College of Education, Health and Human Sciences - Department of Instruction and CurrLdrship - 2013
Faculty Evaluation of Carmen Weaver submitted by Deborah Lowther on 03/04/2014.
(Printed on 06-25-2014 01:04:58 pm)
Faculty Member
Carmen Weaver - cclndsey (U00127949), Instruction and CurrLdrship
Faculty Member Rank
Clinical Asst Professor
Chair/Director of Instruction and CurrLdrship
Deborah Lowther
Faculty - Teaching
Teaching is my most important role at the university. I enjoy it and am always looking for ways to improve my practice. I believe that I was able to make great strides in 2013.
In the spring of 2013, I taught three, hybrid sections of IDT 3600. In these three sections, I had a total of 71 students. I also coordinated the field experience for eight sections of IDT 3600 with Campus School. As professor of record for this course, I made updates to all of the course content and provided support to the instructors of the ten sections, including the two sections taught on the Lambuth campus. I also worked with five Helen Hardin honors students who were enrolled in the course. This course challenges students, but they learn from it. My SETE scores and comments are evidence of my effectiveness in the course. My average SETE scores are below:
IDT 3600-001 Hybrid
Enrollment: 23 SETE participants: 23
Average of SETE:4.88
IDT 3600-002 Hybrid
Enrollment: 24 SETE participants: 22
Average of SETE:4.95
IDT 3600-004 Hybrid Hybrid
Enrollment: 24 SETE participants: 13
Average of SETE:4.84
During the summer, I taught another section of IDT 3600. I coordinated the field experience for these students with the Memphis City Schools Got Tech Camp. I also assisted the instructor for the course on the Lambuth campus. My average SETE score from summer is below:
IDT 3600-141 Web
Enrollment: 19 SETE participants: 11
Average of SETE:4.80
In the fall of 2013, I taught two, seven week, online graduate courses. Both were new courses for me. I really enjoyed working with graduate students, particularly the IDT majors. While one was well developed, the other took a significant amount of work to prepare. However, the students did well with the material and found my teaching to be effective as evidenced by SETE comments and scores. The average SETE scores can be found below. While they are not low, I feel that when I teach these courses again they will be higher as I will be able to anticipate issues with the courses and needs of the students.
IDT 7064-M51 Web
Enrollment: 19 SETE participation: 10
Average of SETE:4.68
IDT 7060-M50 Web
Enrollment: 18 SETE participation: 10
Average of SETE:4.82
I am the Professor of Record for five courses in our program area: IDT 3600, IDT 7061, IDT 7062, IDT 7063, and IDT 7064. I teach IDT 3600 regularly and make constant updates and improvements to this course. I typically do not teach our four “certificate” courses, so as I became professor of record and began looking at them, I realized they needed a major overhaul. I enlisted the help of IDT faculty who teach the course and together we made major improvements. Michael Grant completely redesigned IDT 7063 as he taught it during the summer. Clif Mims and I worked extensively on IDT 7061. I made many modifications, corrections, and updates to IDT 7062 and IDT 7064; however, these two courses still need more work to reach their potential. As part of my work as Professor of Record, I also assist the part time and Lambuth campus faculty that teach these courses.
I learned at the close of 2013 that I had been nominated for the Univeristy of Memphis Alumni Association’s Distinguished Teaching Award. Of all nominees, 20 were selected to move forward with the award process and I am among those 20. I will learn in 2014 if I will be a recipient of the award.
Dr. Weaver`s SETE mean scores for 2013 are excellent and demonstrate consistently high student satisfaction with her teaching. Multiple students submitted comments, all of which were very positive. The superiority of Dr. Weaver’s teaching is also seen in her being among the top 20 teachers at UoM who are nominees for the Distinguished Teaching Award.
SETE Mean Scores / Summer / Spring / Fall / Overall
4.80 / 4.89 / 4.75 / 4.84
Faculty - Advising/Mentoring
In my role as clinical faculty, I do not formally advise our graduate students. However, I do advise students who are seeking admittance into our program or are taking our courses as a non-degree seeking student. I am also the sponsor for our Graduate Student Association. I served on one doctoral committee during 2013 and participated in this students oral comprehensive exams. I am always available to mentor our students and provide guidance and feedback as they work through our graduate programs.
Dr. Weaver continued providing advising and mentoring to current and prospective IDT students through her role as Graduate Student Association advisor, an EdD committee member, and IDT Program Coordinator.
Faculty - Scholarship/Creative Activities
In my role as clinical faculty, I am not required to engage in research. However, I am univeristy faculty with a doctoral degree and access to many opportunities for research. It is in my best interest as a professional to participate in scholarship activities when appropriate. In 2013, I was an invited guest blogger for the Association for Educational Technology Teacher Education Division blog. I chose to blog about how the field hours I coordinate provide background knowledge for our teacher candidates. I also presented at both a regional and an international convention. I also assisted Deborah Watlington with her iPad study by coordinating efforts on main campus, lending my iPads, updating the iPads with apps necessary for the study, advising in the selection and use of data collection instruments, and setting up and providing access to an electronic survey for the study. My publications and presentations are below:
Invited Guest Blog Post for the AECT Teacher Education Division (TED) Blog, “Using Field Experience to Create Background Knowledge”. August 2013.
Weaver, C. Open Educational Resources (OER) for K-12 Classrooms presented at the Arkansas Association of Instructional Media conference. Rogers, AR. April 22, 2013.
Weaver, C. & Mims, C. Professional Development for Technology Integration: A Study of the Impact on Concerns and Levels of Use. Presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Anaheim, CA. November 1, 2013.
Scholarship/Creative Activities
During 2013, Dr. Weaver was actively involved in scholarship activities. A notable accomplishment was her invitation to serve as a Guest Blogger for the leading international association in her field. She also was lead author on a peer-reviewed paper presented at the AECT conference and another paper presented at a regional conference. Dr. Weaver worked on a collaborative research project with Lambuth faculty.
Faculty - External Support
I secured $520 from the University`s Public Service Funding to support our Teachers and Technology Workshops.
As the IDT Graduate Student Association advisor, I facilitated two of our graduate students to receive funds from the University of Memphis Graduate Student Association to support their travels to present at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology convention in Anaheim, CA.
External Support
Dr. Weaver secured funding to promote T3 workshops and support two graduate student’s travel to present at AECT.
Faculty - Outreach
During 2013, I coordinated the updates for the Memphis Redbirds’ Education Day Curriculum. This curriculum is used by teachers in the tri-state area to teach math, science, social studies, and language arts lessons through baseball.
I also coordinate (with assistance from my graduate assistant, Fair Josey) the Teacher Teacher and Technology Thursday workshops. These workshops are free, hands-on, technology based, professional development for area K-12 teachers.
Dr. Weaver coordinated two key outreach programs during 2013: curriculum for the Redbird’s Education Day and theT3workshops for local teachers.
Faculty - Service
I am very engaged in service on all levels. I am proud of my ability to offer expertise in so many areas. I have outlined my service activities below:
Program Area:
  • IDT Program Coordinator
  • Lead initiative to move EdD online
  • GSA Advisor
  • Professor of Record for five courses
  • Represented IDT at the Honors Program
  • Organized IDT table for the AECT Univeristy Night Reception
  • Leadership Team
  • Graduate Committee
  • ICL Scholarship Committee
  • Masters Project Reviewer
  • Teacher Education Advisory Council
  • In the spring, I gave two professional development workshops for the Office of Faculty and Staff Development: Prezi Presentations and AudioBoo and Screencast-o-matic
  • Bring Your Own Device Steering Committee
  • Fraternity/Sorority Assessment and Awards Program Judge
  • AECT Conference Proposal Reviewer for the Teacher Education Division
  • Reviewer for Anderson, R., & Mims, C. (In progress). Digital Tools for Writing Instruction in K- 12 Settings: Student Perception and Experience.
  • I hosted two workshops for the 2013 Teachers and Technology Thursdays:
  • Open Educational Resources: Finding free, quality educational materials to enhance your curriculum March 21, 2013
  • Using ISTE NETS*S and NETS*T November 21, 2013

Dr. Weaver once again had an exceptional record of service activities at the Profession, University, College, Department, and IDT Program area levels during 2013,
Chair's Summary
Dr. Weaver`s 2013 contributions exceed expectations of her position as a Clinical Assistant Professor. She exhibits the highest level of professionalism, dedication, creative thinking, and problem solving that collectively benefit IDT, the ICL department, CEHHS, the University, community, and the profession.
Overall Rating
5 - Exceptional Performance
Faculty Acknowledgement
This evaluation was acknowledged on 03/04/2014.
Faculty Comments
Dean Acknowledgement
This evaluation was acknowledged on 03/14/2014.
Dean Comments
I concur with the Chair`s evaluation.