91.5% / Class 4H / 95.7%
Class 1S / 95.2% / Class 4K / 95.7%
Class 2M / 93.6% / Class 5G / 95.2%
Class 2S / 92.5% / Class 5H / 88.3%
Class 3ON / 98.4% / Class 6L / 97.26%
Class 3R / 96.3% / Class 6W / 97.5%

Just to remind you this is a Safeguarding School and we have a duty to pass on any concerns to Children’s Services.

Our staff are also trained in Team Teach techniques in order to ensure the safety of everyone involved.

Yours sincerely

HJ Gladstone


Friday 26th May 2017

Dear Parents/Carers,

This is an important message from our Rights Respecting Team on behalf of the children at Front Street Primary School.

Article 12: Children have a right to express their views and have a say in matters that affect them.

We (the children) are concerned about the parking outside our school during drop off and home time. We are worried about safety and don’t want anyone getting hurt.

We would like you toplease not park in front of our school!

It has been brought to our attention several times about children trying to cross the busy road between cars, sometimes dangerously not being able to see both sides of the road clearly or safely. Also we don’t want to cause a problem for the residents who live next to our school. Some people are blocking driveways and parking inconsiderately, sometimes causing traffic jams and making it difficult for pedestrians to walk on paths safely. There are also times when people are parking on the ‘no parking’ zigzag road markings at the side of our school. Again causing problems for children crossing!

We have discussed the issue within our RRSA group and have decided we needed to let you know how we are feeling and ask for your help. We understand these are busy times of the day and many parents have work and important places to go to but we (the children) are important too!

There is a public car park behind the Gibside Hotel which costs only 30p per hour. We have also written to the Local Authority asking for zebra crossings, Pelican crossings, traffic lights, lower speed limit and double yellow lines.

Thank you for listening,

RRSA Team on behalf of all children at Front Street

Friends of Front Street Newsletter – 26th May 2017

Summer Fair – Friday 16th June

We will be holding our annual summer Fair in the School hall from 2pm (times that the different year groups can attend will be confirmed soon). Preparations are under way for a fun event for all the family.

We are now collecting items for the stalls and now seek the following donations please;

  • Teddy Bears and soft toys
  • Bottles of wine
  • Gift bags in all shapes, patterns and sizes (used ones will be great)
  • Lots of mixed items for the tombola. Suggestionsthat the children from each year group could donate include the following (but all things welcome):

Nursery and Reception –toiletries, e.g. soaps, bubble baths, shower gel, hand cream

Year 1 – stationery items, e.g. note books, pens, pencils, books

Year 2 – crayons, items suitable for children, e.g. games, puzzle’s, small toys

Year 3 – sweets, chocolate and biscuits

Year 4 – bottles, e.g. pop, juice, wine, bubble bath

Year 5 - sweets, chocolate and biscuits

Year 6 – toiletries, e.g. soaps, bubble baths, shower gel, hand cream

We thank you in advance for all donations made.

We are also desperately seeking volunteers to run stalls – please let us know asap if you can help.

Summer Raffle

TheSummer Raffle Tickets will be available to buy from Monday 5th June. Please can all ticket stubs be returned to school by Friday 16thJune.

We are working behind the scenes to bring you some lovely prizes. If any of your families work for a company that would be kind enough to donate an item for the raffle (this could be a bottle, voucher for a service or shop) then they will receive a special mention on the Facebook groups and in the newsletter.

Friends of Front Street AGM

This was held on Monday 22nd May at 7pm in the Bridle Path. The new nominated officers for 2017/18academic year are as follows:

Chair -Dawn Simpson

Vice Chair -Adrienne Ioannou

Treasurer -Michelle Norman

Secretary -Jacqueline Robb

Social Media -Katie Bruce

Although the group needs nominated officers we also need volunteers to help build ideas for fund raising and help plan all the events we arrange throughout the year. If you would like to find out more about what we do and how you can help please get in touch via our Friends of Front Street Facebook page or please leave your details with the school office.

All proceeds made from the fair and raffle godirectly back into school to help buy equipment and resources for our School.