Cheerleader Tryout Information Packet

2016 - 2017

Dear Bengals,

Thank you for your interest in the Braswell High School Cheerleading Program. It is important that you are aware of what is expected from each candidate during the week of tryouts, as well as what will be expected should your candidate be selected a squad member. There is a great commitment on the part of each student and parent that is selected as a Braswell Cheerleader. We hope you will find your experience rewarding.

The tryout dates for the BHS cheerleading squad will be as follows:

·  Monday, February 29th – Tuesday March 1st (6:00- approx. 8:00 daily) – tryout clinic

·  Wednesday, March 2nd (6:00 – 7:00) – Open Gym (optional)

·  Thursday, March 3th (6pm – approx. 8:30) – mock tryouts

o  More information will be given as to time prior to Thursday

·  Friday, March 4th – tryouts (applicants will be given time, starting at 5:45 pm for warm ups. Applicants are expected to be in the NAVO gym by 6:00, tryouts will begin promptly at 6:15)

Every candidate, unless academically ineligible or suspended, will attend all daily practices. Tryout clinic is mandatory unless you were absent from school or academically ineligible. During practices, the candidates will learn the tryout routines and procedures. On the day of tryouts, each candidate must stay for the full tryout period for the squad candidate is trying out for in order to allow for judging callbacks. Tryouts are closed to the public. Only the sponsors, administrators/staff, judges, and senior volunteers will be allowed in the gym. Cheerleaders for the 2016-2017 school year will be posted on the Braswell High School cheer website following tryouts after final calculation & tabulation is complete by judges and administration.

There will be a mandatory candidate & parent meeting on Thursday, February 11th at 6:00 pm in the NAVO Middle School Cafeteria. Parents of all candidates who wish to tryout must attend. This meeting will provide you additional information about the program as well as the tryout process.

The application attached must be completed by you and your candidate and turned in at the mandatory meeting on Thursday, February 11th at 6:00pm. A completed physical (incoming freshmen and juniors must have a physical dated January 1, 2016 or later must be attached. This items will not be returned. Late application packets will not be accepted. The office referral form should be filled out by your candidate and turned in along with the application packet.

This year, physicals dated January 1, 2016 or later, will be required of all incoming freshmen and junior applicants. Incoming sophomores can attach a copy of their physical on file at their current high school. Physical packets will be due with the tryout packet. Your candidate will need to have a physical packet (available through Denton ISD Webpage) completed and submitted by February 11th. ALL applicants MUST turn in a physical packet to tryout.

Cheerleading is a full year commitment and requires many hours outside of regular school. This commitment requires enthusiasm and dedication, not only from the cheerleaders, but from the parents as well. The team can be at its best only if we have your support. We hope each of you will be willing to give your support to your candidate and the squad as they prepare for a successful 2016-2017 school year!

If you have any questions, please contact Caroline Cockerell at (940) 369-2138 or .


February 11th Mandatory Tryout Meeting 6:00 PM in the NAVO cafeteria.

February 11th Tryout application, Physical, Office Referral Form submitted.

Feb. 29th - March 1st Tryout Clinic (routines, cheers & chants taught) 6:00-8:00 PM

March 2nd Optional Open Gym 6:00-7:00 PM

March 3rd Mock tryouts 6:00-??

March 4th Tryouts begin promptly at 6:15 PM (warm ups at 5:45)


March 22nd Required parent meeting for ALL parents of the 2016-2017 squad members (6pm)

*$150 non-refundable camp deposit due at this meeting*

March 28th Required uniform fitting for 2016 – 2017 squad members (NAVO Middle School) 5:30 pm

July 28-31st Summer Cheer Camp at Great Wolf Lodge (MANDATORY for all 2016-2017 squad members)

Summer Practices TBA (MANDATORY for all 2016-2017 squad members)


1.  Anyone who meets the set qualifications will not be discriminated against because of race, creed, education, or handicap.

2.  Prospective candidates shall be entering grades nine (9) through twelve (12).

3.  The varsity squad will consist of sophomores, juniors and seniors. The junior varsity squad will consist of freshmen, sophomores and juniors. The freshmen squad will consist of freshmen only.

4.  Application must be turned in at the Mandatory Tryout Meeting on Thursday, February 11th at 6pm in order to attend workshops and tryout. No late forms will be accepted! Do not show up at the clinic with your tryout packet, you will be turned away!

5.  Physical packets must be completed and turned in with the tryout packet, incoming freshmen and juniors must have a physical packet completed with the date of January 1, 2016 or later.

6.  To be eligible for tryouts, candidates must be considered academically eligible per the UIL guidelines. If academically ineligible, candidates will not be able to attend clinic. However, they may participate in tryouts. Videos will be placed on the internet and cheerleading webpage that contain the tryout material. The first day of clinic, academically ineligible candidates may come pick up a handout that has the website of where to find these videos. After this, ineligible candidates will not be allowed inside the gyms during clinics.

7.  Candidates must reside with their parent/guardian(s) within the Denton Independent School District or show proof of future DISD residency and must reside within the BHS attendance zone, unless they are cleared with DISD and an approved transfer request is on file with the BHS principal.

8.  All candidates must attend school half of a day on the workshop and tryout dates in order to be eligible to participate.

9.  Candidates will be expected to perform required routines. A panel of three (3) qualified judges outside of DISD will judge the performance of the candidates during a closed tryout session.


1.  Each candidate will learn a cheer, one chant, required jumps, and a dance routine (dance may be replaced with stunting for the male applicants).

2.  All candidates will wear proper work out attire. Shorts must be of an appropriate length and tops must be in dress code. Candidates must wear tennis shoes approved for a gym floor. No jewelry can be worn during the workshop and hair must be up and out of the eyes at all times.

3.  Gum, canned beverages, and food are not allowed in the gym. Candidates can bring a closed container of water.

4.  Any candidate academically ineligible is required to learn the routine on his/her own time. In the event that the candidate is selected as a cheerleader, they will be placed on a probationary status. If the candidate does not regain their eligibility during the next grading period, they will forfeit their membership.

5.  Captains will not be available outside of the 6:00-8:30 PM workshop hours to assist ANY applicant!


1.  Tryouts are closed to spectators. Those eligible for attendance include the sponsors, judges, BHS administrators, BHS appointed staff, and senior volunteers.

2.  Each candidate must wear a plain white t-shirt, plain black shorts (no short/tight shorts/spandex), tennis shoes or cheer shoes, plain white socks, hair in pony tail. No jewelry will be allowed. On tryout day, each candidate will wear a bow that represents highest squad she will be trying out for.

·  Red Bow : Varsity Squad

·  Black Bow: JV Squad

·  White Bow: Freshmen Squad

3.  Each candidate will be issued a number during the workshop and this will be their order number for tryouts.

4.  Candidates will be scored by judges on the following basis:

·  Cheer technique and motions

·  Spirit (showmanship) – projection, smile, enthusiasm, poise, and confidence.

·  Jumps (technique and form)

·  Tumbling (technique, form, and difficulty)

·  Dance technique (in groups of three) – precision, rhythm, and memorization

o  For males trying out, this category may be replaced by stunting. He will choose a female that is also trying out. He will have three (3) opportunities to show the judges any partner stunts that he is capable of. Graduating cheerleaders, other male applicants, and sponsors will be available to act as spotters.

5.  Selection of the members will be based on judges’ scores.

6.  The judges’ decision is final!

7.  Announcement of the new cheerleaders will be made following the conclusion of the tryouts, any callbacks, and final tally of all scores. The results will be posted on the Braswell High School cheerleading website.

8.  All appeals about the selection process will be in writing and must address the specific written aspect of the selection process to an administrator. Initial appeals must originate at the campus level and must follow DISD policies and procedures for student/parent grievances.


1.  Spring – Tryouts, captain tryouts, preparation for camp, fundraising, baseball, softball.

2.  Summer – Fundraising, summer practices, camp, sign painting.

3.  Fall – Practices, pep rallies, football/volleyball games, homecoming, fundraisers.

4.  Winter – Practices, pep rallies, football playoffs, basketball, soccer.


Below you will find an itemized list of some of the expenses that you will encounter this year. Hopefully, this will give you an idea of what to expect financially. The largest sum of money will be paid in the beginning. However, some items may be purchased over a period of time. Great care is taken by the coaches to keep the cost as low as possible. These prices are an estimate.

·  Required uniform items purchase by the cheerleader:

·  Socks/Shoes – $75.00

·  Bows - $20.00 - $40.00

·  Bloomers - $15.00 each (2 pairs required)

·  Warm ups -$150.00

·  Camp Clothing - $200.00

·  Cheer Bag - $35.00

·  Megaphone - $60.00 (varsity only)

·  Fleece - $55.00

·  T-Shirts - $30.00

·  Rain Coat - $25.00

·  Events

·  Camp - $400.00

·  Big/Little Sis Functions/Gifts

·  Christmas Party

·  Team Dinner/Socials

·  Football Dinners/Snacks - $75.00

·  Miscellaneous

·  Pep Rally Items - $40.00

·  Pictures – TBD, based on selection

·  Fundraising

·  Spirit Wear

·  Etc. fundraising efforts

*A $150.00 non-refundable camp deposit will be due at the first parent meeting

Tuesday, March 22nd 2016*

Unfortunately, no scholarships will be given for cheerleading. If you need to make arrangements to pay out the cost of camp in increments, please contact the sponsors before the due date. The balance for camp and camp clothes must be paid prior to attending camp. No items will be given out until they are paid in full! The school provides the official field uniforms. These uniforms are issued to the cheerleaders and returned at the end of the school year.

Please remember that prices may vary slightly.


  • Read entire tryout packet
  • Complete Packet:

Fill out Application: (signed by candidates AND parent/guardian)

o  Get Physical (incoming freshman and junior candidates must have physical dated January 1, 2016 or later)

§  If the candidate tried out for the 2015-16 squad, and is not an incoming Junior candidate, they may come and see Coach Hamilton to receive their physical packet from the previous year.

  • Attend required tryout meeting on February 11th , 2016 at 6pm

o  Turn in completed Tryout Packet at required tryout meeting


Name: ______T-Shirt (regular) size:______

Address: ______Cell #: ______

E-Mail Address: ______DISD Student ID #: ______


Name: ______E-Mail Address: ______

Cell Phone: ______Best Form of Contact: ______


Name: ______E-Mail Address: ______

Cell Phone: ______Best Form of Contact: ______

Emergency Contact Information (include name & number): ______

Position trying out for (Please Circle all the apply):

Varsity Junior Varsity Freshman

List other clubs or activities you plan on being a part of next year? ______

My daughter/son, ______, has my permission to tryout for the Braswell High School Cheerleaders for the 2016-2017 school year. My daughter/son and I understand the financial obligations that must be met as set forth in the Constitution if selected as a cheerleader. We also understand that the school and/or coaches assume no responsibility for accident or injury that might occur during any cheerleading activity, including tryouts.

We have read the tryout information concerning the cheerleading organization and the tryout procedures. We are satisfied that it is a privilege and not a right to be chosen as a BHS cheerleader for the 2016-2017 school year. We also understand that not everyone can be chosen.

Signature of Candidate

______Date: ______

Signature of Parent

______Date: ______

*Please attach a copy of the completed physical


Attendance Score*

(4 unexcused Tardies = 1 unexcused Absences)

0-2 unexcused absences / 3 points
3-5 unexcused absences / 2 points
6-9 unexcused absences / 1 point
10 or more unexcused absences / 0 points

*Fall 2015-Friday, February 19, 2016.

Discipline Score**

(5-non suspension incidents =1 day of In School Suspension)

0-4 non suspension incidents / 3 points
1-3 days In School Suspension (ISS) / 2 points
1-3 days Out of School Suspension (OSS) / 1 point
4+ days ISS or OSS / 0 points

** Fall 2015-Friday, February 19, 2016.

Academic Score***

0 failures / 3 points
1 failure / 2 points
2 failures / 1 point
3+ failures / 0 points

***Fall 2015 Report Card Grades.

Students with equal to or greater than 6 accumulated points will be deemed eligible for the 2016-2017 cheerleading tryout. Students with 5 or fewer total points will not be admitted.