Grosse Pointe North Band & Orchestra Booster Club Minutes
March3, 2009
President Bob Mann called the meeting to order at 7:09 P.M. Board of Directors in attendance included Bob Mann, Lisa Carmer, Tom Warnez, Becky Curran, LeeAnn Brinker, Debbie Mann, Pat Curran and Christine Rhoton.Dave Cleveland, North Director of Instrumental Music, arrived late.
Approval of Minutes: Linda Kubacki suggested that a sentence from the February Minutes, which referred to the account status policy of graduating seniors, be further explained. The sentence stated that after May 15th, funds left on the account of a graduating senior would flow to a younger sibling or to the Booster program.Mrs. Kubacki clarified that, unless the younger sibling attends Grosse Pointe North the following school year, the funds will be frozen and eventually transferred to the Booster program. Laura Dewey moved, Christine Rhoton seconded, and the February 3rd, 2009 Minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Becky Curran explained that the increase in the ending balance of the profit and loss statement from December to January was the result of revenue generated either directly or indirectly from the Band-O-Rama and Strings Extravaganza events.Pat Curran moved to approve the profit andloss statement ending January 31st, 2009. John Bylski seconded, and the Treasurer’s Report was approved.
Kroger Card Fundraiser: President Bob Mann pointed to several recent amendments involving the Kroger card program. In the future, Kroger will be issuing key tags instead of member cards and the checks will be distributed quarterly instead of monthly. The current Kroger cards will continue to generate funds on behalf of the student through April 30th, 2009. In addition, Kroger will cap the total amount paid out annually to all participating schools at $ 2,000,000. Mr. Mann mentioned that Grosse Pointe North generated more Kroger revenue than all but 7 other high schools in the nation. It was too early to determine whether or not Kroger would continue to track funds at the individual student level. Mr. Mann was also unsure if it would be necessary to resign existing participants of the Kroger card program.
Big Boy Fundraiser: Mr. Mann announced that the date of the Big Boy fundraiser has been moved from Tuesday, April 28th to Monday, Monday, April 27th. Although the event flyers are not to be distributed on the Big Boy property, several ideas emerged for circulating the flyers. These ideas included,adding an article to both the printed and electronic versions of the Northern Lights newsletter, inserting the flyers in faculty mailboxes throughout the district, inserting the flyer in the Always B Sharp letter, and sending an E-mail with flyer attached to the faculty distribution list. It was agreed to print at least 2000 copies of the Big Boy flyer.
Disney Festival T-Shirts:Although Disney festival T-shirt coordinator Annie Warnez was not present at the meeting, Secretary Tom Warnez confirmed that the T-shirt graphics were complete and that all of the required size data had been submitted by Band Director Dave Cleveland.
Booster Website: Webmaster Mike Brinker was not present at the meeting.
2009-2010 Booster Positions: Director Pat Curran and John Bylski volunteered for two of the three seats required to form the 2009 Booster Officer Nominating Committee. Also, referring to a prepared list of projected Booster positions, Mr. Mann pointed out that, in addition to the several open positions which need to be filled prior to the 2009-2010 schoolyear, there is still a vacancy for the North/South Outdoor Concert in May.
Senior Plaques: Suzette Ripepe, senior plaque coordinator, stressed the importance of making sure that all band and orchestra seniors are available for the senior group photograph. Mrs. Ripepe added that the plaques, which feature the photograph, are more relevant to the student if the student is present in the picture. Band director Dave Cleveland mentioned that he would try and remind the seniors about being available for the photograph. Secretary Tom Warnez offered to take the pictures.
Band Director’s Report: Band Director Dave Clevelandasked for parent volunteers to attend the upcoming Jazz Band Festival trip to Cincinnati, Ohio in May. Mr. Cleveland also requested a volunteer to help out at the North/South outdoor concert on May 21st. Nominating Committee Member John Bylski offered to assist. In addition, parents are needed to assist chaperones with student check-in prior to leaving for the airport on route to the Disney Festival Trip on April 2nd.
Mr. Cleveland reminded those in attendance that the Pre-Festival concert and the Disney Trip meeting are both scheduled for Wednesday, March 25th. Also, the Disney Trip chaperone meeting will be held the following Monday, March 30th.
Finally, Mr. Cleveland remarked that a record number of North students participated in the District Solo & Ensemble Festival.A total of 37 North students will be attending the State Solo & Ensemble Festival.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:55 P.M. The next meeting of the Grosse Pointe North Band & Orchestra Boosters Club will take place on Tuesday,April 7th, 2009.
Please refer to Page 3 for details regarding a special board meeting.
Special Board Meeting – Disney Festival Funding
March 7, 2009 – March 12, 2009
On March 7th, North Music Director Dave Cleveland contacted Booster Club President Bob Mann to request a payment of up to $ 880.00 to cover hotel and park admission expenses for the two truck drivers who offered to transportinstruments to Orlando for the Disney festival. After electronically soliciting feedback from the Booster board of directors, Mr. Mann motioned that the Booster Club pay $ 440.00 to help cover hotel and park admission expenses for the truck drivers. The motion was seconded via E-mail by Secretary Tom Warnez on March 9th. After receiving “Yay” votes from all board members, Mr. Mann informed the directors via E-mail on March 12th that the motion had carried.