Table of Contents

Table of Contents 2

Welcome Letter 3

Job Description 4

Position Requirements 5

Personnel/Disciplinary Board Procedures 6

MEMORANDUM FOR: Upcoming Deputy Group Commander

FROM: C/Lt. Col Scott Muegge

Subject: Welcome Letter

Congratulations! You have obtained the position of deputy group commander. This position requires a great deal of confidence and outstanding dedication. You have proven yourself worthy of this title by demonstrating much of both.

Your instructors, as well as your graduating Senior Staff have deemed you the most qualified cadet able to fulfill the position of deputy group commander and to keep the group as productive as possible. They have chosen you for this job by taking in account your experience and sense of pride in the AFJROTC program. As second in command, you must realize that you are held to higher standards than those around you. It must be a top priority in your mind to set a fine example for your school, your group, and your predecessors. This is not an easy task, but it will help you and the cadets following you prepare better leaders for the future.

Congratulations again on your appointment as deputy group commander. I am sure you will serve the group with its best interest in mind.


Deputy Group Commander 2007-2008

Deputy Group Commander

Position Description

The deputy group commander is responsible for the following:

·  Assuming command of the group in the absence of the group commander. Do not make important decisions without discussing it with the group commander and inform him/her on group status during his/her absence.

·  Keeping the group commander informed on group. Check the calendar frequently and talk to those cadets in leadership positions underneath you such as the Squadron CCs, 1st Sgts, and extracurricular club/team commanders. Communication is crucial to running the group smoothly.

·  Upholding dress and grooming standards and setting a proper example for others inside and outside of school.

·  Performing the tasks appointed to you. You will have suspenses and assignments to complete set on you by the group commander or TX-20023 instructors. You must complete these tasks on time and with precision. Delegation is vital to completing tasks.

·  Delegating through the chain of command. Assign tasks to appropriate cadets.

·  Serving as the board chairman/president for disciplinary boards and participating in general promotion boards. (See page 6)

·  Be available outside of flight. This will help create a comfortable and productive working environment for yourself and those cadets around you.

·  Work with and provide guidance to all subordinates in any problems they may have

Requirements for Position

·  Passing all classes.

·  Be available before and after school during the week.

·  Be easily contactable at all times.

·  Attend majority of service and activity events.

·  Acquire the service ribbon.

·  Achieve the good conduct ribbon.

·  Have been a point of contact for at least one event.

Cadet Personnel Boards and Disciplinary Boards

  1. Cadet personnel/disciplinary boards are formed to make recommendations concerning cadet promotions, disciplinary actions, new staff and other personnel actions identified by the instructors or group/CC.

Board members will consist of those listed below. Additionally, for disciplinary boards, the effected flight commander and flight sergeant are members.

President: Deputy group commander

Recorder: Administration chief or their representative

Members: Squadron commanders, 1st sergeants, SEA, flight commander, as necessary

Other Members: SASI or ASI

  1. Disciplinary Boards are held when a cadet violates rules or laws of a serious nature or after excessive warning of behavioral problems.
  2. The board is convened by publication of a special order establishing the time and place of the meeting and will announce board membership, purpose, and cadet to appear before the board.
  3. Cadets appearing before the board will report before the president in uniform at the time and place announced in the special order. Failure to report could result in the cadets’ dismissal.
  4. One instructor will sit with the board and will act as an advisor on procedural matters. They will not enter in deliberation of the board.
  5. Findings and recommendations are submitted in writing to the group Commander and SASI.
  6. Resulting actions are put into a letter and given to the cadet. He/She will have five school days to reply.
  7. If no reply is received, the actions stand and are put into his/her personnel folder.
  8. If a rebuttal is received, the group/CC and SASI will either amend the action or let it stand and enter the result in the personnel folder.
  1. Final approval for dismissal from the group rests with the SASI.