Group 3

The Aral Sea: An Environmental crisis

Getting a first idea about the article

3. 1950 ~ 1990 why so changed?

5. What were the consequences?

6. What other effects that the Aral sea region suffered?

8. what did the conference do to the Aral sea.

While you read


Paragraph 2 - ? (We cannot find them…)

Paragraph 3 – effect – hand shrunk/ had become -> they could be both cause/effect markers

Paragraph 4 – cause – The root cause

Paragraph 5 – ?

Paragraph 6 – effect – the impact of attempts at economic development on the ecology of the Aral Sea region, however, goes beyond the immediate consequences of failing water levels.

Paragraph 7 – effect – the accumulation of these toxic chemicals in the rivers is now contaminating local supplies of drinking water.


1.  The Aral Sea had shrunk to about 55percent of its original area and had become two separate lakes.

2.  Its total wter volume had dropped to less than one third of its 1950s volume.

3.  The sea’s alt content, on the other hand, had increased by almost 300 percent.


1.  Whole species of fish have died out

2.  Commercial fishing has practically stopped

3.  The climate of the territory within one hundred or two kilometers of the sea has become more extreme.

4.  Rainfall has decreased

5.  Reducing its fertility

6.  Increasing the salt content

4.  However, goes beyond the immediate consequences of failing water levels.


1.  The inefficient methods of irrigation allow much of failing water levels.

2.  Farmers use more rivers ~~

6.  Paragraph 8 lines 2 ~ 5

Main Idea check

a.  4

b.  2

c.  3

d.  1

e.  7

f.  5

g.  8

h.  9

i.  6

A closer look

1.  B->D->C->(E,A)

2.  A, D


A.  Soil sanitization – the accumulation of crop-damaging salts in the soil.

B.  Anthropogenic desertification – the conversion of agricultural land to desert by environmentally destructive human activities.

4.  False


Vocabulary study: synonyms

1.  Ecology

2.  Negate

3.  Basin

4.  Mean

5.  Shrunk

6.  Irrigation

7.  Moderating

8.  Soil

9.  Artificial

10.  Pesticides

11.  Drain

12.  Vulnerable

13.  Reverse

14.  Unique

15.  Conversion

Vocabulary study: words in context

1.  Arid

2.  Fertile

3.  Efficient

4.  Climate

5.  Roots

6.  Measures

7.  Mortality

8.  Crop

9.  Evaporate

10.  Species