Margarita Angelova Deneva, CV

Margarita Angelova Deneva

Curriculum Vitae

Personal : Date of Birth: May 6 1966, Place of Birth: Rudozem,

Bulgaria, Citizenship: Bulgaria , Sex: Female.

Address :

Office : Residence :

Technical University-Sofia, 43 “Tzar Ivan Assen II” Street

Plovdiv Branch 4230, Assenovgrad, Bulgaria

Dept.of Optoelectronics and Lasers Tel. +359 899509967

61, blvd.St.Petersbourg

Plovdiv, 4000, Bulgaria

Fax.+359 32 659740

e-mail :

Short Presentation :

I have about 10 years of professional scientific experience in the field of laser engineering and computer analysis of laser processes. During this period I completed a PhD degree with PhD Thesis, dedicated to the development of special tunable lasers (novel designs, computer simulations and experiment) with improved characteristics for excitation of sensing signals. The principal scope of my scientific and applied work is the solid-state lasers, including the diode pumped lasers, tunable lasers (Yb:YAG with diode pumping, Dye, Ti:Al2O3), elements and devices for laser spectral and temporal control. I am author and co-author of 54 scientific publications in scientific journals and in Proceedings of the conferences, including in refereed international journals (USA, West Europe - Opt.Commun., Rev.Sci.Instrum., Appl.Phys.Lett., Applied Optics, Proc. SPIE and articles in Proc.of Intern.Confer.). All papers are related with Quantum Electronics and especially with tunable lasers. I have worked as an invited visiting scientist 5 times (about 1 year in sum) in the University-CNAM, Paris and in the University of Paris-Nord, France on the problems of tunable lasers –Ti:Sapphire, diode-pumped Yb:YAG, also in computing aspects. My basic education is Electronics MSc., PhD. I have completed the second MSc. on Computer Sciences and engineering. Actually, I am Associated professor at the National Technical University - Sofia, branch Plovdiv in two specializations: principal half of my teaching activity is related with Laser Engineering and Communications for 3-th and 4-th year students at the NTU, and other half - with computer engineering for 2-nd and 3-rd year students.

Education :

-  Ph.D.(Doctor), State High Sci. Commission of Radioelrctronics and communications, 1997, Ph.D. Thesis on: “New designs of lasers with improved characteristics for excitation of signals” (prepared in Technical University-Sofia, Plovdiv Branch and IE - Bulg.Acad.Sciences)

-  MSc. (Diplom.engin. electronics-optoelectronics) Technical University-Sofia, Plovdiv Branch, 1989, Optoelectronics and Lasers, Thesis on: “Investigation of spectral characteristics of optical receivers”

- MSc.(Diplom.engin. on Computer sciences and engineering) Technical University- Sofia, 2005, Thesis on: “Automated computer system for evaluation of the hazards of the laser equipments and their standardization

Employment :

- Associated Professor in Department of Optoelectronics and Lasers, Technical University-Sofia, Plovdiv Branch, 2004 and present

- Senior Assistant in Department of Optoelectronics and Lasers, Technical University-Sofia, Plovdiv Branch, 1997 -2004

- Invited scientist at CNAM/ BNM-INM (maitre de conference) - 4 months sum

- Invited scientist at BNM-INM / CNAM, Paris, France 2000 - 4 months

- Visiting scientist at Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers au CNRS, Universite Paris- Nord, Villetaneuse, France 1994 - 1998 - amount 3 months

- Diplom. Engineer at Technical University - Sofia, Plovdiv Branch, 1994 - 1997

- Post Graduated Student at Technical University - Sofia, Plovdiv Branch, 1990-1994.

Teaching :

-  Lecturer (Associated Professor) at Technical University - Sofia, Plovdiv Branch, Plovdiv 1995 and present (Department of Optoelectronics and Laser Engineering), Practical exercises and computer modeling of lasers and laser processes, and fiber optics & optical communications.

Research Interest:

-  Laser Physics and Engineering

-  Computer simulation of Laser Processes

-  Development of Methods and Devices for Laser Spectrum Narrowing and Tuning

-  Tunable Lasers - with Solid-State Active Medium (Ti3+: Al2O3, Yb:YAG, Yb:GGG), diode lasers and Dye

-  Fiber optics and communications, Laser amplifiers for optical communications

-  Laser frequency standards

-  Computer programming and modeling

The Scientific Activity:

-  About 56 Publications in Periodical Scientific Journals and Proc.of Scientific Conferences (USA, Europe, Bulgaria) - (Appendix )

Engineering activity:

-  Head of 1 project at national level (for 2005-2007): Development of original approaches as a methodologic base for creation of a new quantum-electronics elements and devices for application in systems for ecological monitoring, optoelectronics, optical communications and design of experimental samples.

-  Head of 1 project at university level (for 2005): Development of original simple methodology for creation of quantum generator emitting laser light with frequency fixed at atomic absorption line

-  Participation into 9 international and national scientific projects

Language Skills :

-  Russian - fluent, English and French - quite good : technical language - fluent,

everyday talk – confidently, have a working knowledge German

Marital Status - 1 child (daughter)

Signature : Margarita Deneva