Carebridge Holdings and All Related Entities

Employee Handbook for Corporate Services & Office Based Staff

January 2016

Document Modifications

Version / Date / Description of Change / By
1.0 / 2014 / Initial Version, not released / Francis Hsiang
2.0 / 2015.10.03 / Revised Version, for release / Paula Li
3.0 / 2015.10.05 / Revisions, Policies, Programs / David Mitchell
3.1 / 2015.12.20 / Revisions for Office and Clinic-Based Staff / David Mitchell



1.1Scope and Purpose of the Employee Handbook

2行为和道德规范Code of Conduct and Ethics

2.1行为规范Standards of conduct

2.1.1遵守法律法规和规章制度Compliance with laws, rules and regulations

2.1.2报告和合规程序Reporting and compliance procedures

2.1.3利益冲突Conflicts of interest


2.1.5诚实道德行为和公平交易Honest and ethical conduct and fair dealing

2.1.6保护和正确使用公司资产Protection and proper use of corporate assets

2.1.7礼品及酬金Gifts and gratuities

2.1.8账簿、记录和公开报告准确性Accuracy of books, records and public reports

2.1.9商业行为和道德规范的豁免Waivers of this Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

2.1.10传播与修订Dissemination and amendment

3运营条例Operational Policies

3.1修正改过措施Corrective action

3.2财务及公务支出政策Travel & Business Expense Policy

3.3弹性工作时间政策Flexible Work Hours Policy.

3.4酒精与药物滥用政策Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy

3.5礼品,非薪金现金和其他福利发放和补贴发放政策Gifts, Non-Payroll Cash & Other Benefits Payments, and Tipping Policy

3.6人事档案政策Personnel Records Policy

3.7信息披露与诚信政策Disclosure and Honesty Policy



3.8事故记录政策Accident Reporting Policy

3.9工作场所安全守则Workplace Safety Policy

3.10工作场所反骚扰和歧视政策Workplace Anti-Harassment and Discrimination Policy

3.11External Communications Policy

3.12邮件、语音邮件和互联网政策E-mail, Voicemail, and Internet Policy

3.12.1市场营销和管理事务咨询小组Marketing & Government Affairs Advisory Group.

3.13社交媒体政策(微信、领英、新浪微博等)Social Media Policy (WeChat, LinkedIn, Sina Weibo, etc).

3.13.1微信使用准则Guidelines for the effective use of WeChat

3.13.2使用其他社交媒体外部沟通Using other social media platforms for external communications

3.13.3社交媒体使用的其他注意事项Other social media notes



4.2出勤、工作时间和加班时间Attendance, Working Hours & Overtime

4.2.1工作时间Working hours

4.2.2加班时间Overtime (for office employees only)

4.2.3出勤Attendance (for office employees only)

4.2.4工作牌和计时Identification badges and timekeeping

4.3试用期Probation Period



5.2Financial Protection

5.2.1Retirement Savings

5.2.2Accidental Death & Disability (AD&D) Insurance

5.2.3Travel insurance

5.3Health and Wellness Benefits

5.4Training & Development (including CEU & CME)


5.5.1年假Annual Leave

5.5.2法定假日Statutory Holidays

5.5.3病假Sick leave

5.5.4婚假Marriage leave

5.5.5产假Maternity leave

5.5.6丧假Bereavement leave

5.5.7Additional Guidelines

5.5.8Vacation Carry Over

5.5.9Vacation Payout at Termination

5.6Performance-Based Incentives

5.7Employee Referral Incentive



1.1Scope and Purpose of the Employee Handbook

The contents of this handbook include guidelines and information to help you have a successful and rewarding experience as ateam member of Carebridge Holdings.(CBH) or one of its related entities. It is important to carefully review the following information to fully understand the behaviors we value and the culture which we must sustain.

Team members are expected, as a condition of employment, to comply with these policies and procedures, as well as respect the laws in the locations in which we operate.

CBH management will implement measures to detect, and take prompt action to correct, any deviations from these policies and procedures.

CBH may at its own discretion, change or modify any of its guidelines, policies, practices, working conditions or benefits with or without notice. No team member, including managers, is authorized to amend these policies without the written permission of the Project Management Office (PMO) or the Chief Executive Officer (CEO).




2行为和道德规范Code of Conduct and Ethics

2.1行为规范Standards of conduct

本商业行为和道德规范(以下简称“规范” )为CBH团队成员确立了法律和道德行为标准。本规范旨在规避不规范行为并促使所有CBH成员的行为遵守高标准的职业道德操守,同时符合相关法律法规。如果您对本规范或公司对本规范的执行有任何疑问,请联系您的主管、部门负责人或首席人力资源官。

This Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (the “Code”) sets forth legal and ethical standards of conduct for team members of CBH. This Code is intended to deter wrongdoing and to promote the conduct of all CBHoperations in accordance with high standards of integrity and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. If you have any questions regarding this Code or its application to you in any situation, you should contact your supervisor, department head, or the Chief Human Capital Officer.

2.1.1遵守法律法规和规章制度Compliance with laws, rules and regulations


CBH requires that all team members comply with all laws, rules and regulations applicable to CBH wherever it operates. You are expected to use good judgment and common sense in seeking to comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations and to ask for advice when you are uncertain about them. Team members must also act within the boundaries of acceptable business ethics. Team members also have an obligation to prevent, detect and report fraud, misappropriation of corporate assets and other financial misconduct.

2.1.2报告和合规程序Reporting and compliance procedures





Every team member has the responsibility to ask questions, seek guidance, and report suspected violations and express concerns regarding compliance with this Code. Any team member who knows or believes that any other team member or representative of CBH has engaged in conduct that violates applicable law or this Code should report such information to his or her supervisor or to the Chief Human Capital Officer. You may report such conduct openly or anonymously without fear of retaliation. CBH will not discipline or retaliate against any team member who cooperates in any investigation or inquiry regarding alleged misconduct or who reports such misconduct, unless it is determined that the report was made with knowledge that it was false. Team members who engage in retaliatory conduct are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including immediate termination of employment for cause. Any supervisor who receives a report of a violation of this Code must immediately inform the Chief Human Capital Officer. If the violation is in regards to conduct by the Chief Human Capital Officer, the supervisor who receives the report must immediately inform the Chief Executive Officer.

If the Chief Human Capital Officer receives information regarding an alleged violation of this Code, he will (a) evaluate the information, (b) determine whether it is necessary to conduct an investigation and, if so, initiate the investigation and (c) report the results the investigation, together with any recommended actions, to the Chief Executive Officer. To the extent practical and appropriate under the circumstances, the identities of individuals who report suspected violations and who participate in investigations will be kept confidential. All Team members are required to cooperate, to respond accurately, completely, and promptly to requests for information, and to preserve records that may be related to a compliance investigation.

Failure to comply with the standards outlined in this Code will result in disciplinary action including, but not limited to, reprimands, warnings, and demotions with reductions in salary, termination and restitution. Certain violations of this Code may require CBH to refer the matter to the appropriate governmental or regulatory authorities for investigation or prosecution. Moreover, any supervisor who directs or approves of any conduct in violation of this Code, or who has knowledge of such conduct and does not immediately report it, also will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

2.1.3利益冲突Conflicts of interest











Team members must act in the best interests of CBH. You must refrain from engaging in any activity or having a personal interest that presents a “conflict of interest.” A conflict of interest occurs when your personal interest interferes, or appears to interfere, with the interests of CBH.

Team members must not:

  • Perform services as a consultant, employee, officer, director, advisor or in any other capacity for a significant supplier or competitor of CBH, other than at the request of CBH; any close relative is also not allowed to perform services as an officer or director of a significant supplier or competitor of CBH
  • Have (for yourself or any close relative or person operating on your behalf) a financial interest in a significant supplier or significant customer of CBH, other than an investment representing less than one percent (1%) of the outstanding shares of a publicly-held company or less than five percent (5%) of the outstanding shares of a privately-held company
  • Have (for yourself, any close relative, or any personal operating on your behalf) a financial interest in a competitor of CBH, other than an investment representing less than one percent (1%) of the outstanding shares of a publicly-held company;
  • Supervise, review or influence the job evaluation or compensation of a member of his or her immediate family; or
  • Engage in any other activity or have any other interest that the Board of Directors of CBH determines to constitute a conflict of interest.

If you intend to perform work for any outside work, you should notify and obtain approval from your immediate manager. In any event, outside work cannot be performed on CBH time. You cannot use CBH’s equipment, materials, resources or “inside” information for outside work. You should not solicit business or clients or perform outside work on CBH’s premises.

CBH does not object to team members spending reasonable time on civic responsibilities or professional associations. However, when participation in such activities involves time during the business day or the use of CBH facilities or resources, you should first obtain permission from your immediate supervisor.

In situations that may involve a conflict of interest or improper influence, you must excuseyourself from making any decisions about the matter at hand and fully disclose the relevant facts and circumstances to your leader, or the Compliance Office, or a member of CEC.

2.1.4保密Confidentiality商业信息保密Confidential business information


Team members must maintain the confidentiality of business information entrusted to them by CBH or other companies, including our suppliers and customers, except when disclosure is authorized by a supervisor or legally mandated. Unauthorized disclosure of any confidential information is prohibited. Additionally, team members should take appropriate precautions to ensure that confidential or sensitive business information, whether it is proprietary to CBH or another company, is not communicated within CBH except to team members who have a need to know such information to perform their responsibilities for CBH.病人信息保密Confidential patient information








Confidentiality also strictly applies to all protected health information about our patients and customers. This includes all individually identifiable health information held or transmitted by a covered entity or its business associate, in any form or media, whether electronic, paper, or oral. Individually identifiable health information is information, including demographic data, which relates to:

  • the individual’s past, present or future physical or mental health or condition,
  • the provision of health care to the individual, or
  • the past, present, or future payment for the provision of health care to the individual,
  • that identifies the individual or for which there is a reasonable basis to believe it can be used to identify the individual.

Individually identifiable health information includes many common identifiers (e.g., name, address, birth date, national ID number, or passport number).

De-identified health information. There are no restrictions on the use or disclosure of de-identified health information. De-identified health information neither identifies nor provides a reasonable basis to identify an individual. There are two ways to de-identify information; either: (1) a formal determination by a qualified statistician; or (2) the removal of specified identifiers of the individual and of the individual’s relatives, household members, and employers is required, and is adequate only if the covered entity has no actual knowledge that the remaining information could be used to identify the individual.向第三方披露 Disclosure to third parties.



Third parties may ask you for information concerning CBH. Team members (other than CBH’s authorized spokespersons) must not discuss internal Company matters with, or disseminate internal Company information to, anyone outside CBH, except as required in the performance of their Company duties and after an appropriate confidentiality agreement is in place. This prohibition applies particularly to inquiries concerning CBH from the media. All responses to inquiries on behalf of CBH must be made only by CBH’s authorized spokespersons. If you meet with competitors of CBH, you must not discuss any information related to CBH that have not been disclosed to the public. Any questions regarding these prohibitions should be directed to the Chief Human Capital Officer or the Chief Executive Officer.

If the third party is a health insurance provider or other service provider that provides patient care & services (e.g. laboratory outsourcing), confidential patient data will only be disclosed under the auspices of a strict confidentiality agreement and based on the medical necessity of providing this information for the purposes of treatment or claims processing. All third party benefits and services providers will have strict policies in place to protect the confidentiality of patient information and the agreements between CBH and these companies will include provisions for controls and remedies should the provider disclose confidential patient information without authorization.

2.1.5诚实道德行为和公平交易Honest and ethical conduct and fair dealing


Team members must work honestly, ethically and fairly with CBH’s suppliers, customers, competitors and colleagues. Statements regarding CBH’s products and services must not be untrue, misleading, deceptive or fraudulent. You must not take unfair advantage of anyone through manipulation, concealment, abuse of privileged information, misrepresentation of material facts or any other unfair-dealing practices.与供应商的关系Relations with suppliers


A supplier is any business or individual which furnishes goods or services of CBH. It is the policy of CBH to select suppliers in a totally impartial manner based upon price, quality and services offered. Each team member is expected to avoid any action which would imply selection of a supplier on any basis other than in the best interest of CBH or that would give one supplier an unfair advantage over another. Team members who deal with suppliers have an obligation to avoid even the appearance of beneficial relationship with suppliers. Your actions must conform to the highest standards of ethical conduct.与客户和患者的关系Relations with customers & patients


It isCBH’s policy to provide the best possible products and services to our patients and customers. We must provide care on the merits or our own products and services, not by disparaging competitors or their products and services. Our competitive appeal must be based on this concept of quality, safety and service and the competence and honesty of our care providers and other professionals. No payments or other inducements should be made to any person, public official or political party, either domestic or foreign for the purpose if influencing that person or party to assist CBH in obtaining or retaining business..与公众和所在社区的关系Relations with the public and host communities


We have a responsibility to the local communities which we serve. Those responsibilities involve knowing the relevant laws and regulations and being sensitive to local culture norms. Team members shall not enter into any arrangements or agreements with competitors affecting pricing, market conditions, marketing policies, patients, or our healthcare services.尊重他人Respect for others


During the typical workday, we come in contact with fellow colleagues, job applicants, suppliers, customers, patients, and others. The men and women we meet may have educational backgrounds, racial characteristics, religious beliefs, political affiliations and other points of view that are different from our own. Staff should be sensitive to cultural differences when interacting with their colleagues, patients, clients and suppliers. We have worked very hard at creating an environment where such differences are welcomed and are part of our organization’s culture. CBH will not tolerate any situation within a company setting or while representing CBH outside of CBH, where ateam member treats others in a discriminatory or hostile manner based upon race, religious belief, gender, sexual preference, age, physical appearance or any other basis protected by applicable law. Incidents of such discrimination, sexual or other forms of harassment must be reported to your manager or the Chief Human Capital Officer as soon as discovered. These actions may be illegal and are certainly unethical. Such matters will be aggressively investigated by the Human Capital Department and senior management and will be dealt with accordingly. CBH will provide equal opportunity to staff based on their skills, abilities and our operational needs, without regard to the race, provincial origin, gender, age, sexual orientation, and marital status of the individual, unless prohibited by law or relevant regulations (e.g. visa regulations for those over China retirement age).骚扰Harassment


Harassment takes many forms, but is considered to be any behavior that is, or be perceived as, offensive, obscene, insulting, threatening or unwelcome to a person.

Team members must not harass others, submit to harassment by others, or remain silent while others are harassed by anyone (including supervisors, customers, or suppliers) while conducting CBH business. Submitting to harassment (including, for example, a request for sexual favors) is never a term or condition of employment, nor career advancement for any team member.工作场所暴力Workplace violence


Staff that commit or threaten to commit acts of violence at CBH facilities or while conducting CBH business are subject to disciplinary action, including termination of employment. Except for law enforcement officials and CBH security personnel who have appropriate permit, no one, staff, patient, customer, supplier or guest, is allowed to carry a weapon, concealed or otherwise, into any CBH facility or premises.

2.1.6保护和正确使用公司资产Protection and proper use of corporate assets


Team members should seek to protect CBH’s assets. Theft, carelessness and waste have a direct impact on CBH’s financial performance. Team members must use CBH’s assets and services solely for legitimate business purposes of CBH and not for any personal benefit or the personal benefit of anyone else.

Team members must advance CBH’s legitimate interests when the opportunity to do so arises. You must not take for yourself personal opportunities that are discovered through your position with CBH or the use of property or information of CBH.

2.1.7礼品及酬金Gifts and gratuities


The use of Company funds or assets for gifts, gratuities or other favors to team members or government officials is prohibited, except to the extent such gifts are in compliance with applicable law, nominal in amount and not given in consideration or expectation of any action by the recipient.

Team members must not accept, or permit any member of his or her immediate family to accept, any gifts, gratuities, non-payroll cash payments, or other favors from any patient, customer, supplier or other person doing or seeking to do business with CBH. Any gifts or paymentsmust be returned immediately and reported to your supervisor.

Common sense and moderation should prevail in business entertainment engaged in on behalf of CBH. Team members should provide, or accept, business entertainment to or from anyone doing business with CBH only if the entertainment is infrequent, modest and intended to serve legitimate business goals.