Leadership: Sorting Activity
February 2011 MTL Meeting
These questions are to be used in conjunction with the leadership ppt. and are part of a professional growth activity.
Question / Scenario Two: CABS / Stance / Teacher’s CBAM Stage / Effective Coaching SkillsA / As you reflect on the CABS that you have created for your own class, let’s think about what might be some advantages to using common assessments.
B / As you reflect on your use of CABS in your classroom, what are some ways you use this information to guide your instruction?
C / As you think about using CABS effectively with your students, what might be some benefits of using common CABS?
D / How might you use CABS to identify gaps in background knowledge?
E / You obviously are concerned about some students being behind, and you are using CABS to drive instruction so what might be the benefits of your CABS for students that are not behind?
Question / Scenario Two: CABS / Stance / Teacher’s CBAM Stage / Effective Coaching Skills
F / As you plan for instruction, how might using CABS guide your planning for increasing student achievement?
G / As you think about planning for assessments where are some places you could embed the use of your grade levels common CABS?
H / As you think about your students’ academic progress, what are some ways that you’ve seen/heard others use common CABS?
I / So you are noticing that students aren’t understanding the concepts, and you are concerned about their success on CABS. How are you using the results from the CABS to drive instruction?
J / So you are concerned about your students’ success. As you reflect on your current practices, how might using common CABS help you differentiate your instruction for your students?
The Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership (MMP), an initiative of the Milwaukee Partnership Academy (MPA), is supported with funding from the National Science Foundation