Honors US HistoryMR. LUCOT
WW II – Nazi Holocaust Facts
* During the Inquisition in 1455 there was an attempt to build a machine that could kill seven people at one time. They attempted to trace back seven generations to ensure the “Certificate of Good Blood”. Jews were given the choice of baptize or die….
* During the WW II era, Germany occupied a total of 21 EUR countries.
* Nazi euthanasia programs, then killing Polish leaders was the first step, then massacres of Catholic priests, nuns, professors, artists, writers and opposing politicians.
* Over 1,500,000 million children were murdered (Jewish, Gypsy, handicapped,biracial etc.)
* 3,000,000 Soviet prisoners perished, almost 2,000,000 Poles and Slavs died in the camps. 500 children of African/German racial backgrounds were killed.
* One SS Trooper/Hitler Youth marching song was titled, “When Jewish Blood Spurts from the Knife”.
* German children were known to shout at the buses with blacked out windows heading for the “sanatorium”, “Here come some more for gassing!” during the euthanasia programs.
* One of the reasons Germany didn’t dedicate itself to pursuing an atomic bomb even though German Jewish scientists were the first to theorize a nuclear weapon was that Hitler didn’t trust “Jewish physics”.
* January 1, 1933 – 1% of Germany’s population was Jewish and the majority lived in cities. Nearly a third lived in Berlin (4% of Berlin’s population).
* 1933, the first concentration camp, Dachau had political opponents to the Nazi Party rather than Jews.
* 1933 – 31 March – Three U.S. citizens were kidnapped and dragged to one of the Storm Troopers beating stations where they were stripped and left in cold. Beaten in the morning until they lost consciousness and then discarded in the street. The usual “crime” was not saluting SS, SA, etc in the street.
* 1933 – Hitler called for a one-day boycott of all Jewish businesses.
* 1933 – American philanthropist Charles Crane – “Let Hitler have his way”.
* January 1, 1934 – The Law for the Prevention of Offspring with Hereditary Diseases was initiated that authorized the sterilization of individuals suffering from various physical and mental handicaps.
* Aktion T-4 Program – Nazi operation to euthanize people with severe mental or physical disabilities.
* 1934 – Foreign correspondent, Edgar Mowrer was escorted out of the country was asked by a Nazi official at the train station when he would return to Germany, “Why, when I can come back with about two million of my countrymen”.
* Untermenschen – subhumans. Used by German doctors to justify genocide.
* January 1, 1934 – Editorial Law – bans Jews from employment at newspapers and publishers.
* The Law for Prevention of Genetically Diseased Offspring – used to justify the sterilization and then the euthanizing nearly the entire population of mentally ill persons, including tens of thousands of children.
* Several German scientists testified after the War about “human jobs” meaningthat they were aware of experimenting on Jews and prisoners.
* The Ministry of Posts ruled that no one was permitted to use “D as in David” on the telephone since it was a Jewish name.
* U.S. Ambassador William Dodd to FDR, “the election here is a farce”.
* 1934 – Dachau has 2,242 prisoners. Only 25 were Jewish and held for political reasons.
* Candy fruit drops had swastikas on them. (“Lutschbonbons”)
* In the June 30 1934 putsch that killed Ernst Rohm, George Strasser was executed by being shot by the Gestapo. Hitler was Godfather to his twins.
* That same night the SS executed Wilhelm Eduard Scmid who was a music critic for a Munich newspaper. The SS erred and were looking for a man named “Schmitt”. Hitler dispatched Rudolph Hess to make a personal apology to the dead critic’s wife.
* Sign over the Buchenwald – “Jedem das Seine” – Everyone gets what he deserves”.
* The first group of 107 slave laborers arrived at the Mittelwerk V-2 tunnel complex in August of 1943 from Buchenwald. They were not permitted to use tools out of fear of rebellion so they had to dig with their hands.
* Upon liberation of Nordhausen there were “hundreds of corpses stretched out on tunnel floors. Four people were dying every hour”.
* One focus of Nazi medical experiments was to find out if a man who was frozencould be brought back to life. This was in response to German pilots shot down in North Atlantic. The German expert in this with Dr. Georg August Weltz and he was the world authority on this subject. Upon review of his “experiments” after the War he testified that his “subjects” were “large animals”, “cows, horses and adult pigs”. He was ordered to reveal the laboratories that could house and submerge these “large animals” in freezing sea water. He could not produce one such lab. Investigators did find behind a barn and an old stable was a “separate shed located on the far back of the property” with “two wooden tubs” which “neither of the tubs could fit a submerged cow, horse or a large pig”. What these tubs “could fit was a human being”. “Adult pigs” were Jews.
*1938 – Richard Kuhn of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Medical Research in Heidelberg won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Upon a request from Hitler he refused the award because it was a “Jewish prize”.
* Hitler Quotes Regarding the June 30th Putsch, “The Night of the Long Knives”:
“If someone asks me why we did not use our regular courts I would reply: at the momentI was responsible for the German nation; consequently, it was I alone who, during those 24 hours, was the Supreme Court of the German People”.
“I ordered the leaders of the guilty shot. I also ordered the abscesses caused by our internal and external poisons cauterized until the living flesh was burned. I also ordered that any rebel attempting to resist should be killed immediately…and anyone who ever lifts his hand against the State shall die of it”.
* German Unemployment Rate:
1933 = 4.8 Million1934 = 2.7 Million
* Anne Frank died of typhus in March 1945 at Bergen-Belsen. The SS Officer (Karl Silberbauer) who arrested her family was tracked down after the War. He was working as an Austrian Police Inspector and he admitted arresting Anne Frank in 1963.
* 2 out of 3 European Jews were killed by 1945.
* Oct. 1, 1933 – New codified rules for prison camps. “Tolerance means weakness”.
“Punishment will be handed out mercilessly whenever interests of the Fatherland warrant it”. Ex. “anyone making depreciatory or ironic remarks to a member of the SS” results in eight days solitary and 25 lashes. “warning shots are forbidden on principle”.
* “Any pity whatsoever for enemies of the state was unworthy of an SS man”.
* Over 10,000 Jews who left in 1933 actually returned in 1934 thinking the worst was over.
* Suicide rate for Jews in Germany:
1924-1926 = 50.4 per 100,000
1932-19340.2 per 100,000
* By the time Germany started WW II they had the powerful airforce in the world even though the WW I peace treaty forbid powered flight.
Pogrom - is a violent riot aimed at massacre or persecution of an ethnic or religious group, particularly one aimed at Jews.
Col. Hans Ulrich Rudel (1916-1982)
- Most decorated WW II German flying Ace.
- WW II Luftwaffe’s “Red Baron”.
- Martin Bormann started “Operation Land of Fire” to transport gold, securities and art to Argentina to fund the future Fourth Reich.
- Assisted/facilitated with the Mengele escape to South America.
- 1960 – Rudel admitted to being proclaimed as “The Furher of the Fourth Reich”
Rudolph Hess
- Imprisoned with Hitler in 1923.
- Hitler’s Secretary and Deputy.
- “With all our powers we will endeavor to be worthy of the Furher thou, Oh Lord, has sent us” Hess, 1938
- 1941 flew solo in an ME 110 to Scotland to negotiate peace with England. He tried to surrender to the Duke of Hamilton and requested to see Winston Churchill.
- He proposed that if the British would allow Nazi Germany to dominate Europe, than the British Empire would not be molested.
- Churchill recognized that he represented only himself and that he was “mentally unstable” ordered him imprisoned as a POW.
- Declared insane and disowned by Hitler.
- Tried in 1945, “I regret nothing”, and given life in prison at Spandau Prison in West Berlin.
- Note: Lt. Ronald Speirs, 101st AB and “the Band of Brothers” was commandant of Spandau Prison in 1958 after his combat service in the Korean War.
- He was forbidden to shake hands, embrace, and exchange presents, etc.
- He refused to see his wife and son until 24 DEC 1969.
- Committed suicide in prison on 17 AUG 1987 at age 92. He was the last prisoner tried at Nuremberg.
Albert Speer
-Architect, joined the Nazi Party in 1931. Hitler’s private architect.
-Designed parade grounds, banners, searchlights at Nuremberg.
-1942 – Minister of Armaments, 1943 – War Economy Planner.
-“After only nine years of rule the leadership was so corrupt that even in the critical phase of the War the leaders would not cut back on their luxurious lifestyles. They all kept big houses, hunting lodges, estates and palaces, many servants, a rich table and a select wine cellar”.
-In the fall of 1944 planned on building locomotives out of concrete since steel was too precious and scarce. Hitler refused to allow the private trains and cars of the Reich leaders be used for war purposes even though the trains were desperately needed.
-1946 – He sentenced to 20 years, wrote his memoirs, Inside the Third Reich, which did very well financially.
-Died in 1981, remembered as the “Good Nazi” at the Nuremberg Trials.
Josef Goebbels
-Rejected from German Army in WW I due to height (4’11”) and congenital birth defect. One leg was shorter than the other causing a noticeable limp.
-He claimed the injury was due to a “WW I wound” for his official SS membership since the SS would disqualify anyone with any type of congenital birth defects.
-Won a Catholic Scholarship to attain PhD.
-Spent 10 years writing novels, plays and poems none of which were ever published.
-He blamed his failure on “Jewish publishers” and “Jewish-owned publication companies”
-Rejected as a reporter for aBerlin newspaper.
-Joined Nazi Party in 1926.
-Named the“Minister of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment” in 1933.
-“Hitler is either Christ or St. John. Hitler, I love you” – From his diary.
-Responsible for building hatred in German people, changing/molding public opinion.
-“A Jew is for me is an object of disgust. I feel like vomiting when I see one. Christ could not possibly have been a Jew. It is not necessary to prove it scientifically, it is a fact”
-Moved in with Hitler after the Red Army invaded Germany.
-7 MAR 1945 – He called FDR a “trigger happy Anglo-American”.
-1 May 1945 – Magda his wife ordered a Nazi Dr. Kunz to inject all of their six children with morphine. He refused to give them cyanide. She gave it to her own children, killing them all. Her son lived, he was a P.O.W.
-He and Magda committed suicide, unknown if he shot himself.
Adolf Eichmann
-Bullied asa child by being accused of being Jewish. YMCA member as adolescent.
-Joined Austrian Nazi Party in 1932, recruited into the SS in 1933.
-1934 – Named the Nazi Authority on Jewish Affairs.
-Initially supported Jewish immigration to Palestine, maybe Madagascar…
-1939 – Reich Chief of Jewish Immigration, placed in charge of Jewish ghetto operation.
-1941 – Promoted to the Head of the “Jewish Desk” at Gestapo Headquarters.
-July 1942 – He was in Charge of the Wannsee Conference – The Final Solution.
-Total killed per day: Belzac 15,000; Sobibor 20,000; Treblinka 25,000…..
-He took personal command of Aucshwitz.
-Plan to transplant four millionJews to Madagascar.
-Eichamnn’s mentor, Thomas Herzel planned to send the Jews to Uganda.
-1944 – told Himmler “six million Jews have been disposed of”
-“I’ll die happy with the certainty of having killed almost six million Jews”
-“Jews would rather be in a concentration camp than in Palestine”.
-Planned for compulsory child bearing for Aryan women under 35 years old.
-Fathers of four or more would be used to impregnate unmarried German/Nordic women.
-FEB 1945 – escaped into Argentina, used name “Ricardo Klement”.
-Had “SS” tattoos removed/burned off.
-“Remarried” wife and lived with her and their three sons who he insisted they kept the last name “Eichmann”. He said he was the boys “Uncle”.
-Caught in 1960, tried in Israel. Denied all responsibilities.
-When asked what the world would think about the Final Solution he said, “When 100 people die it is a tragedy, when six million die it is just a statistic”.
-Executed on 31 MAY 1962 by hanging.
-“Long live Germany, long live Argentina, long live Austria, I shall never forget them” were his last words.
Reinhardt Heydrich
-Was in the German Navy but career was ruined when he impregnated a superior’s daughter.
-Joined the Nazi Party and the SS after he met Himmler in 1933
-1936 – Head of the Gestapo and SD.
-Given control of the Czech Republicto “Germanize the Czech vermin”.
-Believed in getting the Jews involved and as collaborators with the Final Solution.
-SEPT 1941 – Hitler ordered him “to begin physical extermination of the Jews”, “those were his words” – Heydrich.
-1941 – British MI6 plan to assassinate him.
-27 MAY 1942 - Killed by Czech agents.
-1,000’s of Czechs killed in retaliation and the town of Lidichi is destroyed in his “honor”.
Heinrich Himmler
- Son of a Catholic school master (principal). Failed chicken farmer.
- Joined Nazi Party in 1923 and involved in the Munich Putsch.
- Married in 1927 and became a poultry farmer, which he proved to be unsuccessful.
- He believed that Hitler was the messiah.
- He called Jews “human animals”
- 1929 – Hitler named him head of the SS.
- 1932 – Invented the Death’s Head units, all-black uniforms, skulls on their hats.
- Created the first concentration camp, Dachau in 1933. It was a factory site before that.
- Created “Lebensborn”, the SS plan to breed a super race.
- SS had 52,000 members by 1933; by 1936 the Gestapo was under Himmler.
- Created Waffen SS in 1940 – 150,000 men.
- June of 1944 Total men under Himmler- SS = 800,000 - Hitler’s bodyguard = 200,000
- Waffen= 594,000
- Death’s Head Units = 24,000
- 1944 - He was put in charge of all German Armies facing the U.S.
- Jan. 1945 – He was switched to command German Armies facing the Red Army.
- Planned on sterilizing three million Russian prisoners to use as laborers and prevent from reproducing.
- “If other nation’s can offer in the way of good blood of our type we will take, if necessary, by kidnapping their children and raise them here with us”.
- Decided that “squinters” were inferior and were sent to the death camps.
- Demanded that “war heroes” be allowed second marriages to “procreate the breeding”.
- READ: Speech on 4 OCT 1943…amazing.
- He became convinced that GER needed to negotiate peace with ENG and US.
- Ordered 100-200 prominent Jews to be hidden and used as a negotiating tool with DDE in the event of surrender.
- Had a plan to kidnap Czech/Russian children “to raise them here with us”.
- Hitler found out about his desire to negotiate with the Allies and ordered his arrest.
- Took the identity of a dead policeman to try and escape.
- Arrested 22 May 1945 by the British and committed suicide before he could be interrogated.
- Himmler’s wife testified that she knew of his actions and that her husband was probably “the most hated and despised man in Europe”. When asked if he was a war criminal she responded, “How could he be when Hitler was the Furher?” When asked if she was proud of him she said, “Of course, I was proud of him.”
- “The subhuman is a biological creature, crafted by nature which has hands, legs, eyes, and a mouth even the semblance of a brain. Nevertheless, this terrible creature is only a partial human being…..Not all of those who appear human are in fact so.
Franz Stangl
- Austrian, trained as a weaver, became a policeman in native Austria.
- Joined Nazi Party in 1931 after the German take over.
- 1940 – Named superintendent of the “Euthanasia Institute” that killed handicapped and mentally ill.
- 1942 – Commandant of Sobibor then of Treblinka in 1943.
- Had his deputy, Kurt Franz paint a face of a clock on the fake train station he created at Treblinka to make it look real. It was always 3:00 there…
- Stole 145 kg of gold, 4,000 carats of diamonds from the rings of Jews and deposited into SS bank accounts.
- Imprisoned in 1945 in Austria but was released in 1947 in an unorganized review of who he was and what he was responsible for.
- Changed his name to “Paul Franz Stengl” and lived in Syria for three years.
- Reached Brazil in 1951 and worked in the Volkswagon Plant there.
- Austria issues a warrant for his release in 1961 and he was tracked down in 1967.
- At trial he admitted responsibility for 900,000 deaths.
- “My conscious is clear; I was simply doing my duty and following orders”.
- Testified he thought that the reasons for the Holocaust was ordered was to take the Jews money, not hate or extermination.
- Died of a heart attack in prison on 28 June 1971
- The book “Flight from Nuremberg” about Stangl’s escape was written by “Werner Brockdorf”, pseudonym for Alfred Jarschel who was the Head of the Hitler Youth.
Hermann Goering
- German Luftwaffe commander and Reich Marshal in charge of the “Four Year Plan”.
- Decorated WWI fighter pilot.
- Worked at Fokker after WW I and then as a circus stunt pilot.
- Addicted, self promoter who spent Nazi money lavishly on his own homes and lifestyle.
- Hitler called him “the incompetent Reich Marshal” in March 1944.
- Stated in regards to Hitler, “God gave the Savior to the German people”.
- President Reagan put flowers on the graves of SS Nazis during a Presidential visit to Germany in 1985.
- 1934 – Goering claims in public that 300 German Americans were murdered in front of
Independence Hall in Philadelphia at the start of WW I.
Christian Wirth
- “The Savage Christian”, genocidist.
- Set up first experimental death camp.
- He invented mobile extermination facilities in disguised “Red Cross” “ambulances” that were designed to pump the exhaust fumes into the rear compartment while delivering Jews to the camps. Nicknamed “Black Ravens” but they were ineffective due to too much clean-up.