2 way game tries – 2WGT

Nagy/Kokish Structure

This applies in the following situations:

A.  After 1 Major and direct raise to 2 Major by both UPH and PH

1. A new suit bid is a short suit game try (SSGT)

2. After 1S-2S the next immediate bid (2NT) sets up a help suit game try

(HSGT) - Resp. bids the lowest suit in which he would accept a game try.

3. After 1H-2H the next immediate bid (2S) sets up a help suit game try (HSGT)/

Resp. bids the lowest suit in which he would accept a game try. 2NT is a

(SSGT) in Ss.

B.  Same 2 way GT structure applies in the family of auctions:

1Min. 1Maj.


1H 1S


C.  Special sequence: 1H 2H

2S = HSGT in Ss 2NT = accepting

3S = 5H + 4S, Reverse 4S with 4Ss or 4H with <4Ss

D.  2WGTs apply after a support double provided that Opener’s LHO does not bid over the double (except for redbl. whatever that means!)

E.  2WGTs apply in Reverse Drury Auctions in the following way

Opener’s 2 level bids are natural and shows some extra values.

Opener’s 3 level bids are SSGT

Openre’s 2N (or 2S ig H is the agreed suit) are general game try.


I. 1S 2S

a) 3C, 3D, 3H, are all SSGT. Responder rejects by bidding 3S or accepts by bidding 4S.

After initiating a SSGT, if Opener rebids the short suit at 4 level he is indicating a void and interest in slam

b) 3S General game try – Opener has a hand which is not suitable for either SSGT or

HSGT – often Opener is weak in trumps – Resp. will accept with good trumps or if max. for his raise.

c) 3NT in original scheme a Choice of Games (COG) – unlikely

d) 4C, 4D, 4H, Natural = 5+ cd. suit with 2 of top 3, or 3 of top 5 honors --- a slam try

Note: This is an exception to our usual rule regarding splinters, since opener would start with SSGT with a hand which otherwise make a splinter bid. (see also 1e)

e) 2NT = sets up a HSGT / asking in which suit will you accept a game try?


3C = help in Cs

3D = no help in Cs, but does have help in Ds

3H = no help in Cs or Ds, but does have help in Hs

3S = no help in Cs or Ds or Hs

3NT = help in all 3 suit / gives Opener COG / 4333 / bad trumps /

4C, 4D, 4H = max. hand with shortness in designated suit /

Opener may advance towards slam with suitable hand

4S = help in all suits or max. / not 4333 /

e1) 1S 2S

2NT 3C

3D = HSGT 3S = no help in Ds / 4S = acceptance

e2) 1S 2S

2NT 3C or 3D

3H = HSGT 3S = no help in Hs / 4S = acceptance

e3) Counter game tries:Resp. may not have help in Opener’s suit but may have a max. hand

with help in a higher suit which he bids to convey this message

1S 2S

2NT 3C

3D 3H = counter game try (no help in Ds, max hand and help in Hs)

e4) 1S 2S

2NT 3NT = COG / help in all suits / 4333 / prob. bad trumps /

e5) 1S 2S

2NT 4C, 4D, 4H, = max. hand with shortness in designated suit /

Opener advances towards slam with suitable hand /

e6) 1S 2S

2NT 4S = help in all suits / not 4333 / prob. bad trumps /

II. 1H 2H

With Hearts the structure is very similar

2NT = SSGT in Ss

3C = SSGT in Cs

3D = SSGT in Ds

2S = sets up a HSGT situation asking in which suit will you accept a game try?

2NT = help in Ss

3C = no help in Ss, does have help in Cs

3D = no help in Cs or Ss, but does have help in Ds

3H = no help in Cs or Ds or Ss

3NT = help in all 3 suits / gives Opener COG / 4333 / bad trumps /

3S, 4C, 4D, = max. hand with shortness in designated suit / Opener advances towards slam with suitable hand

4H = help in all 3 suits / not 4333 / prob. bad trumps /

Subsequent bidding as outlined under 1S/2S.

III. Notes regarding holding to make and accept Game Tries

Holdings to make HSGT xxx(x) / Axx(x) / Kxx(x) / Qxx(x) / Jxx(x) /

Holdings to accept HSGT Ax / Kx / KQx / QJx (may be) / xx / x

(should not have 2 quick losers in the suit)

Holdings to reject HSGT xxx(x) / Jxx(x) / Qxx(x) / most holdings which would make a HSGT should reject a HSGT /