Tustin Girls Softball – 2018 Sponsorship
Tustin Girls Softball is a qualified 501(c)(3) non-profit organization serving Tustin and its surrounding communities. We are a rules-based fastpitch softball league for girls ages 4 to 14 years. We expect to register over 300 players in 2018 and we are growing every year. Our mission is to provide a positive athletic experience for every participant and we are committed to providing a fun, safe, and fair atmosphere focusing on sportsmanship and teamwork.
Tustin Girls Softball (TGS) depends on volunteers, sponsorships, and donations from our community to help us raise money for our league. As a growing non-profit organization, we have earmarked our donations towards the following projects:
- Paying towards our increasing field fees
- Ongoing field maintenance, refurbishment, and necessary equipment
- Providing registration scholarships to families
Sponsorship Opportunities:
Single Sponsorship$100Your name and/or company logo in our leagueyearbook
Double Sponsorship$250The above plus your name and/or companylogo on our website with linkand a sponsor plaque
Triple Sponsorship $500The above plus a dedicated 3’x2’ banner that will hang on our field,fences, or battingcages throughout the spring and fall season
Home Run $1,000The above plus a quarter page ad in our league yearbook and email blasts to our entire TGS family mailing list
Grand Slam Sponsorship $2,000The above plus a full size ad in our league yearbook and email blasts to our entire TGS family mailing list
Please take a moment to consider some of the options you have as a supporter of Tustin Girls Softball. If you would like to contribute to our 2018 season, complete the attached Sponsorship Form and return, along with your check and digital logo. Remember, any donation is a tax-deduction!
If you have any questions, or would like to contribute to TGS in a way not listed above, please feel free to email us at . On behalf of TGS, thank you for your time and consideration.
Tustin Girls Softball Sponsorship Committee Tax ID/EIN number 41-2085336
Tustin Girls Softball Sponsorship Order Form
Select your sponsorship level:
TGS Single Sponsorship$100
TGS Double Sponsorship$250
TGS Triple Sponsorship$500
TGS Home Run Sponsorship$1,000
TGS Grand Slam Sponsorship$2,000
Company Name
Contact Name
Phone Number
Email Address
Company Address
Company Website
Acknowledgement Information:
Please use the following name(s) in all acknowledgements:
Please return this form along with check made payable to:
Tustin Girls Softball
Sponsorship Program
13681 Newport Blvd, #8-313
Tustin, CA 92780
On behalf of Tustin Girls Softball, we thank you for your support!
Tustin Girls Softball || 13681 Newport Blvd. #8-313 || Tustin, CA 92780 || Tax ID Tax ID/EIN number 41-2085336